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Wednesday, November 8th 2017, 11:28pm

Is level 16+ PvP for dodgers only?

Premium bloods that kills you even in block with a stun full life, dodgers that do fury arrows 5 turns over -20% hp and I heard at higher levels dodgers even absorb a lot glaze damages.

Should I go HW? :lol:


Wednesday, November 8th 2017, 11:31pm…ct_id=485040180

I want just to know how a BC can counter these.

A dodger stun me, a dodger isn't supposed to crit, but with this elixir - 100% chance of crit both physical and glaze = 10 hits = rip even in full life.

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Thursday, November 9th 2017, 1:22am

It cant :lol: and after almost 7 years of being a BC (and poroud of my achievements) I decided to switch sides :sarcastic:
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Thursday, November 9th 2017, 9:18am

well , at high levels it is mainly runes and talents that rules))


Thursday, November 9th 2017, 5:35pm

until hw gets reworked dodger will dominate. You have to switch if you want to be successful unless something changes.


Thursday, November 9th 2017, 5:36pm

Benefit of bc is you can also use it for hunting but yes pvp is more accurately dvd (dodger vs dodger)


Friday, November 10th 2017, 11:39pm

Yes BC we canĀ“t win to dodgers, they do the same crits like us and they need low penetration for fight us and dodge 90% of bears...
I think is best set on all lvls, but in 16+ the advantadge is higher, admis we need a bit help for not extinguis as dinosaurs lol
When the warriors dream, giants fall


Saturday, November 11th 2017, 10:58am

purple bc ain't that bad but yea fury punishment and all the dodges is a killer but both classes with decent buffs without fury punishment is close though


Sunday, November 12th 2017, 12:17am

@ikke imagine if dodgers had to use an scc slot to worry about penetration or if you werent deflected like 50% of the time. Beyond arrows the issue is that dodgers exist and hw sucks so badly that it doesnt. Therefore, dodger is strictly the best class which makes pvp more less fun.

That being siad, I do have a lot of success with BC but dodger would be strictly better in almost every scenario.
Rework HW or rearrange buffs so that they favor penetration instead of all main buffs focusing on protection, which encourages a rock papers scissors pvp format.