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Wednesday, September 22nd 2010, 2:47pm


For all Portuguese speaking players. :dragon:


Thursday, September 30th 2010, 5:05pm

olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! tugas :D


Friday, October 22nd 2010, 1:42pm

Bem se isto é para quem fala português, venham de lá os portugueses, os brasileiros, os angolanos, os moçambicanos, e todos os outros que falem a língua-mãe cá do rapaz.

E bom jogo a todos.

P.S. - Vamos fazer um server em português? Que dizem? ;)


Tuesday, November 9th 2010, 5:46pm

era bom era :D mudava algumas coisas no meu percurso ^^


Sunday, January 16th 2011, 10:48pm

ola pessoal , se montarem um server portugues to dentro, brasil mandaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

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Monday, January 17th 2011, 8:01pm

Ola pessoal como vai isso ?
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:


Wednesday, January 19th 2011, 9:24pm

bleeeeee kkk


Thursday, January 20th 2011, 1:34am

bom dia todos como e que vosses estao


Thursday, January 20th 2011, 1:38am

Ola pessoal , boas para todos ?

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

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Saturday, January 22nd 2011, 1:35pm

bem me parecia que o mapin era br,, agora a kallen e que eu nao sabia,, tens canada no country
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

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Saturday, January 22nd 2011, 6:39pm

se montarem um server portugues ( coisa que nunca vai acontecer,, nem br,, para isso a o espanhol) eu tou la de certeza
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:


Saturday, January 22nd 2011, 7:33pm

so de portugal mas vaio a qui quando eu era muito nova mas vou la quando eu posso todos dois ou tres anos so do north minhota

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


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Sunday, January 23rd 2011, 5:21pm

ah ok,, e bom ver mais portugueses :)
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:


Tuesday, January 25th 2011, 8:10pm

lol, carinhas q falam portugues q eu nem sabia

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


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Tuesday, January 25th 2011, 11:11pm

pois eh :)
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


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Sunday, January 30th 2011, 11:18pm

nao linguem a isto,, tou so a tentar o meu novo site de upload das fotos para o jogo.

I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


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Sunday, January 30th 2011, 11:20pm

I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

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Sunday, January 30th 2011, 11:21pm

I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:

 Les Chevaliers Dragons  xCure [8] 


Posts: 400

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Sunday, January 30th 2011, 11:21pm

Finaly Thanks :)
I Love the Sky with many Stars :snowball: :xmasparty: :xmastree:


Tuesday, February 8th 2011, 3:47pm

é uma questao de ver as info dos outros :DD