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Forumevent: WoD Holiday destinations to watch
Every year again brings the same old question: Where to spend your holidays?

Your task: Describe your perfect holiday destination in Faeo.
Make sure that your holiday report is no longer than 500 words though and is in English.
Please submit your report in this thread. Posts without reports or spam will be deleted.
Last day of story submission is 23rd of June.
Event team will review them and announce the winners on the 26th of June.
Rewards will be handed out from 27th of June.
Winners will receive nice drinks and holiday souvenirs.
Good luck!
1. Place: Spark of Heavenly fire
2. Place: 5 Flame Elixirs according to your level or 10 Elixir of Invulnerability
3. Place: 10 Ludial chain links
All other participants will receive 1 pack of cards.
PS: Every player only can enter with one account. Further entries via multis will not be considered. Also no copy and paste.

Your task: Describe your perfect holiday destination in Faeo.
Make sure that your holiday report is no longer than 500 words though and is in English.
Please submit your report in this thread. Posts without reports or spam will be deleted.
Last day of story submission is 23rd of June.
Event team will review them and announce the winners on the 26th of June.
Rewards will be handed out from 27th of June.
Winners will receive nice drinks and holiday souvenirs.
Good luck!

1. Place: Spark of Heavenly fire
2. Place: 5 Flame Elixirs according to your level or 10 Elixir of Invulnerability
3. Place: 10 Ludial chain links
All other participants will receive 1 pack of cards.
PS: Every player only can enter with one account. Further entries via multis will not be considered. Also no copy and paste.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Jul 26th 2017, 7:45am)
WOD Holiday Destinations
WOD Holiday Destinations to watch
If you are a cold clima lover and a winter type, choose the Islands of Eternal Frost for your next destination of vacation. Here you wont be bothered by any sunbeam. Even during hot summer days at Faeo in other parts, here at the Islands of Eternal Frost is always winter! Visit the stunning Haldebor Castle made full of ice and explore the ice caves. Make one of our igloos to your home during your vacations and dont forget to taste our delicious grilled fishes like anglerfish, kato, reefer or blue puffer.. Dont miss the snow games in six different disciplines,for example; fishing, fighting in special Battlefields or even canoo riding.. You can be exited by watching the games, or be yourself a part of it and jump into the adventure. With the help of Mystical Yeti shamans you will be able to kill polar bears or yetis, they will teach you their skills. The shamans make healing elixirs with yeti blood to make you one of the immortal heros. There is much more to experience, so let yourself be surprised! For how ever long you decide to stay here,we can guarantee you to have indescribably moments for lifetime. You can learn how to ride a ice bear!
The Islands of eternal Frost will become your favourite holiday destination..-
WoD Holiday Destinations to Watch
When looking for the best vacation spot in Faeo, consider the inviting waters of Azure Lagoon in the Islands of Swirling Mist.
You'll find first class accomodations built right into a hillside to find sanctuary from the trials and tribulations of your day to day struggles at work and reconnect with nature. Friendly neighbors will dazzle you with wild stories of their exploits, set you on quests for adventure, or dazzle you with their wondrous inventions. You'll be able to come face to face with the abundant wildlife, and our waters are teeming with fish for the avid sportsman. And if our beach is too crowded for you, you're only a short jaunt from the more remote Daigon Islands where you'll find far fewer people and can dangle your toes in the waters of a secluded cove. Azure Lagoon is also fairly close to the wonders of White Castle, where you can learn about the mysterious habu, explore the castle's legendary library, seek solace in the cloister of shadows, or just grab a bag of burgers for the road. And for thrill seekers, the magmar infested areas of Silent Cove and Scolopendra Coast await a little further on!
Azure Lagoon is an exclusive resort only available for mages, so if you're a warrior start cracking the books and slaying monsters to save for your vacation now! Vacancies are only available for a short time. We'll leave the light on for you (until it attracts too many scolopendras).
