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Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 7:21am

bug in Summer Fair Barbecue, i can't drop meat twice

i droped 10 meats then got 3 red tickets.
then i accpet the quest* again n i kill twice 10 DV, n got 10 meats again, but when i went to Givens, but* haven't any button can hit, no any talk.

is there any problem?

pls help me.


Sunday, July 3rd 2011, 3:58pm

The summer fair has ended
~Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes~ ...


Monday, July 4th 2011, 6:17am

when i went to fair, its also can come into, n i got the green quest again, so i killed 10 VD, n so i got more than 3000 experiences. after i got 10 meats, i can also come into fair. until yesterday i find fair is closed.
n the quest also in my menu
"Summer Fair Barbeque

Current goal: Kill 10 Veteran Dugrkhargs [6] and bring Meat to Givens in his Tavern on the Summer Fair Ground.

i hope GM need give me 3 red tickets or reduce my 3000 experience.


Monday, July 4th 2011, 11:20am

The Summer Fair is over.