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quest help, Feed Simon, Kolark series branch quest
Feed Simon
What do you want to feed Simon with?
Give Simon an Agate gem.
Give Simon an Aquamarine gem.
Give Simon a Turquoise gem.
Give Simon Mistletoe.
Give Simon Clover.
Give Simon Thistle.
Give Simon Mistletoe again.
Give Simon a Carbon Pike.
Give Simon a Silver Tench.
Give Simon a Great Elixir of Power.
Give Simon a Faulty Efril Crystal.
Give Simon Mistletoe. Even more Mistletoe.
Give Simon a Woodlouse.
Give Simon a Gold Coin.
Give Simon some various useless junk.
Give Simon a red medal.
Give Simon a Gammon.
I don't know what else I can give Simon.
which one to choose? i clicked some but turns out i need to have it in bag to choose...
What do you want to feed Simon with?
Give Simon an Agate gem.
Give Simon an Aquamarine gem.
Give Simon a Turquoise gem.
Give Simon Mistletoe.
Give Simon Clover.
Give Simon Thistle.
Give Simon Mistletoe again.
Give Simon a Carbon Pike.
Give Simon a Silver Tench.
Give Simon a Great Elixir of Power.
Give Simon a Faulty Efril Crystal.
Give Simon Mistletoe. Even more Mistletoe.
Give Simon a Woodlouse.
Give Simon a Gold Coin.
Give Simon some various useless junk.
Give Simon a red medal.
Give Simon a Gammon.
I don't know what else I can give Simon.
which one to choose? i clicked some but turns out i need to have it in bag to choose...

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Quest stage
Feed Simon
What do you want to feed Simon with?
Give Simon an Agate gem. (x)
Give Simon an Aquamarine gem.
Give Simon a Turquoise gem.
Give Simon Mistletoe.
Give Simon Clover.
Give Simon Thistle.
Give Simon Mistletoe again.
Give Simon a Carbon Pike.
Give Simon a Silver Tench.
Give Simon a Great Elixir of Power.
Give Simon a Faulty Efril Crystal.
Give Simon Mistletoe. Even more Mistletoe.
Give Simon a Woodlouse.
Give Simon a Gold Coin.
Give Simon some various useless junk.
Give Simon a red medal.
Give Simon a Gammon.
I don't know what else I can give Simon.
not agate gem, tried...
Quest stage
Feed Simon
What do you want to feed Simon with?
Give Simon an Agate gem. (x)
Give Simon an Aquamarine gem.
Give Simon a Turquoise gem.
Give Simon Mistletoe.
Give Simon Clover.
Give Simon Thistle.
Give Simon Mistletoe again.
Give Simon a Carbon Pike.
Give Simon a Silver Tench.
Give Simon a Great Elixir of Power.
Give Simon a Faulty Efril Crystal.
Give Simon Mistletoe. Even more Mistletoe.
Give Simon a Woodlouse.
Give Simon a Gold Coin.
Give Simon some various useless junk.
Give Simon a red medal.
Give Simon a Gammon.
I don't know what else I can give Simon.
not agate gem, tried...

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after done, click the quest item, new quest:
Your goal: Raise Simon's strength and vitality to 100 points, maintaining a balance. Remember, as soon as any attribute exceeds 104, you will have to start the feeding anew.
Gammon gives +5 strength and -4 vitality;
Turkey Leg gives +7 strength and -5 vitality;
Kodrag Kebab gives +9 strength and -5 vitality;
Weak Elixir of Life gives -4 strength and +7 vitality;
Elixir of Life gives -5 strength and +8 vitality;
Strong Elixir of Life gives -6 strength and +9 vitality;
Great Elixir of Life gives -7 strength and +10 vitality;
i recall i saw some post but cannot find, help!
Your goal: Raise Simon's strength and vitality to 100 points, maintaining a balance. Remember, as soon as any attribute exceeds 104, you will have to start the feeding anew.
Gammon gives +5 strength and -4 vitality;
Turkey Leg gives +7 strength and -5 vitality;
Kodrag Kebab gives +9 strength and -5 vitality;
Weak Elixir of Life gives -4 strength and +7 vitality;
Elixir of Life gives -5 strength and +8 vitality;
Strong Elixir of Life gives -6 strength and +9 vitality;
Great Elixir of Life gives -7 strength and +10 vitality;
i recall i saw some post but cannot find, help!

