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Personal feedback and ideas :
1.This mod is useless, unless you want just lost 30 minutes for fun, hoping the enemy dont choose necromancer and put all 25 minions and in short stall you until the end of the pvp.
2.50 min of fight as necromancer
3.I see that someone obtain valor and exp, someone elso no, it means it is considered as normal pvp or a j4f ?
Advices :
1.Please nerf necromancer summon number
2.Please put in game related stuff there too, won't use another 1 hour of game for.... nothing
Way to be a really bad boy in that pvp :
1.Be a necromancer krets, take one of enemy, preferable 2, stay alway in block and summon all your minions
P.S.Don't tell to your enemy that i said this
btw, up to you
2.Be the mirrow guy and mirrow a random enemy, being sure about 90% that no one of them took the cleric
1.This mod is useless, unless you want just lost 30 minutes for fun, hoping the enemy dont choose necromancer and put all 25 minions and in short stall you until the end of the pvp.
2.50 min of fight as necromancer

3.I see that someone obtain valor and exp, someone elso no, it means it is considered as normal pvp or a j4f ?

Advices :
1.Please nerf necromancer summon number
2.Please put in game related stuff there too, won't use another 1 hour of game for.... nothing

Way to be a really bad boy in that pvp :
1.Be a necromancer krets, take one of enemy, preferable 2, stay alway in block and summon all your minions

P.S.Don't tell to your enemy that i said this

2.Be the mirrow guy and mirrow a random enemy, being sure about 90% that no one of them took the cleric

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

Don't complain about 50mn of fight is what you did, summon 16 mob againts 1 guy ... 50mn of fight ... best way to force people to go no more.Personal feedback and ideas :
1.This mod is useless, unless you want just lost 30 minutes for fun, hoping the enemy dont choose necromancer and put all 25 minions and in short stall you until the end of the pvp.
2.50 min of fight as necromancer![]()
I will never understand the fun you can have with such fights, stalling and summon ... waiting 50mn.
You really think that people will enjoy that instance with guys like you? Is really stupid, better hunt 1 hour.
And you was in same team.
Fortunately i met a other kretz necromencer, the guy used summon when was needed, was not a long fight and was a fun fight.
My feedback ...and the main issue is that we can be stuck in a fight with such guys who apparently don't know how to fight in a other way than stall (hum HW low lvl, is not a surprise)
For me, really bad experience, will try once again, but start really bad unless you want waste your time
In my experience trolls are immortal as they heal faster than they take damage. Kretch summons are rediculous because they can stall a fight for 30 mins. The only real pvp fight (lasting longer than 2 mins) I got in was a battle that ended with no conclusion. 2 trolls fighting eachother cannot kill eachother. Meaning if 2 trolls start a combat, they are stuck untill outside aid comes.
Also what was the purpose of it? Is there a reward that you get for doing it? The whole instance felt like more PVE and there is enough pve on WOD already? I mean it was interesting but felt kind of aimless. :)
Just my two cents though. :)
Also what was the purpose of it? Is there a reward that you get for doing it? The whole instance felt like more PVE and there is enough pve on WOD already? I mean it was interesting but felt kind of aimless. :)
Just my two cents though. :)
Desert Scout:
Shuriken of the Scout does not damage 10% of HP, it actually does nothing, and can only be used 1 time a fight per enemy, cooldown to long and defeats the purpuse of what it is ment to do
Servant of the Brotherhood:
Purification by Light after healing negative effect, its stays active on user and limits enemy to through again negative effects, not sure if this was the idea for it
Forest Troll:
I think we all saw, over powered
Shuriken of the Scout does not damage 10% of HP, it actually does nothing, and can only be used 1 time a fight per enemy, cooldown to long and defeats the purpuse of what it is ment to do

Servant of the Brotherhood:
Purification by Light after healing negative effect, its stays active on user and limits enemy to through again negative effects, not sure if this was the idea for it
Forest Troll:
I think we all saw, over powered

what is the definition of insanity?