You'll find first class accomodations built right into a hillside to find sanctuary from the trials and tribulations of your day to day struggles at work and reconnect with nature. Friendly neighbors will dazzle you with wild stories of their exploits, set you on quests for adventure, or dazzle you with their wondrous inventions. You'll be able to come face to face with the abundant wildlife, and our waters are teeming with fish for the avid sportsman. And if our beach is too crowded for you, you're only a short jaunt from the more remote Daigon Islands where you'll find far fewer people and can dangle your toes in the waters of a secluded cove. Azure Lagoon is also fairly close to the wonders of White Castle, where you can learn about the mysterious habu, explore the castle's legendary library, seek solace in the cloister of shadows, or just grab a bag of burgers for the road. And for thrill seekers, the magmar infested areas of Silent Cove and Scolopendra Coast await a little further on!
Azure Lagoon is an exclusive resort only available for mages, so if you're a warrior start cracking the books and slaying monsters to save for your vacation now! Vacancies are only available for a short time. We'll leave the light on for you (until it attracts too many scolopendras).
WoD Holiday Destinations to Watch
Humans, visit Mags land :o)
Whole year we just killing magmars and they doing the same to us. Days full of blood.
Its time for rest and you ask where?
Of course in mags land, You can see something different on your vacation there. No green, no trees, no greenpeace :o)
Use your mount and travel thru mags land.
Am I crazy? Magmars kill you when reach Vurdaliya. NO :o)
In this time, mags land change. Its open for tourists - dark coctails, natural lava lakes, game with tigers, flying big bats ... and ... magmars as slaves - only for you to make vacation happy. Make everything you wanted :o)
No blood, no fights, no picking ... great vacation on mags land.
Hmm .. its just dream. Magmars never change - they always want kill us. And we are the same :o)
Enjoy your holidays, its not so important where you are, but with who you are.
Humans, visit Mags land :o)
Whole year we just killing magmars and they doing the same to us. Days full of blood.
Its time for rest and you ask where?
Of course in mags land, You can see something different on your vacation there. No green, no trees, no greenpeace :o)
Use your mount and travel thru mags land.
Am I crazy? Magmars kill you when reach Vurdaliya. NO :o)
In this time, mags land change. Its open for tourists - dark coctails, natural lava lakes, game with tigers, flying big bats ... and ... magmars as slaves - only for you to make vacation happy. Make everything you wanted :o)
No blood, no fights, no picking ... great vacation on mags land.
Hmm .. its just dream. Magmars never change - they always want kill us. And we are the same :o)
Enjoy your holidays, its not so important where you are, but with who you are.
The Best Holiday Destination In Faeo
The best spot you could ever dream for in Faeo is simply Dartrong Square , you will find everything here that you could ever dream of, albeit strong monsters which you wouldn't want to worry about on your holidays anyway: so it's simply perfect. The people here are just delightful you get: the wise old Verkiry (although don't tell him I called him old); Warlord Gidver, who will guide you through any quests you wish to take whilst on your brake; Mukhmor and Forint who can make you rich at the click of a button, with Mukhmor's pot of gold and Forint's investments. inside the most abundant shop of Faeo you will find the best delicacies ranging from foreign fruit and the best bread you have ever tastiest which goes fantastically with cheese and grapes to satisfy those holiday needs
If you were to want to take a little walk on your holiday in Dartrong just round the corner is the Square of fire and settlement of Faytir. In the square of fire, you get access and can visit the local blacksmith, mages or even take a tour around the dungeons where you might find some of those dangerous mags (who I wouldn't touch unless you wanted to lose a hand) but all in all the square of fire adds to the warmth you can find in the presence of those who have their holidays in Dartrong. In the Settlement of Faytir you will find the wisest of the wise Favviy who knows everything and there isn't a question about Fae he doesn't know the answer to!!!
Just book your holidays in Dartrong and you won't be disappointed!
And if you visit Dartrong Square you will see the spectacle that is the wondrous Faeo Christmas tree
which simply cannot be beaten!!!
Lots of Love Dark_Lord123