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I may got the resolution of orrin problem 
Combining the foods you can obtain fixed add or decrease of one or both stats, i dont know your begin stats so i will post the possible combinations here
Gammon + Weak elixir of life : +0 strength , + 3 vitality
Gammon+Elixir of life : +0 strength , +4 vitality
Gammon + Strong elixir of life : -1 strength , + 5 vitality
Gammon + Great elixir of life : -2 strength , + 6 vitality
Turkey leg + Weak elixir of life : +3strength , +2vitality
Turkey leg + Elixir of life : +2strength , +3vitality
Turkey leg + Strong elixir of life :+1strength , +4vitality
Turkey leg + Great elixir of life :+0strength , +5vitality
Kodrag kebab + Weak elixir of life :+5strength , +2vitality
Kodrag kebab + Turkey leg+Elixir of life :+4strength , +3vitality
Kodrag kebab + Strong elixir of life :+3strength , +4vitality
Kodrag kebab + Great elixir of life :+2strength , +5vitality
Rest of the work is your , moltiplication , addition etc , after made these combination im already done of math stuff

Combining the foods you can obtain fixed add or decrease of one or both stats, i dont know your begin stats so i will post the possible combinations here

Gammon + Weak elixir of life : +0 strength , + 3 vitality
Gammon+Elixir of life : +0 strength , +4 vitality
Gammon + Strong elixir of life : -1 strength , + 5 vitality
Gammon + Great elixir of life : -2 strength , + 6 vitality
Turkey leg + Weak elixir of life : +3strength , +2vitality
Turkey leg + Elixir of life : +2strength , +3vitality
Turkey leg + Strong elixir of life :+1strength , +4vitality
Turkey leg + Great elixir of life :+0strength , +5vitality
Kodrag kebab + Weak elixir of life :+5strength , +2vitality
Kodrag kebab + Turkey leg+Elixir of life :+4strength , +3vitality
Kodrag kebab + Strong elixir of life :+3strength , +4vitality
Kodrag kebab + Great elixir of life :+2strength , +5vitality
Rest of the work is your , moltiplication , addition etc , after made these combination im already done of math stuff

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

for the 2nd part: get 3 stats to 100 each. note that 3 pairs of stone/herb can add +4 to each stat. the trick then is to get each stat to the same multiple of 4.
I started at 3,3,4 (not sure if everyone has same stats to start, but they will be close)
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation =4,6,6
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation = 4,6,4
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity = 4,4,4
then use 24 sets of the 4,4,4 stone/herb pairs = 100,100,100
there are many other ways, but this is most straightforard
I started at 3,3,4 (not sure if everyone has same stats to start, but they will be close)
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation =4,6,6
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation = 4,6,4
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity = 4,4,4
then use 24 sets of the 4,4,4 stone/herb pairs = 100,100,100
there are many other ways, but this is most straightforard
ok done,
Raise Simon’s immunity, regeneration and adaptation up to 24 points with basic resource gathering profession resources. Remember, as soon as any attribute exceeds 24, you will gave to start the feeding anew.
Agate gives +2 regeneration, +3 immunity, +1 adaptation
Aquamarine gives +1 regeneration, +2 immunity, +3 adaptation
Turquoise gives +3 regeneration, +1 immunity, +2 adaptation
Thistle gives +3 regeneration, +2 immunity, +1 adaptation
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation
Clover gives +2 regeneration, +1 immunity, +3 adaptation
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity
Fire Bream gives -1 regeneration and -1 immunity
Black Tilapia gives -1 regeneration and -1 adaptation
Current Simon’s immunity: 3/24
Current Simon’s ability to regenerate: 4/24
Current Simon’s ability to adapt: 4/24
ok done,
Raise Simon’s immunity, regeneration and adaptation up to 24 points with basic resource gathering profession resources. Remember, as soon as any attribute exceeds 24, you will gave to start the feeding anew.
Agate gives +2 regeneration, +3 immunity, +1 adaptation
Aquamarine gives +1 regeneration, +2 immunity, +3 adaptation
Turquoise gives +3 regeneration, +1 immunity, +2 adaptation
Thistle gives +3 regeneration, +2 immunity, +1 adaptation
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation
Clover gives +2 regeneration, +1 immunity, +3 adaptation
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity
Fire Bream gives -1 regeneration and -1 immunity
Black Tilapia gives -1 regeneration and -1 adaptation
Current Simon’s immunity: 3/24
Current Simon’s ability to regenerate: 4/24
Current Simon’s ability to adapt: 4/24