just what happened to me
was naked when entering and i choose Absorlam as avatar...good one it seemed.
I killed lot of mobs on hunting mode then a lvl14 enemy .
i killed one lvl6 too and returned to base to try to change badges...that was the time i got blocked during 35min at base without beiing able to do any but fighting one more lvl6 enemy who entered base and attacked me.
It was impossible to enter shop / enter some passage or even exit instance...
Maybe it s the normal way but really it was strange
if some can explain a bit what to do
...maybe destroy the enemy altar ... maybe not
in my case i could nt do any but waiting for the end of instance....why did it ended? don t know...what happened to my badges...don t know
....but i was Absorlam for a few....

was naked when entering and i choose Absorlam as avatar...good one it seemed.
I killed lot of mobs on hunting mode then a lvl14 enemy .
i killed one lvl6 too and returned to base to try to change badges...that was the time i got blocked during 35min at base without beiing able to do any but fighting one more lvl6 enemy who entered base and attacked me.
It was impossible to enter shop / enter some passage or even exit instance...
Maybe it s the normal way but really it was strange
if some can explain a bit what to do


So pretty fun, I'd say, but well way too much bug. I'll try to say some I've seen :
Troll : Either he heals too much or don't take enough dommage, you choose
Desert Scout : as said already Shuriken is useless
Eternity Guard : His incinerating stare doesn't remove hp and most likely not enough strength
Arboslam : "Power of woods" stay not only for 5 turns but for the whole fight which is completly broken (+ stacks)
I can't tell for other character as far as bug are concerned but I feel like the warlock should have a longer waiting time for his "Suck Life Force"
Troll : Either he heals too much or don't take enough dommage, you choose
Desert Scout : as said already Shuriken is useless
Eternity Guard : His incinerating stare doesn't remove hp and most likely not enough strength
Arboslam : "Power of woods" stay not only for 5 turns but for the whole fight which is completly broken (+ stacks)
I can't tell for other character as far as bug are concerned but I feel like the warlock should have a longer waiting time for his "Suck Life Force"
So pretty fun, I'd say, but well way too much bug. I'll try to say some I've seen :
Troll : Either he heals too much or don't take enough dommage, you choose
Desert Scout : as said already Shuriken is useless
Eternity Guard : His incinerating stare doesn't remove hp and most likely not enough strength
Arboslam : "Power of woods" stay not only for 5 turns but for the whole fight which is completly broken (+ stacks)
I can't tell for other character as far as bug are concerned but I feel like the warlock should have a longer waiting time for his "Suck Life Force"
Don't complain about 50mn of fight is what you did, summon 16 mob againts 1 guy ... 50mn of fight ... best way to force people to go no more.Personal feedback and ideas :
1.This mod is useless, unless you want just lost 30 minutes for fun, hoping the enemy dont choose necromancer and put all 25 minions and in short stall you until the end of the pvp.
2.50 min of fight as necromancer![]()
I will never understand the fun you can have with such fights, stalling and summon ... waiting 50mn.
You really think that people will enjoy that instance with guys like you? Is really stupid, better hunt 1 hour.
And you was in same team.
Fortunately i met a other kretz necromencer, the guy used summon when was needed, was not a long fight and was a fun fight.
My feedback ...and the main issue is that we can be stuck in a fight with such guys who apparently don't know how to fight in a other way than stall (hum HW low lvl, is not a surprise)
For me, really bad experience, will try once again, but start really bad unless you want waste your time
Was doing the same until i see that my 20% hp dmg ability just take his 5% hp in one tick and nothing else

