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  • "Mr Thunder" started this thread

Posts: 34

Location: International

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Thursday, May 19th 2022, 11:57am

Clan registration

I have done all the steps for Clan registration since last week, 13 x 13 px, Ancient Guards(name of the clan)...still no answer says that is being reviewed but nothing else.., is there anyone that can help me with this matter, please? :) :?: :!: :?:

Posts: 92

Location: Turkey

Occupation: Ankara

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Friday, May 27th 2022, 1:11am


Review process can take a while.

Good luck in your new clan. :clap:
Always better :beer:


Thursday, June 20th 2024, 9:09pm

It took 3 weeks for my clan Reto is right it takes some time.... Good luck with your clan....