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Thursday, May 26th 2011, 8:19pm

Commentator's Elixir of Speed Only Useable by Level 6+ ???

I won the commentator's elixir of speed and when I tried to use it, I received an error message saying that it could only be used by someone level 6 or higher. Is this normal?


Friday, May 27th 2011, 10:02am

When did you receive the Commentator's Elixir of SDpeed?


Saturday, May 28th 2011, 7:34pm

It was due to expire the same day as my 113 quest which was 05.23.2011. Looking back at commentator's posts, it was awarded 05.16.2011 16:34 (…of-Speed/page11).


Monday, May 30th 2011, 10:37am

You have now received the correct elixir of speed.