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Monday, October 24th 2016, 8:26am

Scarelarious!! The vote is closed!

Who is your favourite act?

A total of 807 Votes have been submitted.


Alexis Rhodes (310)


Stellar (142)


Muffin (121)


--ALMiLA-- (72)


-Best- (45)


Toff (35)


Sun_Shine (33)


Mercury (27)


The Hawk (11)


Löffer (11)

We have selected 10 entries for you to vote from. You can vote for your favourite till Wednesday 26, 18h server time.
Enjoy and may the funniest or scariest act win!

To the participants

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Oct 26th 2016, 6:22pm)

Posts: 370

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Monday, October 24th 2016, 9:20am

Vote for me please :love:


Good luck everyone!
Magmar Consecrator

:love1: Italian :love: Spanish :love: English :love1:


Monday, October 24th 2016, 9:35am

Well, I wouldn't go with request to vote for me. I would prefer to say: We are all so different and unique, vote for the one YOU LIKE most. The voting is anonymous and no one will actually know who did you decide to vote for!

Good luck to all! :ghost:
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Monday, October 24th 2016, 1:04pm

Do me a favour all:) go and watch the images and choose the one you like the most and consider the least as fake ;).

Don´t just vote for anyone just because you get pushed to do so ....


Monday, October 24th 2016, 1:59pm

the fake ones shouldnt even have been put into the vote !!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, October 24th 2016, 2:02pm

Alexis Rhoses = real pic, muffin = real pic , toff = real pic , mercury = real pic ...The rest well theres some that are links i cannot see even when i click on :(((( and the rest are just photoshopped pics off the net


Monday, October 24th 2016, 2:03pm

Sun Shine also real pics i see her now :))


Monday, October 24th 2016, 2:05pm

stellar pic is real, just the background is photoshop :ponder:
404 not found

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Monday, October 24th 2016, 2:19pm

Hugo Stiglitz has attached the following file:
  • images.jpg (19.62 kB - 169 times downloaded - latest: Oct 29th 2024, 12:45am)

Posts: 128

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Monday, October 24th 2016, 2:20pm

just now i understood how to upload can i join the competition??

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Monday, October 24th 2016, 2:29pm

wow wow wow

what reactions I see xD

Is just a game guys, neither a big prize.... c'mon, relax and good game :)
I asked before post pic if was allowed to photoshop background, the answer was yes. I think there's no need to do this kind of fight for a contest that was made more for fun. I can say the same for my clanmate, real pic (in this case I also know him in real :P)

Relax a bit and let's have some fun!

Thanks for votes :) And to the really nice people that did nice comments to me :love:

Cheers. :snowball:
Magmar Consecrator

:love1: Italian :love: Spanish :love: English :love1:


Monday, October 24th 2016, 3:48pm

the fake ones shouldnt even have been put into the vote !!!!!!!!!!!

All participants in the vote we considered having fullfilled a bigger part of the requirements, if not all. So put your knife back in your pocket, hun :kiss2:


Monday, October 24th 2016, 4:11pm

Aixlinn you are one who set me off with your post :lol: by saying go look i did :P and hence my oppinion all on damn witch hunt cause i mentioned fake pics :lol: i didnt even say names :cry: ...half of them not even opening for me


Monday, October 24th 2016, 4:26pm

:lol: Don´t worry:) just put that note as I saw some vote collectors going round trying to make people vote in their favour ... happens, but just wanted to encourage all of you to vote for the ones you really think deserve to win and not to whom you feel obliged to.

Neutral and objective voting, not favourism. Otherwise the event team might have to choose themself in future, which for sure would not be as much fun :thumbsup:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Oct 24th 2016, 4:35pm)


Monday, October 24th 2016, 7:59pm


I just want to take a moment to thank those that did vote for me, so for that I thank you all very much! I see this more of a popularity contest than anything else, and as you can see, I am not very popular lol. Honestly though, I don't care who wins. I only participated in the event because I thought it would be fun and I was bored. I would also like to point out that some people continue to post the same photos every year, but it's not against the rules.. so much luck, happy gaming..and Happy Hallow's Eve. :)


Tuesday, October 25th 2016, 12:08am

sun_shine one of my clannies told me they voted for you because they liked your entry best so not all are voting based on popularity

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Tuesday, October 25th 2016, 3:32am

my vote goes to sun_shine, very good picture and it's the most realistic!

good luck


Tuesday, October 25th 2016, 9:49am

I voted for The Hawk, if a clown is spooky enough by itself, imagine a pirate clown!! (okay, buggy wasn't really spooky but whatevs)


Tuesday, October 25th 2016, 11:09am

Apparently it turned into popularity voting kek


Tuesday, October 25th 2016, 11:10am

%101 sure if pictures were put by forum moderator as anonymous, results would have been different

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