If you were to want to take a little walk on your holiday in Dartrong just round the corner is the Square of fire and settlement of Faytir. In the square of fire, you get access and can visit the local blacksmith, mages or even take a tour around the dungeons where you might find some of those dangerous mags (who I wouldn't touch unless you wanted to lose a hand) but all in all the square of fire adds to the warmth you can find in the presence of those who have their holidays in Dartrong. In the Settlement of Faytir you will find the wisest of the wise Favviy who knows everything and there isn't a question about Fae he doesn't know the answer to!!!
Just book your holidays in Dartrong and you won't be disappointed!

And if you visit Dartrong Square you will see the spectacle that is the wondrous Faeo Christmas tree

Lots of Love Dark_Lord123
Wod Holiday Destinations to Watch
Are you looking for a good place to vacation in Faeo, be sure you will know where you should go when you read this article.
Like you all know Winter has come And Holiday come with it so think about it Where can we go?
Here is a place where you can feel all the cold in the winter Islands of Eternal Frost. You can not cladim to see the sunlight here. I can guarantee that your friends will have a good time with the Mystical Yeti shamans. You can learn how to ride a ice bear. You can enjoy the holiday by warming up with the blood of the bears you have caught in the middle of the cold. In the old times you will not able to take your eyes off the dragon cliffs where the legendary dragons left here. Here you can develop your hunting skills with new weapons you make from dragon cliffs and blow them away. Do not wait to go and Discover the cold inside of you... I wish you luck here be careful because Everything here is undiscoverd we do not want to wake up a sleeping mystery. It must be something that makes the holiday enjoyable here.
Like you all know Winter has come And Holiday come with it so think about it Where can we go?
Here is a place where you can feel all the cold in the winter Islands of Eternal Frost. You can not cladim to see the sunlight here. I can guarantee that your friends will have a good time with the Mystical Yeti shamans. You can learn how to ride a ice bear. You can enjoy the holiday by warming up with the blood of the bears you have caught in the middle of the cold. In the old times you will not able to take your eyes off the dragon cliffs where the legendary dragons left here. Here you can develop your hunting skills with new weapons you make from dragon cliffs and blow them away. Do not wait to go and Discover the cold inside of you... I wish you luck here be careful because Everything here is undiscoverd we do not want to wake up a sleeping mystery. It must be something that makes the holiday enjoyable here.
WoD Holiday Destinations to Watch
The most beautiful place to spend the holyday, is definitely Grand Fort Suburb a place for the whole family everyone can find their place to relax, in fact you can go fishing with fantastic fish in the river, carp, amur, salmon, sturgeon , Blue galled habus, you can go around collecting beautiful stones,Fiery carelian,diamonds to give to your beloved,Beautiful flowers, licious flower, gambier, if you can pick it up 3 your woman will love you forever. In the evening you can relax in the demonologist huose, in the company of my friend I-vidi, always ready to tell fantastic stories about feo and Her friends in after dinner when the kids are sleeping you can go to have fun in the balthazar's beautiful cell, always full of life, and all at great prices, come to Grand Fort, you will not regret it .
The most beautiful place to spend the holyday, is definitely Grand Fort Suburb a place for the whole family everyone can find their place to relax, in fact you can go fishing with fantastic fish in the river, carp, amur, salmon, sturgeon , Blue galled habus, you can go around collecting beautiful stones,Fiery carelian,diamonds to give to your beloved,Beautiful flowers, licious flower, gambier, if you can pick it up 3 your woman will love you forever. In the evening you can relax in the demonologist huose, in the company of my friend I-vidi, always ready to tell fantastic stories about feo and Her friends in after dinner when the kids are sleeping you can go to have fun in the balthazar's beautiful cell, always full of life, and all at great prices, come to Grand Fort, you will not regret it .
* * * The Enchanted forest * * *
Hidden from the eyes of mortals , and located in the heart of a floating heaven , this mysterious land is known as the : The enchanted forest.
Where the borders between fantasy and reality are blurred and your wildest dreams or thoughts come true.
Upon entering the nymphs and guardians of this land come to greet you.
In this enchanted forest you will become one with nature ,and restore your energy.
You can relax under the shade of an arborianor enjoy the rare delicate cuisine of fish and herbs that this land has to offer.
Maybe relax and cool down with your mounts and pets in the refreshing waters while fishing , or how about enjoying the hot natural springs that this mystical land offers ?
Stiff shoulders from all those battles? let the changelingsgive you a nice massage, to releave that muscle tension.
Maybe a facial mask for a younger skin and a mud bath. The Land is abundant with minerals that will help.
This is the perfect paradise to heal your battle wounds after the long bloody battles with the dark forces of chaos , or the enemy race.
Think of it like a heaven in Feao or even nature's own SPA with all natural remedies.
Receive the blessings of nature itself and rest your mind, worries free , knowing that Edera is protecting these lands.
And don't forget nature has everything to offer.

