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In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic
Restrictions: The event is available to warriors who have reached level 3.
To participate in the event, you need to take the task “In the footsteps of an ancient relic” from
Sheara in the Spectral Expanse . She will ask you to find hints, relic pieces and a relic.
"Current goal: Using the hints found in superbeing lairs, obtain all the relic pieces, put them together, and return to Sheara.
- Hints found: 0 of 5
- Chests obtained: 0 of 5
- Relic Fragments obtained: 0 of 5
- Relics assembled: 0 of 1
Once you have the hints in hand, you can also go to the thief for help.
Reward: Sheara’s Reward Casket 1 pcs"
Hints can be obtained by killing superbeings. You can kill any level superbeing and each superbeing drops one hints. In total, you need to kill 5 superbeings. Monsters in the Abode of Eternal Ice will not drop hints.
The hints obtained are stored in your Backpack > Quests. Click "use" option and it will lead you to a location where the chest is hidden. You need to go to the location and search in the next 2 hours.
6:27 After studying the map, you have determined that the treasure is buried in the Village Angriyar location."
When you reach the location, open the hunt screen. On the bottom-left corner of your screen, you will see a magnifying glass icon. By dragging the icon and dropping on the screen you can search the chest. It will display clues on the screen. "Far" means the chest is not close, "Near" means the chest is somewhere around the point and "next to" means that the chest is very close to the point. When you get the chest, use it and solve the puzzle. It will give you relic pieces. You need to do this for all 5 hints and gather 5 pieces.
Alternatively: with all 5 hints, you can directly go to the thief.
When you get the chest, use it and solve the puzzle. It will give you relic pieces. You need to do this for all 5 hints and gather 5 pieces. You can put them together by clicking "use" on fragments and obtain the relic.
With the relic you created, go back to Sheara.
Keep calm, I'm a