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Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 7:24am

bug, i can't buy Golem Amulet of Call when i 3000 Dartrong

i got 3000 Dartrong , but i can't buy Golem Amulet of Call in shop.
i can't find it in shop.
pls help


Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 3:03pm

its a lvl 7 summon

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Location: Romania, Bucharest

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Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 8:56pm

@stommer then how do u explain that -martinni93- who is a level 4 can use bats ? which are level 6 summons ? What is your logic? Are u really that noobish. U can have golems and summon them even at level 4 theoretically if u are patient enough to get that much city rep


Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 9:33pm

Its a lvl 7 summon in the sense, the golem is a lvl 7 mob. Not that it can be summoned by lvl 7.


Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 9:54pm

@ travel bag
thats normal - you can solve the problem by your own the same way -martinni93-does. I think you will find a helpfull mag who can tell you the trick or find it out by yourself


Monday, July 4th 2011, 7:09am

uncheck all the restrictions.
Everythin is bloody boring ~~~~:bee: