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Mass Exodus
So, many really hate this whole taking the war out of war of dragons by limiting who you can attack. on DE server they wisened up and got rid of it:
My suggestion is that all who want to play WAR of dragons get transferred to DE and those who want to continue farming can stay here.
(our admins could just get rid of the rule but that seems like more of a stretch)
My suggestion is that all who want to play WAR of dragons get transferred to DE and those who want to continue farming can stay here.
(our admins could just get rid of the rule but that seems like more of a stretch)

I really hope our server follows the change that DE made. While I agree that lower levels should not be massacred, the current rules have so many flaws and loopholes that have been exploited a lot. Hopefully if this change is implemented it will make Defenders rep more accessible as well (with the current rules it really restricts this rep).
Brute, if you raised your character so big and strong just to bully low level players and not let them play this game - then DE server is for you, no one will ask you to stay here. Bye-bye
Though the rule doesn't really work the way it's supposed to work, executioners pretend they have orders, especially lv 11-19, they get around 1g per monster on rage (rainbow), and ask clannies or friends to pay them for execution of a low level player, and when guards ask for proof they only show gold paid and guards accept it.
Also, it's your choice to level very fast, to get scalps only from lv 17-19, but you don't blame yourself, you blame other player for not leveling as fast as you, you want to play good but there are not so many players of your level range, so you start to kill eveyone. I can advice you to either start a new character or play other game for some time and return to this game later to give other players time to level up.

Though the rule doesn't really work the way it's supposed to work, executioners pretend they have orders, especially lv 11-19, they get around 1g per monster on rage (rainbow), and ask clannies or friends to pay them for execution of a low level player, and when guards ask for proof they only show gold paid and guards accept it.
Also, it's your choice to level very fast, to get scalps only from lv 17-19, but you don't blame yourself, you blame other player for not leveling as fast as you, you want to play good but there are not so many players of your level range, so you start to kill eveyone. I can advice you to either start a new character or play other game for some time and return to this game later to give other players time to level up.
To be fair, I hope they keep this rule here. Since that rule was implemented, there are a lot of people taking part in free speech and saying whatever they have in mind. They can share their opinions, they can say whatever they want about almost anything they want without worrying about some high level getting pissed and executing them because they didn't like the idea of that low level, or they simply felt like attacking them for no reason at all.
I like it, I hope it stays here for a while.
I like it, I hope it stays here for a while.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
I never Liked this 3 levels below your Level can't be attacked... I said from the start the rule was stupid... If people don't want to play at war I say go some place that has no PvP.....
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

Hopefully if this change is implemented it will make Defenders rep more accessible as well (with the current rules it really restricts this rep).
The Defender of the Continent reputation increases when you kill a player of an enemy race in the locations of your continent. There isn't any restriction about it. People should stay 24/7 in county to increase it. I wonder who had the brilliant idea to introduce this rep.. Simply impossible..
so it would be good for high levels to butcher low lvls so you can get better rep? nice
High levels butchering lower levels for rep? No. The rep is received for killing the ENEMY race who is raiding. If they kill more of your race, you get more rep. It would be up to them if they play tactically to give out less rep or not. Many players have 'enemies' who they want to kill for previous events, just seems absurd that they cannot.
As for this higher/lower level conflict, well every GB event we higher level players face enough issues with lower levels joining GBs, dying, leaving when it is at a critical point and just making it harder for their own race. What then? Lower levels screwing over higher levels for better rep? nice
Nope, even now if somoene is attacked and calls for help (and I'm not busy + am able to kill the enemy), I tell them to stall and I join the fight and try my best to keep them alive. That would not change the slightest for me personally. All it would do is open up the rep to how it was intended, I mean there is a reason why RU doesn't have this rule.
Well, that's actually very sad and it pisses me off as well. We had and still do have people of level 3-5 who joined GBs naked and die as fast as they can just to get GB win count.well every GB event we higher level players face enough issues with lower levels joining GBs, dying, leaving when it is at a critical point and just making it harder for their own race.
P.S: Guess what will happen to them when they're in my level group.

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
forgot to add this here:
It's not only them (level 3-5), there are even players of my level doing it, waiting for some level 15 to join the fight and then joining in for free win, not caring about others.
It's not only them (level 3-5), there are even players of my level doing it, waiting for some level 15 to join the fight and then joining in for free win, not caring about others.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Personally, as one of many players who get attacked a LOT by mages (I kill on fay-go pretty much every day) so most kills against me are revenge for something...
I prefer it the old way with no restriction. Executioners injuries are reduced in severity if they kill/injure lower level players. I give level 5 injuries to level 7-8 players but if I kill and injure level 2 scalper they usully get lvl 1 or 2 injury.
Literally the only thing I can see as a negative here is the aggression limit. An exe can only attack a handful of times on the same player currently. I'm just wondering, as I can't be botherred to read a German article, iswill this limit still be in effect or will it be rescinded too? So we can have more players with 200 day long injuries?
I like the old way but I think they should at least keep the aggression/multiple attack limit in place.
Happy hunting all ^_^
I prefer it the old way with no restriction. Executioners injuries are reduced in severity if they kill/injure lower level players. I give level 5 injuries to level 7-8 players but if I kill and injure level 2 scalper they usully get lvl 1 or 2 injury.
Literally the only thing I can see as a negative here is the aggression limit. An exe can only attack a handful of times on the same player currently. I'm just wondering, as I can't be botherred to read a German article, iswill this limit still be in effect or will it be rescinded too? So we can have more players with 200 day long injuries?
I like the old way but I think they should at least keep the aggression/multiple attack limit in place.
Happy hunting all ^_^