I went through the whole trouble of
- spending 45 gold on riding classes
- obtaining over 600 Dartrong reputation
- spending 5 gold on an amulet
- obtaining 1 000 Red Axes reputation
- spending 10 gold on a toxin
Just to receive a lvl 5 poisonous crion zorb which gets
MANGLED by lvl 4 veteran demon hounds every single time I'm not there to assist it by either causing damage (experience, no thanks!), or winning time for the venom to work (but half of the time I get killed before seeing any venomous bites).
I know what these mounts are capable of, I've fought them in Arenas and use them myself but come on, this is a joke. I wasn't expecting to hunt lvl 5 monsters but I'm not even able to hunt lvl 4 peacefully?
tldr 1 600 reputation and 60 gold for some weak lvl 5 mount, please fix by giving it extra protection or life so that it can at the very least kill lvl 4 monsters.
Bonus picture