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Elt's cube's combinations
Today we were announced that the Elt's cube has finally appeared on our servers, so I decided to post the cube 's combinations from the russian server:
Worn Cutthroat Boots+Elixir of Speed(purple)=Quick Worn Boots(+5 to speed)
Shizka Mushroom+Large Crystal Vial=Shiz Beer
Elixir of Invulnerability+Elixir of Speed=Supreme Blessing of Heavens
1 Pet Food=18 sacks of food
5 Great Scrolls of Retribution=Absoulte Scroll of Retribution
5 Great Powders of Retribution=Absolute Powder of Retribution
5 Great Powders of Weakness=Absolute Powder of Weakness
5 Purple Scrolls of Healing=Absolute Scroll of Healing
2 Faulty Efrils=1 Efril
3 Great Elixirs of Life=Absolute Elixir of Life
Tarariquon+Large Sparkling Crystal=Veteran Tarariquon
Veteran Tarariquon+Small Bright Crystal=Battle Tarariquon
2 lower fossils=1 higher fossil( up to rarity)
5 rarity fossils=1 relict fossil
2 lower elixirs of life=1 higher elixir of life(up to great)
2 elixirs of power+1 elixir of blood=1 elixir of courage( must be the same color)
3 lower elixirs of mana=2 higher elixirs of mana
3 lower scrolls of mana=2 higher scrolls of mana
3 green athsi elixirs=2 blue atshi elixirs
3 amulets of call=1 incarnators( of the same type)
2 weak giants=1 elixir of giant
5 great giants=1 absolute giant
2 lower healing scrolls=1 higher healing scroll
3 grey destruction/rockskin/wind=1 green destruction/rockskin/wind
2 green destruction/rocksin/wind=1 blue destruction/rockskin/wind
1 Centrido+3 great scrolls of retribution=1 Incarnum( and vice versa)
1 Luxite+5 great powder of retribution=1 Flamian( and vice versa)
2 grey powders of retribution=1 green powder of retribution
1 Zigred Attack Amulet+1 Manuscript of Crushing( from tavern's shop)= 1 Elixir of Zigred Metamorphosis
1 Krect Attack Amulet+1 Manuscript of Crushing=1 Powder of Kretch Metamorphosis
Any combination of exp essences previously available at Alchimists
1 lvl 12 Necromancer Amulet(Light/Dark) + 1000 Light/Dark Shards=1 lvl 14 Necromancer Amulet
1 lvl 14 Necromancer Amulet(Light/Dark) + 2500 Light/Dark Shards=1 lvl 16 Necromancer Amulet
news article:
Worn Cutthroat Boots+Elixir of Speed(purple)=Quick Worn Boots(+5 to speed)
Shizka Mushroom+Large Crystal Vial=Shiz Beer
Elixir of Invulnerability+Elixir of Speed=Supreme Blessing of Heavens
1 Pet Food=18 sacks of food
5 Great Scrolls of Retribution=Absoulte Scroll of Retribution
5 Great Powders of Retribution=Absolute Powder of Retribution
5 Great Powders of Weakness=Absolute Powder of Weakness
5 Purple Scrolls of Healing=Absolute Scroll of Healing
2 Faulty Efrils=1 Efril
3 Great Elixirs of Life=Absolute Elixir of Life
Tarariquon+Large Sparkling Crystal=Veteran Tarariquon
Veteran Tarariquon+Small Bright Crystal=Battle Tarariquon
2 lower fossils=1 higher fossil( up to rarity)
5 rarity fossils=1 relict fossil
2 lower elixirs of life=1 higher elixir of life(up to great)
2 elixirs of power+1 elixir of blood=1 elixir of courage( must be the same color)
3 lower elixirs of mana=2 higher elixirs of mana
3 lower scrolls of mana=2 higher scrolls of mana
3 green athsi elixirs=2 blue atshi elixirs
3 amulets of call=1 incarnators( of the same type)
2 weak giants=1 elixir of giant
5 great giants=1 absolute giant
2 lower healing scrolls=1 higher healing scroll
3 grey destruction/rockskin/wind=1 green destruction/rockskin/wind
2 green destruction/rocksin/wind=1 blue destruction/rockskin/wind
1 Centrido+3 great scrolls of retribution=1 Incarnum( and vice versa)
1 Luxite+5 great powder of retribution=1 Flamian( and vice versa)
2 grey powders of retribution=1 green powder of retribution
1 Zigred Attack Amulet+1 Manuscript of Crushing( from tavern's shop)= 1 Elixir of Zigred Metamorphosis
1 Krect Attack Amulet+1 Manuscript of Crushing=1 Powder of Kretch Metamorphosis
Any combination of exp essences previously available at Alchimists
1 lvl 12 Necromancer Amulet(Light/Dark) + 1000 Light/Dark Shards=1 lvl 14 Necromancer Amulet
1 lvl 14 Necromancer Amulet(Light/Dark) + 2500 Light/Dark Shards=1 lvl 16 Necromancer Amulet
news article:
You can get a nelt's cube from a lvl 3 quest@ Elder at city square:
1.Speak to elder
2.speak to gnome spirit@sorrow place/communal graves
3.bring gnome spirit, a mica mallet( 500 relic rep required)
4.bring gnome spirit, BoE skull, old fossil, agate dust, collected mistloe, black ink
5.arrange the ingredients in the pentagram in order to get the elt's cube
1.Speak to elder
2.speak to gnome spirit@sorrow place/communal graves
3.bring gnome spirit, a mica mallet( 500 relic rep required)
4.bring gnome spirit, BoE skull, old fossil, agate dust, collected mistloe, black ink
5.arrange the ingredients in the pentagram in order to get the elt's cube
This cube is like the wand, a permanent item in bag but, contrary to the wand, seems that you can use it when you want, where you want.
What is finally, a very interesting item. Even if the quest is costing, might be possible to have our money back faster than we could guess, so, thanks for this possibility you gave us to have an interesting tool.
What is finally, a very interesting item. Even if the quest is costing, might be possible to have our money back faster than we could guess, so, thanks for this possibility you gave us to have an interesting tool.