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for the 2nd part: get 3 stats to 100 each. note that 3 pairs of stone/herb can add +4 to each stat. the trick then is to get each stat to the same multiple of 4.
I started at 3,3,4 (not sure if everyone has same stats to start, but they will be close)
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation =4,6,6
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation = 4,6,4
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity = 4,4,4
then use 24 sets of the 4,4,4 stone/herb pairs = 100,100,100
there are many other ways, but this is most straightforard
for me starting at 3 4 4

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for the 2nd part: get 3 stats to 100 each. note that 3 pairs of stone/herb can add +4 to each stat. the trick then is to get each stat to the same multiple of 4.
I started at 3,3,4 (not sure if everyone has same stats to start, but they will be close)
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation =4,6,6
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation = 4,6,4
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity = 4,4,4
then use 24 sets of the 4,4,4 stone/herb pairs = 100,100,100
there are many other ways, but this is most straightforard
for me starting at 3 4 4
that is:
Current Simon’s ability to regenerate: 4/24
Current Simon’s immunity: 3/24
Current Simon’s ability to adapt: 4/24
i use Agate that, gives
+2 regeneration
+3 immunity
+1 adaptation
6 6 5
then, noticing:
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity
Fire Bream gives -1 regeneration and -1 immunity
Black Tilapia gives -1 regeneration and -1 adaptation
choose to use fire bream... getting:
5 5 5
re-check and go buy fish...

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re-check and go buy fish...
hmm 24 caps, so... re-checked and go buy fish... let me see again

Agate gives +2 regeneration, +3 immunity, +1 adaptation
Aquamarine gives +1 regeneration, +2 immunity, +3 adaptation
Turquoise gives +3 regeneration, +1 immunity, +2 adaptation
Thistle gives +3 regeneration, +2 immunity, +1 adaptation
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation
Clover gives +2 regeneration, +1 immunity, +3 adaptation
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity
Fire Bream gives -1 regeneration and -1 immunity
Black Tilapia gives -1 regeneration and -1 adaptation
all 3 digits to 24 without any one exceeding 24.
have as start:
follow something like this:
(this hellish step you can improvise in ur head with any other stuff...

or not...
anyways eh
can any 1 of 3 stas reach 0?

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and the 3 numbers shown in quest list isn't consistent with what is shown in quest interface where i feed simon...
4 2 4 in quest list and 4 2 2 in feeding interface (quest text reading interface)
either way i think i can turn them to 0 0 0 and feed 1+1+1 stone to get 6 6 6 then x4?

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ok now,
i am starting from r1/24 i1/24 a1/24...
Agate gives +2 regeneration, +3 immunity, +1 adaptation
Aquamarine gives +1 regeneration, +2 immunity, +3 adaptation
Turquoise gives +3 regeneration, +1 immunity, +2 adaptation
Thistle gives +3 regeneration, +2 immunity, +1 adaptation
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation
Clover gives +2 regeneration, +1 immunity, +3 adaptation
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity
Fire Bream gives -1 regeneration and -1 immunity
Black Tilapia gives -1 regeneration and -1 adaptation
i am starting from r1/24 i1/24 a1/24...
Agate gives +2 regeneration, +3 immunity, +1 adaptation
Aquamarine gives +1 regeneration, +2 immunity, +3 adaptation
Turquoise gives +3 regeneration, +1 immunity, +2 adaptation
Thistle gives +3 regeneration, +2 immunity, +1 adaptation
Mistletoe gives +1 regeneration, +3 immunity, +2 adaptation
Clover gives +2 regeneration, +1 immunity, +3 adaptation
Stone Carp gives -2 adaptation
Cave Fish gives -2 immunity
Fire Bream gives -1 regeneration and -1 immunity
Black Tilapia gives -1 regeneration and -1 adaptation