*Thinking to myself that would be the perfect place for my vacation * No work and no worries .
Due to overpassing 500 words I had to revise my entry. Here is the new one:

Link in case the image does not work.

Link in case the image does not work.
All we do is either fight or work. All we can see is either blood or sweat. Protecting Faeo from evil is nice and all, but don't we all deserve a little vacation every now and then just like anybody else?
Faeo is in constant turmoil and it gets tiresome. Even the best of us may want to just lay down and relax a little bit, enjoy the serenity of nature around and eat some nice food.
If you are also one of those folks who feel like this, Silent Steppe is just the spot for you to go! A quiet and calm place where you can finally get some rest and enjoy yourself. You can go for a walk, go sightseeing, go see beautiful Dead Cove and enjoy the sight of it while breathing fresh air that makes you feel like you've been reborn. If you're hungry, you can just ask for Pherapont for his famous Zigred-honey cake for a delicious treat, which will leave you begging for more. And on top of all that, you will be compaied by some of the most interesting people on Faoe; you can get a glimpse of future with Bludiara the Seer or just sit and enjoy the glorious tales of Agonnyy.
If you somehow grow tired of Silent Steppe, there's many more things to do nearby. You can go gaze at the beauty of the magnificent Zigred Hive just outside the steppe. You can reach to Virigiya District just by walking a few minutes and set sail on the seas for the best adventure of your life. And last but not least, you can just pay a quick visit to Baurvill Hamlet and get a nice cold glass of Shiz Beer from Mary's Tavern.
If you're trying to find a way out of all the lovely but complicated mess that is Faeo, it doesn't get much better than Silent Steppe.
Faeo is in constant turmoil and it gets tiresome. Even the best of us may want to just lay down and relax a little bit, enjoy the serenity of nature around and eat some nice food.
If you are also one of those folks who feel like this, Silent Steppe is just the spot for you to go! A quiet and calm place where you can finally get some rest and enjoy yourself. You can go for a walk, go sightseeing, go see beautiful Dead Cove and enjoy the sight of it while breathing fresh air that makes you feel like you've been reborn. If you're hungry, you can just ask for Pherapont for his famous Zigred-honey cake for a delicious treat, which will leave you begging for more. And on top of all that, you will be compaied by some of the most interesting people on Faoe; you can get a glimpse of future with Bludiara the Seer or just sit and enjoy the glorious tales of Agonnyy.
If you somehow grow tired of Silent Steppe, there's many more things to do nearby. You can go gaze at the beauty of the magnificent Zigred Hive just outside the steppe. You can reach to Virigiya District just by walking a few minutes and set sail on the seas for the best adventure of your life. And last but not least, you can just pay a quick visit to Baurvill Hamlet and get a nice cold glass of Shiz Beer from Mary's Tavern.
If you're trying to find a way out of all the lovely but complicated mess that is Faeo, it doesn't get much better than Silent Steppe.
Dartrong Province! :p
Feo's world is wonderful
There's a place where you can relax, visit monuments and have fun! : DARTRONG PROVINCE!
There are a lot of monuments that you can visit
- The high wall circulating the City of Dartrong
The portal to Hell's Pass in Settlement of Faytir
Going towards Village Angriar you can see:
- the oldest bridge with wooden beams above the lava river and the particular houses built on the mountain.

