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  • "Fairy Tale" started this thread

Posts: 3,677

Location: in the land of fairies obviously

Occupation: Captain Obvious

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Tuesday, July 5th 2011, 12:37am

Oh, Mighty Gods, a Petty Magmar Prays to You!

Can the almighty ones restore my 16 bats summons and the valdagor summoning pipe?
I used them all in the fight against the Human Commander on the 4th of July and then the fight was cancelled so they all have simply disappeared.


17:18 Magmar Commandеr: This one fight is the real fight, we lost the human comander through a let say technical problem

Obviously I would not have used them if I had known the fight would be cancelled...


Tuesday, July 5th 2011, 9:42am

Dear pretty Magmar :smile:,

if a battle is cancelled is it as if this battle never existed, never took place, so everything you used in this battle is automatically where ist was before after the cancellation.