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1 1 1 Agate 2 3 1 Thistle 3 2 1
agate 2 3 1 Aquamarine 1 2 3 Mistletoe 1 3 2
3 4 2 Turquoise 3 1 2 Clover 2 1 3
cave fish 3 2 2
stone fish3 2 1 agate+ clover 4 4 4 agate+ aquamarine 3 5 4
fire fish 2 1 1 agate+ mistletoe 3 6 3 agate+ turquoise 5 4 3
agate 4 4 2 agate+ thistle 5 5 2 aquamarine+ turquoise 4 3 5
aqua 5 6 5
cave fish 5 4 5 aquamarine+ thistle 4 4 4
black fish 4 4 4 aquamarine+ mistletoe 2 5 5
5*4 4 4 24 24 24 aquamarine+ clover 3 3 6
(of ur choice)
turquoise+ thistle 6 3 3
turquoise+ mistletoe 4 4 4
turquoise+ clover 5 2 5
gotta review this method and do it
thanks to marensman :]
agate 2 3 1 Aquamarine 1 2 3 Mistletoe 1 3 2
3 4 2 Turquoise 3 1 2 Clover 2 1 3
cave fish 3 2 2
stone fish3 2 1 agate+ clover 4 4 4 agate+ aquamarine 3 5 4
fire fish 2 1 1 agate+ mistletoe 3 6 3 agate+ turquoise 5 4 3
agate 4 4 2 agate+ thistle 5 5 2 aquamarine+ turquoise 4 3 5
aqua 5 6 5
cave fish 5 4 5 aquamarine+ thistle 4 4 4
black fish 4 4 4 aquamarine+ mistletoe 2 5 5
5*4 4 4 24 24 24 aquamarine+ clover 3 3 6
(of ur choice)
turquoise+ thistle 6 3 3
turquoise+ mistletoe 4 4 4
turquoise+ clover 5 2 5
gotta review this method and do it
thanks to marensman :]

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
1 1 1 Agate 2 3 1 Thistle 3 2 1
agate 2 3 1 Aquamarine 1 2 3 Mistletoe 1 3 2
3 4 2 Turquoise 3 1 2 Clover 2 1 3
cave fish 3 2 2
stone fish3 2 1 agate+ clover 4 4 4 agate+ aquamarine 3 5 4
fire fish 2 1 1 agate+ mistletoe 3 6 3 agate+ turquoise 5 4 3
agate 4 4 2 agate+ thistle 5 5 2 aquamarine+ turquoise 4 3 5
aqua 5 6 5
cave fish 5 4 5 aquamarine+ thistle 4 4 4
black fish 4 4 4 aquamarine+ mistletoe 2 5 5
5*4 4 4 24 24 24 aquamarine+ clover 3 3 6
(of ur choice)
turquoise+ thistle 6 3 3
turquoise+ mistletoe 4 4 4
turquoise+ clover 5 2 5
gotta review this method and do it![]()
thanks to marensman :]![]()
sry it messed up,
from 1 1 1
agate 2 3 1
= 3 4 2
cave fish 3 2 2
stone fish3 2 1
fire fish 2 1 1
agate 4 4 2
aqua 5 6 5
cave fish 5 4 5
black fish 4 4 4
5*4 4 4 24 24 24
(of ur choice)

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Gammon + weak elixir of life gives +1 strength and +3 vitalityI may got the resolution of orrin problem
Combining the foods you can obtain fixed add or decrease of one or both stats, i dont know your begin stats so i will post the possible combinations here
Gammon + Weak elixir of life : +0 strength , + 3 vitality
Gammon+Elixir of life : +0 strength , +4 vitality
Gammon + Strong elixir of life : -1 strength , + 5 vitality
Gammon + Great elixir of life : -2 strength , + 6 vitality
Turkey leg + Weak elixir of life : +3strength , +2vitality
Turkey leg + Elixir of life : +2strength , +3vitality
Turkey leg + Strong elixir of life :+1strength , +4vitality
Turkey leg + Great elixir of life :+0strength , +5vitality
Kodrag kebab + Weak elixir of life :+5strength , +2vitality
Kodrag kebab + Turkey leg+Elixir of life :+4strength , +3vitality
Kodrag kebab + Strong elixir of life :+3strength , +4vitality
Kodrag kebab + Great elixir of life :+2strength , +5vitality
Rest of the work is your , moltiplication , addition etc , after made these combination im already done of math stuff![]()
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