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Thursday, December 8th 2011, 8:29pm


Hmm... Now we need to plan ahead from scratch! We must destroy


th Hunter :ninza:
at any costs! I shall assemble a war council! Warrior, you've done all you could. I have one more request: Please go to Brugilda the Sorceress and express to her my utter gratitude for her participation in this case. Meanwhile I will puzzle my chiefs of staff with this new task and see what they can do of it!

Hmm... Now we need to plan ahead from scratch! We must destroy th Hunter at any costs! I shall assemble a war council! Warrior, you've done all you could. I have one more request: Please go to Brugilda the Sorceress and express to her my utter gratitude for her participation in this case. Meanwhile I will puzzle my chiefs of staff with this new task and see what they can do of it!