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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 3:19pm

Clarification about the New Bezels
"This runic bezel provides an extra 2% chance of tripling procurement and reduces the likelihood of failure when gathering herbologist, fisherman, or geologist resources".
"This runic bezel provides an extra 5% chance of tripling procurement and reduces the likelihood of failure when gathering herbologist, fisherman, or geologist resources".

--> +2% chance of tripling procurement for the first bezel, +5% for the second one.

What about the reduction of the likelihood of failures?
It's the same for the 2 runes or different? If different, how much is it that difference?
You know.. 30g vs 200g.. I'd like to know what i'm buying)


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 3:34pm

more cheap, you simples buy red tool, 100% triple and no need worry about more nothing


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 3:46pm

Red tools don't reduce the likelihood of failure..


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 4:11pm

@Lososerg Would appreciate community managers word on this.

By the tooltip alone it's safe to assume it is same, but game keeps being consinstently inconsistent :D
Personally got the green bezel.

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