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  • "Dafarmbeast" started this thread

Posts: 59

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Friday, April 9th 2021, 11:16pm

Fun Weekend

Whats up with the bogus events for the weekend, Literally only level 3/4 players and the ocassional lvl 7/8 actually play it. Even without this event the level 3/4 bracket will still go. 95% of your dang server wants plat. Be honest with us admins. Are you afraid your server cannot handle it and you are scared to tell us this? Or is this another thing you snatched away and arent going to tell us just like diamond certs? Why can you not communicate with what your server wants or even just for one heck of an idea why not do weekly voting? Obviously when it event happens it can fall out of the voting for a few weeks to counter people non stop voting for the same event, or you can just literally let the server vote for what they want every weekend? Feb 12th was the last weekend we had plat event. That means with this weekend right now 8 weekend events have happened Plus weekday events and the count for that is.
So counting after Feb 12th Weekend event. We have had this many of each event. Weekend and Weekday.
CC 3
Meridian 1
Chaotic 1
Arena 2
Ancient Battlefield/Siege 2
Tallars 1
Temple 1
Now how is this counter fair? Or do you just pick out of a hat which event you choose? :truce:
:woody: Im bored :woody:

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Saturday, April 10th 2021, 12:13am

Besides chaotic, i've see no points to participate into another bf, use of wrath, bless, mounts make fights duration long as *beep*, sometimes i see a fight that did not end after entire cc finished.
Hoping admins will make plateu come back, but scared that they thiking their server are build on potatoes so cannot handle the 'immense' fights :stronger:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, April 10th 2021, 6:48am

For me personally plat event is by far most fun


Saturday, April 10th 2021, 9:46am

During the last 4 months, a total of 3 plateau events have been active on the Russian server, but at the same time, the chaotic and crystal event has been active for us. They do this consciously.

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Saturday, April 10th 2021, 9:56am

for everyone plateau has most fun and real outcome non ranked players get valor easily capped players get glory also scalps are everywhere everyone opening glory chests and happy with it, as lol666 said there is no point joining to level seperated caves or temple(not 3-4 or 5-6) if its so why people need to join caves uk quests? you can do it on ancient bf's besides 2nd quest agudar feats? every quest has their alternatives on ancient bfs or equals for 11+ players i am not even mentioning the timers about participate for 9+ players warning message and bf description says different things we can only try to join after 16pm and no one wants to play caves for 2-3 fights all we get is non break weekend again


Saturday, April 10th 2021, 4:03pm

Platue event is the onyl truely active event on the server as all levels can go there so.... we get it wheNEVER .. since the merger with PL server.

Wow since the merger two CC disaapointing CC weekends Magic storm in­ Crystalline Caves! 19.03.2021 16:00

Valiant warriors! Mages of­ Faeo, while closely studying the phenomenon of sporadic storms in different­ parts of the world, found out that a similar storm is about to break out in the­ Crystalline Caves!

Additionally, the changes that the­ storm will introduce into the usual rules of this battlefield have been­ revealed! So you now have time to pepare.

You will also have double­ valor and no-break during the Magical Storm in Crystalline Caves!

And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale­ of valuable items has began in the Premium Shop. It willIt will start on 19.03­ at 16:00 and will last 10:00 22.03
and 0 platue weekeds­ >>>>> really what is going on here we get more players here­ all wanting platue and no platue for over a month is platue the new diamond cert­ event ? extinct?
If the truth I speak hurts you maybe you should change your truths .well:


Saturday, April 10th 2021, 9:25pm

Last few (2/3) plateau events on PL server end up with around 100+ players in the same time in one location. The rest was not able to hunt, gather, jump, chat etc.

If here You had to face similar problems, afer merge We will have one big server crush instead of fun weekend. :thumbdown:


Sunday, April 11th 2021, 3:09am

I've never done a CC or Tallaars or any other thing like that since I started the game over 9 years ago. I'm not a casual player either, logged on every day as far back as I can remember as I do like the daily login rewards etc. Possibly the only reason I kep playing the darn game......

Anyways, I digress....
I don't like PvP as a rule, much rather hunt....HOWEVER, I kept seeing this event so I decided to actually dip my toes into the water for the first time out of choice at the last Plateau event and i LOVED it and had a lot of fun!!!!! :fight:

Made me realise it wasn't so bad, especially as everyone was on a pretty level playing field so my "oh so average" character(s) could still have fun without getting totally destroyed.

Then what happens?...been sat waiting ever since for it to return. So, I wait many years to decide to try me and they seem to have stopped doing them as regualrly as they were before I tried going by the comments in this thread :lol:

I swear, my timing is the absolute worst!! :wall:

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