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Sunday, March 7th 2021, 8:00pm

Greeting from the PL server

On behalf of my clan, I would like to thank you for a nice reception on the COM server. I wish you a pleasant game and fun as much as possible.
I am asking for understanding if any of players will not write back -> not everyone has good English language skills.
Best Regards

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

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Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Sunday, March 7th 2021, 11:16pm

Hellou, hope u gonna have fun, just dont raid too much and kill everyone u see, that's all i hope :drink:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Monday, March 8th 2021, 2:50am

Welcome, but please stay in Magland or you will have me to answer to :ninja: :lol:

Hope the merge goes well for all PL players. :sneakers:


Monday, March 8th 2021, 3:36am

Welcome to the comserver.

Hope you enjoy the experience and may we all find new friends.
See you around on one side or the other, just have fun.


Monday, March 8th 2021, 4:03pm


I am happy to see you guys here. I wish you a pleasent game!
Terazinin eksilen kefesi.

Posts: 92

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Monday, March 8th 2021, 6:16pm

A new beginning will be good for all of us. With lots of love to PL players ...
Always better :beer:


Monday, March 8th 2021, 9:19pm

Hello and welcome.

Don't worrie for langage, com is a merged server, french, italian, spanish, turkish and com server. And from com are lot with a other langage too, russian, chinese etc ... So many people don't speak english very well there.

I'm french in a italian clan :wink:

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Monday, March 8th 2021, 11:29pm

welcome :beer:
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Sunday, October 31st 2021, 3:01am

is as istupid

02:54 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:54 You have sustained a Thighs injury.
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:54 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:54 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:54 You have sustained a Chest injury.
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:54 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:54 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:54 You have sustained a Legs injury.
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:54 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:54 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:54 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:55 You have sustained a Chest injury.
02:55 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:55 silva_484 » -Zuko-: hi report you
02:55 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:55 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:55 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:55 Chaotic battle battle preparation is starting for 18-20 level players! To join it, click HERE within 03:00:00.
02:55 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:55 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:55 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:55 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:55 You have sustained a Thighs injury.
02:55 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:55 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:55 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:55 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:56 You have sustained a Thighs injury.
02:56 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.
02:56 You have been resurrected! Take heart from your new lease of life and a little more care! Step forth and conquer!
02:56 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
02:56 The battle « Attack on silva_484» has begun.
02:56 You have sustained a Chest injury.
02:56 The battle « Attack on silva_484» is over.


Sunday, October 31st 2021, 10:49am

Free advice: maybe stop resurrecting and going to the same place.