- In Manor on Budrimakh...
the immense Cloister of Virtue, built on a hill, waits for you!
This territory is completly defended by brotherhood and the only military action here is against Bringers of Evil!
In country of Vurdalia, daily,
two ships depart from the port to see humans shores and Fey-Go Island! On this ships you will can have to lunch or dinner seing Iguaron in the sea
The particular species that lives in these waters!
In the evening you can go to " The Gurraldy's head Pub"
to drink or play with Poker or Pete =) Every 2 hours Givens offers to all a casual SHOT!
I recommend you to play with Poker
because he often drinks beer
and after 3 games his brain doesn't works well
.. you could win some money
If you like to feel strong emotions you can visit the abandoned house
but pay attention!!! a lot Fear can pervade you
To relax, in any places, you can gather the particular minerals and flowers that lives in these places... so you will can take home a little thing to remember your holiday.
For some souvenirs there is a beautiful shop in Settlement of Faytir in wich you can buy some presents for you or your friends and parents!

There's a place where you can relax, visit monuments and have fun! : DARTRONG PROVINCE!

There are a lot of monuments that you can visit

- The high wall circulating the City of Dartrong


Going towards Village Angriar you can see:
- the oldest bridge with wooden beams above the lava river and the particular houses built on the mountain.

- In Manor on Budrimakh...

the immense Cloister of Virtue, built on a hill, waits for you!

In country of Vurdalia, daily,

In the evening you can go to " The Gurraldy's head Pub"

to drink or play with Poker or Pete =) Every 2 hours Givens offers to all a casual SHOT!

I recommend you to play with Poker

If you like to feel strong emotions you can visit the abandoned house

To relax, in any places, you can gather the particular minerals and flowers that lives in these places... so you will can take home a little thing to remember your holiday.
Have you ever felt lonely and tired of the living you need a pump of adrenaline and you want to spend so time away from people?.... if you answer yes then the land of the deseased is the place for you ... you can find all you need to fill your adrenaline ... first stop is royal tomb a place where skeletons dwel p.s( please no dogs allowed ) and you can find a paladin absesed with killing undead (like all paladins ) and a tomb of a king who doesnt like company ..... next is communal grave again leave your dogs home here you will find an annoying fairy just pass this location fast ..... third place is Grave of the poor here you can find native zombies p.s. ( when you find a limb put in the lost and found and no hand shaking ) you can find a gnome who is a shut in neet loves coins hates sun light and you will find a spirit that gives you rainy ( yay rainy ).... last on the list is vessel tombs recomand you to not stay the night there and the necromancer is evil ... hope you enjoy your holiday 3

Faeo world
If we could describe the world in colors, we would have infinite posibilites. Some will describe it with black color to reflect an estate of personal disconformity for example. Other more optimistic would suggest the white color in the belief that this world is the ideal place to execute your personal fantasy, to enjoy a place full of abundance and possibilities. So we can continue our vision of the world with other colors as well.
The world is actually the color you prefer, it can have a pure color, it can be white, black, yellow, pink, etc. Or it can be the result of the combination of several colors.
Whatever combination you choose will always be the representation of "your world" of "your reality" and therefore uniquely valid for you. And between all the Colors i choose "Faeo" color to describe my world.
The world is actually the color you prefer, it can have a pure color, it can be white, black, yellow, pink, etc. Or it can be the result of the combination of several colors.
Whatever combination you choose will always be the representation of "your world" of "your reality" and therefore uniquely valid for you. And between all the Colors i choose "Faeo" color to describe my world.

