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Tuesday, January 10th 2012, 2:55am

Banning of PayPal'ers... why???


This message to you is an inquiry as to why it is you have begun what appears to be a witch hunt of people whom have threatened you with, having been big paypallers, relenting on being more money spenders...

Why are you persecuting Nineeagles, THE BOSS and others??? What on earth are you doing??

I do not want for you to tell me to carry dialogue elsewhere... These guys are big spenders in this game... If nothing else, please tell everyone why you percecute them???

Why for crying out loud??? Why?? Furthermore, please do not tell me or anyone that this is a matter which requires things to happen outside of ..."prying eyes"

These people are not bad.... They, if nothing else are the direct product of your own creation... Please.. Give worthy explination as to why you ban them... I love to have the with me in game yet... You make them victims of our imperitives...

Release my friends!!! Do not be so stubborn if .. in the final analysis, you have no reason...

Kaleb "Unrequited" Dark


Tuesday, January 10th 2012, 3:13am

they may have shared a lucky star, depends on what is in their emails:lol: in my old character i loves nineeagles, he was great in the chaos event, but i hated him in halls and cc:lol:


Tuesday, January 10th 2012, 6:39am

I cant officially reply as I am not on the admin team but there are a couple of things I would like to say.
Firstly, paypalling, even in the thousands, doesnt give players a right to disobey the rules.
Secondly, when bans/curses are placed the player will be notified of the reason, they can also request more info or clarification by emailing . I would imagine Admin would be under some privagy legislation to not discuss these matters with a third party, or openly in a forum. So if you want to know reasons, its prob best to ask the players.
Lastly, insulting admins really isnt a way to get your point across (I can feel a forum ban coming on)

These comments are not all directed at the original poster lol


Tuesday, January 10th 2012, 10:56am

For reasons of data protection we never give out any information as to why certain players are banned. These players are asked to contact us and will receive additional information.