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Tallaar lv5 (impossible play)
Since the gentleman (Hellki3vv) takes away Gifts when we tell the truth.
I want to thank all the Iv5s who come to the tallaar for nothing. No Valor or point for the glory Chest.
I got kicked out of the tallaar because of a power problem, but I was there. The tallaar to start at 20h07 and at 20h09 there were already 5 Fights Finished.
The tallaar lasted 45 minutes.
It is noticeable that there is very little human, normal. But now there will be more humans and more magmars. Why make representations when players come to block our game.
So thank you again. Thank you from all the players who are trying to evolve.
That way ylv5ou can’t get rid of the evidence of your actions.
(i use translate)
ps: Feel free to say thank you
I want to thank all the Iv5s who come to the tallaar for nothing. No Valor or point for the glory Chest.
I got kicked out of the tallaar because of a power problem, but I was there. The tallaar to start at 20h07 and at 20h09 there were already 5 Fights Finished.
The tallaar lasted 45 minutes.
It is noticeable that there is very little human, normal. But now there will be more humans and more magmars. Why make representations when players come to block our game.
So thank you again. Thank you from all the players who are trying to evolve.
That way ylv5ou can’t get rid of the evidence of your actions.
(i use translate)
ps: Feel free to say thank you
Te prend pas la tête, tu écris derrière ton écran/Do not worry, you write behind your screen
So you're crying because a tallaar's halls happened fast? Do you have any idea how many people would die to be in your place right now? Tallaar's halls are meant to happen fast so you can go and do more and more, if you want to gain tons of valor in a battlefield, go do temples or something, tallaar's is not the place for you.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
I don't undesrtand. You are not lv5 and you post.
It's not your problem no ?
Tallaar it's best means for win valor. Arena and temple, vs lv6 + mouth lv10 it's very hard.
Then you have not reason..
And if im wrong. Then we will continue to come in tallaar, but when i ask at player for come in tallaar.. the answers are the same :
- We're not interested in blocking.
It's not just for me, it's for 90% of players
It's not your problem no ?
Tallaar it's best means for win valor. Arena and temple, vs lv6 + mouth lv10 it's very hard.
Then you have not reason..
And if im wrong. Then we will continue to come in tallaar, but when i ask at player for come in tallaar.. the answers are the same :
- We're not interested in blocking.
It's not just for me, it's for 90% of players
Te prend pas la tête, tu écris derrière ton écran/Do not worry, you write behind your screen
Dont really understand whats really the problem. There will always be people that come there just to mess up the fight or overbless or to stall or block.
But you should think that some players went to high rank at lvl 5-6 without tallar, without no-break weekends of any kind and without all those free buffs that from time to time we receive them.
You sould feel lucky to have them all.
But you should think that some players went to high rank at lvl 5-6 without tallar, without no-break weekends of any kind and without all those free buffs that from time to time we receive them.
You sould feel lucky to have them all.
Tallars best to get valor ehh not really its plateaue
Not everyone can handle PvP in the open, some need safe space, where they can safely buff, safely fight and have their negative effects removed once the battle is over. So they go to the Stallaar Halls or other valor farming instance for wussies.
Nice fairy tales, Innos. But we, adult people, don't believe in fairy tales, and we know that for scalps raiding enemy land is better, and at least in Temple if we're buffed and used valor pot + Crystal Knight Statue we get much more valor than on plato! (In caves valor pot + Gilded Great Dragons Shield for more valor, but we almost never have caves, unlike temple).
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