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Saturday, August 29th 2015, 2:52am

Endy 13 - Bug or what?

Hello, since some time, i noticed that endagar 13 doesn't cast on me this:

Is there any specific reason? I fought a lot them and asked also to some people, but i never get a stun lol.....
Last try was this:…06&server_id=10

and no stuns during the entire fight, just the normal step, and at every move, the endagar was moving like "charging" something before hit....

Someone has an explanation please?
404 not found


Saturday, August 29th 2015, 3:39am

They must really really like you. Don't have any explanation for the lack of stuns. The charging however is an unstated effect that parallels this from the shankar -

Just like that is something the shankar only uses on BOV memebers. The "charging" is endager increasing the damage of its blows against only BOE member.


Sunday, August 30th 2015, 12:38am

this is not helping :pinch:
404 not found