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Vote for your next Community Event
Vote for your favourite Community Event
A total of 356 Votes have been submitted.
Your real life Pet (117)
Your prof in Real Life (59)
Clan Video (55)
Your dream Weapon (39)
Your dream Amour (36)
Shearas Dream Last Night (34)
I love War of Dragons (33)
WoD Quiz (26)
Story Event (25)
Create a Monster (24)
Food Art (22)
Poem Event (19)
Long Run (18)
Loo Alike Contest (18)
Dress up like your fav Character (16)
Admin look Alike Event (16)
Film Festival (15)
War of Dragons Board Game (15)
Fantasy Story (15)
3D Area Event (14)
Legends Uncovered (14)
Replicate your Food (13)
Emotion Event (12)
Ultimate Battle Picture (12)
Heiku Event (11)
Baking a Cake (10)
Game Profile Art (10)
Trickster Event (10)
I am flashed with all the great ideas you came up with.
Of course I had to choose only those that are serious and possible to play. Here are the chosen ideas. Before you vote, have a read through all the ideas and their descriptions to get a picture of the game. The poll will end on 14th of May. You have the option to chose more than just one game.
Shearas Dream last night - Write a story of what you think Sheara is dreaming at night.
I love WarofDragons - Write this text anywhere in your real life, for excample in the sand, snow on your back etc. and upload the picture of it.
Baking a cake Event - Bake a cake that looks like for example an item from the game.
Story Event - Write down a story about any NPC/Monster from the game.
The cursed one
Replicate your Food Event - Create a real life item from an ingame item.
Dress up Event - Dress yourself like your fav char in game and post the picture.
Guess who? - Admins will scramble a picture of an npc etc.
Food Art - Create anything releated to the game with your fav food.
Film Festival - Create a short movie about your best fights and make it special with effects.
Your real life pet Event - Take a picture of your pet or any pet that is similar to your game pet.
Game Profile - Create a picture to your ingame info only with letters.
WarofDragons Board Game - Create a board game ie. 3D or drawing.
Create a monster Event - Create your very own monster by drawing etc. with stats and everything.
Trickster Event - Create a video or picture of your char on a bike or skateboard doing a trick.
Long Run - Create a new char and level up as fast as possible.
not a chick
Look Alike Contet - Find real life people that look like a char from the game.
Do you do that in real life too? Event - Players take pictures of them doing their prof or anything that they do in game.
Black Lightning
WoD Quiz Event - Answer questions about game and real life.
Fantasy Story Event - Write a story that includes game characters and instances etc.
Clan Video - Create a video about and with your clan.
Poem Event - Write a poem about the game.
Your dream Weapon Event - create your own real life weapon from WoD and take a picture of it.
Heiku Event - Write a Heiku about the game.
Emotion Event - Draw your very own emotion.
3D Area Event - Create a location in real life, ie. with paper or even built it in your house or garden with fantasy)
Ultimate Battle Picture Event - Draw a scene out of a great battle.
Lizard Warrior
Your dream Amour Event - Create your dream armour by painting, drawing etc. and keep it the way an ingame item would look ie. size, background etc.
Legends Uncovered Event - An item icon will be posted in on a library site, winner is who finds it first.
Admin look Alike Event - Player dressed up like their fav Admin, picture uploaded on Fb or Forum.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Apr 24th 2015, 5:39pm)
she doesnt mean u need a pet allrady she means that you take picture of a animal ( real life ) that looks close to a war of dragons pet... the winner of the event gets the pet she/he wanted.. like this --> its a pic of a funny cat and its compared to the panter cauz well ... i dont see a panther in real life lmao..
i hope this posts clears up some questions
forum community event poll
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