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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 10:38pm

Fun fact about mentors

I was insulted by many MIB players so many times and I even lost count how many times and I submited complain to mentors every time, if you think they ever got curse of silence for even 5 minute you are wrong.
but then once I say somthing 2 sec later ofcourse there is curse of silence on me for 1 hour.
are mentors afraid of being executed too ? lol
or is it just because they are your friends and I'm not ?
or simply because you guys known each other from before server merge ? :D
I would appreciate it if somone just explain whats going on.

and to be more specific that mentor is but I cant submit complain on mentor complain section simply because I cant prove she is the one who ignored my complains :cool:

 -MED- [20] 


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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 10:46pm

p.s. picture is clickable


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 10:52pm


p.s. picture is clickable
1. The reference to the Mentor: Name of the Mentor
2. Date and time of incident
3. The nature of the complaint: Please include full description and chat log.
4. Presence of a screenshot?
<<<< how exactly am I supposed to prove which mentor ? I submit complain and nothing happened I have no prove to say which mentor lol
no chat log no screen shot when there is no respond :)

 -MED- [20] 


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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 10:55pm

Head mentor can look if its been any available mentor and he didn't processed complaint in that time,if its not been any mentor available - no one to blame. In case of insults against you - make a screenshot to send it later to mentors/guards and they take necessary actions.

 lol666 [9] 


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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 10:55pm

I was insulted by many MIB players so many times and I even lost count how many times and I submited complain to mentors every time, if you think they ever got curse of silence for even 5 minute you are wrong.
but then once I say somthing 2 sec later ofcourse there is curse of silence on me for 1 hour.
are mentors afraid of being executed too ? lol
or is it just because they are your friends and I'm not ?
or simply because you guys known each other from before server merge ? :D
I would appreciate it if somone just explain whats going on.

and to be more specific that mentor is but I cant submit complain on mentor complain section simply because I cant prove she is the one who ignored my complains :cool:

From my personal expierence i never see a complain from you in my gag list(If i remeber properly).
Btw personally i gag everyone, even asked to gag myself once because of rude words in raid chat :beer: :stupid:
In any case, you can report, just click on the picture -MED- sent :yes:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 11:40pm

It's all clear now Lol

23:33 --silent wolf-- ยป Sag76: yes I will make sure to check mentor list and insult only if they are offline from now on

it seems like no one cares about insults like idiot, dumb, etc

and more importantly no one cares if you insult when no mentor online. and they cannot gag you later when they come online.

Fun fact has revealed ! you can insult as much as you can if no mentor online ! just check mentor list here for humans and here for magmars
if they all ofline go ahead !
I wonder, can I break all game rules if guards all offline too ? 8o :thumbup: :lol:


Thursday, April 27th 2017, 12:46am

not really, you can take screenshots and later show to mentor/guards or show logs if you have client


Thursday, April 27th 2017, 7:54am

Please notice, that there is a thread in forum for players who feel treated injustice by mentors:
Complaints Against Human Mentors - For humans
Complaints about Magmar Mentors - For magmars.

Therefore there is no reason at all to spam city pub with complaints like this.


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