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Saturday, January 19th 2019, 10:45am

Reputation exchange thing comes with update

Hello guys.

we have update some times ago and we get a reputation exchange thing. Anyone know something about it ? here for link who wants read it again :…=news&id=2938#6

When i first read i thought these opposite reps will be same boe bov update too long ago. you can do both red but later you can follow only one and when you want you can change them.

For example: i have red air god and red water god. I did air god is last. That means i have 3k air god rep. At fight air god comes to help me and remove my enemy mana. But water god cant help me. Because my rep on air god. My path on air god. If i am bored from air god i go do that pointed quest and change my air god to water god and i get water god help at fights.

Isnt it is that update thing says ? Otherwise why a person have air and water god worship medal why want to exchange rep ?


Saturday, January 19th 2019, 3:55pm

But water god cant help me. Because my rep on air god. My path on air god.

both goddest blessings work once you achieved both badges on your character

Otherwise why a person have air and water god worship medal why want to exchange rep ?

at a very same moment you can have only 1 rep as 3000 and other as 0. this feature helps to switch which rep will be 3k and 0. you can't offer resources to get goddest gift if your rep 0,so you can decide which gift you need more and change it if there is need in it.


Saturday, January 19th 2019, 7:34pm

you mean getting gift effects after worship ? well i dont see players who get that effect. But we cant discus about it because russian server thing etc.

At the other side this rep why than wants 1550 to change ? if you have worship at least one of need to be 3k , there is something not fits my ideas but still thanks.