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Tuesday, January 17th 2023, 4:55am

Sorting Armour (Clothing) & Elixir Slots (Pockets)

Another QoL suggestion....

When making armour & elixir sets in the client. Could it be possible to allow the moving of the sets in the setting UI.

For instance, in our favourites section we can move them up or down to order them how we wish, this would be a great addition for the armour & elixir sets too.

I find myself making new sets on a "fairly" regular basis but it usually means having to redo all sets so I can put them back in order the best suits my needs. Being able to move them up/down in the list would make this much quicker as if I only have to add a single set I would be able to move it into order without having to redo all/most of the others.

FYI - I like to have shortest/weakest sets at the top.

:jump: :worship: :jump:

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