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

arboslam is bugged I think - doubt its mean t to be like its working now:
Power of woods:
Arboslam calls for help the power of woods and empowers 4 allies with great strength for 5 turns!
its what it says in description. At the moment , the effect not only stays, but adds up with every new a gang of arboslams buffing one another , will hit 40 k and stun constant very quick - please fix it ...everybody is going as arboslam now .
Power of woods:
Arboslam calls for help the power of woods and empowers 4 allies with great strength for 5 turns!
its what it says in description. At the moment , the effect not only stays, but adds up with every new a gang of arboslams buffing one another , will hit 40 k and stun constant very quick - please fix it ...everybody is going as arboslam now .
arboslam is bugged I think - doubt its mean t to be like its working now:
Power of woods:
Arboslam calls for help the power of woods and empowers 4 allies with great strength for 5 turns!
its what it says in description. At the moment , the effect not only stays, but adds up with every new a gang of arboslams buffing one another , will hit 40 k and stun constant very quick - please fix it ...everybody is going as arboslam now .
Power of woods:
Arboslam calls for help the power of woods and empowers 4 allies with great strength for 5 turns!
its what it says in description. At the moment , the effect not only stays, but adds up with every new a gang of arboslams buffing one another , will hit 40 k and stun constant very quick - please fix it ...everybody is going as arboslam now .
arboslam is bugged I think - doubt its mean t to be like its working now:
Power of woods:
Arboslam calls for help the power of woods and empowers 4 allies with great strength for 5 turns!
its what it says in description. At the moment , the effect not only stays, but adds up with every new a gang of arboslams buffing one another , will hit 40 k and stun constant very quick - please fix it ...everybody is going as arboslam now .
Power of woods:
Arboslam calls for help the power of woods and empowers 4 allies with great strength for 5 turns!
its what it says in description. At the moment , the effect not only stays, but adds up with every new a gang of arboslams buffing one another , will hit 40 k and stun constant very quick - please fix it ...everybody is going as arboslam now .
The concept behind this battlefield is awesome, specially for the fact that unites level 3-19 in balanced way. Very good
But there are some problems:
- Bugs written above but with good fixes it's ok.
- Attack on enemy base. Each battlefield is taking 10 minutes now. The fact is that each team go straight to attack base and it's too easy to take it down as things are now with 3 people! Put maybe a limit of points or "control points" before touching enemy altar directly...
- Valor output. I understand this instance is cheap (1g) and literally a new lv 3 can kill a lv 19 with 7650 rep rating, but sometimes valor is 0 and makes it totally not worth, except for fun. Give minimum valor to losers and winners decent enough and make fights more worth it.
- Time. Make instance max 30 min length. Mirror is very bad if no healers, and communication sucks between 3 servers to make a good tactic in random teams.
- Minions in map. Make those tokens more worth, no one really cares about buffing 1x or 10x, literally people just go straight to enemy base.
My two cents
Do those fixes (specially valor) and this battlefield won't die like fast caves but will be populated like meridian vaults

But there are some problems:
- Bugs written above but with good fixes it's ok.
- Attack on enemy base. Each battlefield is taking 10 minutes now. The fact is that each team go straight to attack base and it's too easy to take it down as things are now with 3 people! Put maybe a limit of points or "control points" before touching enemy altar directly...
- Valor output. I understand this instance is cheap (1g) and literally a new lv 3 can kill a lv 19 with 7650 rep rating, but sometimes valor is 0 and makes it totally not worth, except for fun. Give minimum valor to losers and winners decent enough and make fights more worth it.
- Time. Make instance max 30 min length. Mirror is very bad if no healers, and communication sucks between 3 servers to make a good tactic in random teams.
- Minions in map. Make those tokens more worth, no one really cares about buffing 1x or 10x, literally people just go straight to enemy base.
My two cents

Also problem is balance between actual valor taken... and how much this battlefield is "difficult".
If you add more valour, there is risk that people stop work on their characters only to do the dungeon which requires nothing but 1 gold,
but if you don't put valour, 2-3 days I can predict this battlefield will be just for fun for an alliance or will die,
maybe put something interesting inside. Like tokens to win something meaningful.
For example red premium pots, whatever...
Try to find a balance to don't kill this battlefield or make it useless
If you add more valour, there is risk that people stop work on their characters only to do the dungeon which requires nothing but 1 gold,
but if you don't put valour, 2-3 days I can predict this battlefield will be just for fun for an alliance or will die,
maybe put something interesting inside. Like tokens to win something meaningful.
For example red premium pots, whatever...
Try to find a balance to don't kill this battlefield or make it useless

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