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Sunday, July 10th 2011, 11:45am

Got No wolfer talons or Jugger rep…06973742&stat=1

We did this fight and we got no wolfer talons or Juggernaught rep, none of us got wolfer talons actually from that fight. Please kindly do the needful

 Immortal Assassins  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

Location: Under a tree

Occupation: Things and stuff

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Sunday, July 10th 2011, 11:49am

You have received 82.

i didnt get talon thats a little strange
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:

 Immortal Assassins  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

Location: Under a tree

Occupation: Things and stuff

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Sunday, July 10th 2011, 2:43pm

i didnt get talon and jugger reputation
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:


Monday, July 11th 2011, 10:05am

Were you in a group and what group settings did you have?


Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 3:51pm

We were all in group, and group settings was in leader distributes, same setting as the previous 7 wolfers, and the one wolfer we did after this fight, we got loot for all others


Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 5:22pm

HarapAlb received a wolfer talon for that fight.


Saturday, July 16th 2011, 8:38pm

umm ok but what about all of us? harapalb was in party with us too you know, and we did dmg too for it to count


Saturday, July 16th 2011, 8:40pm

and thankyou for taking time out to help us out with this


Saturday, July 23rd 2011, 3:06pm

Am sure u guys are super busy, would like to know if we are going to get the talons and rep


Monday, July 25th 2011, 9:54am

As I already tol you HarapAlb got the loot. He was either not in your group or got it as group leader.