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Thursday, June 21st 2012, 10:25pm

Application for the mentor of the people

Good evening honored by Team WoD, I would like to apply to be a game helpers, because I help the newer players like I also think the game would be a good helper, because I really need any help the help.

Something about my RL: My name is Tobias, I am 24 years old, am currently an apprentice cook in the evening and have a lot of time, I know very well with MMORPG's out there, I already play Fiesta and Terra Online.

Something about my character: My character is Maxy009, I'm at level 4 Am in my ways have not noticed negative. I'm actually always willing to help when someone needs help. So I'm more positive note, I noticed think / I hope so.

Why you should take me as a play helper: I think you should take me as a game because helpers, I can fit well in a community love to help new players your armor looks so cool

and if I am accepted into the play-helper team, I can get to know the individual players better.

Would appreciate the time you hear from me it means Welcome,

Greetings Maxy


Friday, June 22nd 2012, 4:54am

if you were paying attention you would know to apply here:…ications-Humans