WoD holiday destinations to watch
In a time of constant war and bloodshed, between the Humans and Magmars, only one place can bring these two polar opposites together: Haunted Place.
Lured by the rarity of Cuckoo Flowers, these two races set aside grudges and at times, even armour and weapons themselves, all in order to attain these rare objects of interest. If that isn't enough for you to pack your bags already, Haunted Place is only a hop, skip and jump away from the very heart of Chaos itself. If items of desire don't unite these two races, surely battling for Sheara herself is enough of a reason to visit these lands of untold fortune and valour.
Lured by the rarity of Cuckoo Flowers, these two races set aside grudges and at times, even armour and weapons themselves, all in order to attain these rare objects of interest. If that isn't enough for you to pack your bags already, Haunted Place is only a hop, skip and jump away from the very heart of Chaos itself. If items of desire don't unite these two races, surely battling for Sheara herself is enough of a reason to visit these lands of untold fortune and valour.
WoD Holiday Destinations to Watch
The most beautiful place to spend the holyday, is definitely Grand Fort Suburb a place for the whole family everyone can find their place to relax, in fact you can go fishing with fantastic fish in the river, carp, amur, salmon, sturgeon , Blue galled habus, you can go around collecting beautiful stones,Fiery carelian,diamonds to give to your beloved,Beautiful flowers, licious flower, gambier, if you can pick it up 3 your woman will love you forever. In the evening you can relax in the demonologist huose, in the company of my friend I-vidi, always ready to tell fantastic stories about feo and Her friends in after dinner when the kids are sleeping you can go to have fun in the balthazar's beautiful cell, always full of life, and all at great prices, come to Grand Fort, you will not regret it .
Disqualified. Exact copy of gattomaone!
The most beautiful place to spend the holyday, is definitely Grand Fort Suburb a place for the whole family everyone can find their place to relax, in fact you can go fishing with fantastic fish in the river, carp, amur, salmon, sturgeon , Blue galled habus, you can go around collecting beautiful stones,Fiery carelian,diamonds to give to your beloved,Beautiful flowers, licious flower, gambier, if you can pick it up 3 your woman will love you forever. In the evening you can relax in the demonologist huose, in the company of my friend I-vidi, always ready to tell fantastic stories about feo and Her friends in after dinner when the kids are sleeping you can go to have fun in the balthazar's beautiful cell, always full of life, and all at great prices, come to Grand Fort, you will not regret it .
Disqualified. Exact copy of gattomaone!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Jun 3rd 2017, 2:25pm)
The holidays is to forget the daily, to leave in a place where l loses
The sun is too hot to think about staying outside
We wait all the year this moment to forget the daily (this infernal war that opposes human and magmar)
For this there is only one place where I forget all the enemies and do what I like
I speak well of to fight in Tallaar's Halls a dark and lost place (my head is empty when I am there)
The small family is not in agreement for this of estination then we go like every year at the edge of the water a domain of winds
good game everyone
The sun is too hot to think about staying outside
We wait all the year this moment to forget the daily (this infernal war that opposes human and magmar)
For this there is only one place where I forget all the enemies and do what I like
I speak well of to fight in Tallaar's Halls a dark and lost place (my head is empty when I am there)
The small family is not in agreement for this of estination then we go like every year at the edge of the water a domain of winds
good game everyone
My Holiday Spot in the Faeo World is Highlands of Terror
Settlement of Chernag, Which is the place of birth to all the Magmars.
Smoky Knolls, Where the Underground Passage & Norias's Hut located.
Fort Dybrach, Where i am living along with Ruler Onufir & Butcher's. You can meet me here.
Gorge of Chernag, Where the Sugor's House and Orphan's Cave located.
Valley of Fire, Where the Menachem's Tent is Located.
Settlement of Chernag, Which is the place of birth to all the Magmars.
Smoky Knolls, Where the Underground Passage & Norias's Hut located.
Fort Dybrach, Where i am living along with Ruler Onufir & Butcher's. You can meet me here.

