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valor points
I am not getting the valor points that you should get for fighting in the great battles. I have fought in 3 of them and have seen no increase in my valor points. I would appreciate your looking into this Thaks Phillip Havens i.e. Grandpa e-mail
Please provide fight links or the dates and times of these Great Battles.
I don't know how to do that, any advice will be welcom. It has been the last three Commanders Call. Ive looked everywhere as to the dates but no luck. Thanks Ill keep looking but hope you can give me some advice to locate the dates and time. Thanks in advance Grandpa
I see that there are two responses to my question but I am unable to locate but one of them. That is the one where you are requesting fight links and or dates of the great battles. as I am unable to do that where does this leave us. My understanding of the great battles you receive valor points win or lose. Is this correct? Thank you in advance Phillip Havens i.e. Grandpa
You received a total of 4000 Valor for the Weekend PvP battles on Monday. I am not sure which is the third fight you are talking about.
Thnak you If I got the valor points I was unaware of them. I appreciate your efforts and time spent on this issure. again Thank you. Phillip Havens