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guards that do nothing
i have noticed that when ever a pay pal player does wrong like repeative attacks on a single player or repeative attacks against certain players...or just flat out illegal attacks nothing is done but plenty of excuses are made...this is is a war game key words ppl war and game...i am in referrence to the_big_pickle..put a friggin leash on this guy he has done ran me fifty gold round abouts and has virtually halted game play..furthermore if you are a guard reading this and are taken back a little..then next time you guys see a illegal attack offer your assistance...for example ask the player who was wronged if they would like to report it and walk them through the process
Same. I've neen hounded by this guy ever since jce I came back. I just wanted to earn some quick buck hunting or picking flowers but he just randomly pops up and fcks me up giving 1d high lvl wounds
Disregarding the thing about wounds, can you explain it a little more in detail as to what he does? He comes to human land and uses negative effects on you? And you... let me see if I got it right, you're complaining because of that?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
this is war game stop crying,level up and you wont have any problem,who's fault is that you are weak and get 1 shoted in battle ?
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.
Maybe leveling up helps, but I still kill mages at my level
lol i seen Big Pickle 2 shots golem 8 so watch out for him...
This thread is a big mistake, before only Pickle was killing you, and now others like me know your nickname and will start killing you, because you said you're easy to kill
Speaking of killing people, why don't you level up to 11, foxface? I have some friends who'd like to play with you.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
guards that do nothing
i have noticed that when ever a pay pal player does wrong like repeative attacks on a single player or repeative attacks against certain players...or just flat out illegal attacks nothing is done but plenty of excuses are made...this is is a war game key words ppl war and game...i am in referrence to the_big_pickle..put a friggin leash on this guy he has done ran me fifty gold round abouts and has virtually halted game play..furthermore if you are a guard reading this and are taken back a little..then next time you guys see a illegal attack offer your assistance...for example ask the player who was wronged if they would like to report it and walk them through the process
There is nothing illegal, and guards will not do anything.
This is for Pickle!!!! Stop your attacks on human man this is a hunting and picking game ONLY!!! But before you do can we ask the admins to change the name to CAN WE ALL GET ALONG OF DRAGONS?
This is for Pickle!!!! Stop your attacks on human man this is a hunting and picking game ONLY!!! But before you do can we ask the admins to change the name to CAN WE ALL GET ALONG OF DRAGONS?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
This is for Pickle!!!! Stop your attacks on human man this is a hunting and picking game ONLY!!! But before you do can we ask the admins to change the name to CAN WE ALL GET ALONG OF DRAGONS?
Best name ever. Maybe Pickle just needs a friend?
You guys have no idea what "repeated attack" used to be lol. Tosha.. was good example of exe magnet lol.. Hes oposite race so theres nothing wrong. Find some high level friends or get enough summons to make Yourself a bad/expensive/exp heavy target. He got me once when i was afk and well its my fault i went afk in place where I could be attacked, happens lol. Time ago at level 9 I was hunted by 2 very strong magmar mages for my sins daily, that was fun
I get it now. I aint gonna complain no more lol just come on bish cut me some slack will ya?