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Monday, June 20th 2011, 5:32pm

Armor in Battlefields


today I was in the Underground Knights Arena (Level 4). I used via Game Client the setting feature to change saved clothes. I clicked on my saved green armor while I was wearing my gray armor. I just ressurected in Humans Base Camp and while this a magmar attacked me and the system windows said like: Error, 6 items not succesful. In fight I was wearing 2 gray armor parts then. But this was not my intent. In future I will change my armor manuell.

I hope you have understanding and don't ban me for this issue.

Thank you very much
-Centurion-, MTFBWY


Monday, June 20th 2011, 5:36pm

I might give you the link for the arena run:…95221&outside=1
-Centurion-, MTFBWY


Tuesday, June 21st 2011, 12:49pm

Be careful next time. You can of course not dress yourself when you get attacked. No one will wait for you to get dressed. ;)