Would just like to highlight that players expecting peace in ruins are clearly not seeing the full picture.
01:03 You have been attacked by -Zuko- [20] .
01:03 -Zuko- has used a Bone amulet to send the Evil Eye of Zara to -_KARMA_-.
01:03 -Zuko- has cursed -_KARMA_- with the Gehenna Hex.
01:03 -Zuko- uses a Grevior and casts a Dreadful Destructor on -_KARMA_-.
01:03 -Zuko- [20] has used the Solumir's Mirror to sever the soul from the body of -_KARMA_- [17] .
01:04 -Zuko- has chained a death row ball and chain to the ankle of -_KARMA_-.
01:04 -Zuko- has chained a death row ball and chain to the ankle of -_KARMA_-.
00:01 -Zuko- has used a Bone amulet to send the Evil Eye of Zara to -_KARMA_-.
00:01 -Zuko- uses a Grevior and casts a Dreadful Destructor on -_KARMA_-.
00:01 -Zuko- [20] has used the Solumir's Mirror to sever the soul from the body of -_KARMA_- [18] .
You think when I am able to go to ruins this should just be forgotten because level 20 is somehow more important than any other level?
I do not even know this player yet I am subjected to this on a daily. If there is to be expected peace then the attitude of clear destructive actions are accepted at one level but not another.
For all the salty "its a war game" players, I am more than happy to be subjected to this but dont expect no rettaliation from players when they level if this is what we are subjected to until we can at least fight back.
I reittarate do not expect players to have peace when this crap is happening on a daily. Until it changes my perosnal actions wont be changing either.
As they say Karma is a ..... and it certaintly will be for players tha continue to do what they want and then throw there toys out of the pram when it happens to them.
Good luck to all