Gorge of Chernag, Where the Sugor's House and Orphan's Cave located.
Valley of Fire, Where the Menachem's Tent is Located.
Want a perfect Holiday Destination? No better place than Lumirya Waterfall.
Spend your day in the company of the the beautiful Lady Dawn. Relax as you bask in her light.
The great Sporucs is there to give lessons for those who care to learn the ancient knowledge he has.
Spend your nights by the falls watching the beautiful mermaid bathe in the cool relaxing pools.
What more could you ask for in such a perfect place to spend your holidays.
There is no better place in the whole of Faeo.
Spend your day in the company of the the beautiful Lady Dawn. Relax as you bask in her light.
The great Sporucs is there to give lessons for those who care to learn the ancient knowledge he has.
Spend your nights by the falls watching the beautiful mermaid bathe in the cool relaxing pools.
What more could you ask for in such a perfect place to spend your holidays.
There is no better place in the whole of Faeo.
WoD holiday destination to watch
If you are person who like to go on a holiday and at the same time go on unforgettable adventure and
You are person who like scary places, then you must go to Village of Kingala.
At first, you would think that place is very quiet and you don't have a lot of things to do, but you
Are wrong.Because there is a house called Derelict House and visiting it
You would have a holiday of lifetime that you would never forget.
Exploring and Adventuring at Derelict House would be cool and scary at the same times because you
would not know what awaits you behind every door you open, and that means you would see thing you
Have never seen and of course what is a holiday without some action.
With your mighty sword you could clear your way to next rooms and it won't be for nothing, with that
you could get to the Scariest monsters of the Derelict House one of 5 fallen warriors at Derelict House.
PhantomCorpse,Revrat,Galmakhar,Zermerkh or even Mighty Lingraont and killing them would bring you
Souvenirs to bring back to your home.
In world of Faeo there are new adventure everywhere, and if you don't want to miss any of them while
You are on holiday you sure should visit Village of Kingala and go to Misteryous Derelict House.
If you are person who like to go on a holiday and at the same time go on unforgettable adventure and
You are person who like scary places, then you must go to Village of Kingala.
At first, you would think that place is very quiet and you don't have a lot of things to do, but you
Are wrong.Because there is a house called Derelict House and visiting it
You would have a holiday of lifetime that you would never forget.
Exploring and Adventuring at Derelict House would be cool and scary at the same times because you
would not know what awaits you behind every door you open, and that means you would see thing you
Have never seen and of course what is a holiday without some action.
With your mighty sword you could clear your way to next rooms and it won't be for nothing, with that
you could get to the Scariest monsters of the Derelict House one of 5 fallen warriors at Derelict House.
PhantomCorpse,Revrat,Galmakhar,Zermerkh or even Mighty Lingraont and killing them would bring you
Souvenirs to bring back to your home.
In world of Faeo there are new adventure everywhere, and if you don't want to miss any of them while
You are on holiday you sure should visit Village of Kingala and go to Misteryous Derelict House.

I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.
WoD holiday destinations to watch
What better holiday can you ask for that complete relaxation and pampering in a luxurious castle. Behold the best holiday destination - Faytvor Castle. Cooked banquests for every meal and gold and weapons adorning the walls. This is exactly what a mag needs!!
Please try again with a serious entry, this one will not be considered!
What better holiday can you ask for that complete relaxation and pampering in a luxurious castle. Behold the best holiday destination - Faytvor Castle. Cooked banquests for every meal and gold and weapons adorning the walls. This is exactly what a mag needs!!
Please try again with a serious entry, this one will not be considered!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Jun 9th 2017, 1:15pm)

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