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Sunday, May 17th 2020, 2:20pm

BoV bless scrolls for Rep 30 days expiration time and not able to drop and limit 10 in bp now

This rep has been changed from its original format in regards to scrolls limit. You use to be able to make as many as you could with emanations of good you had in your bp , now you get"Message
You have enough Scrolls of Blessing in your backpack! Use them first." with a 30day expiration timer and lack of needed players level 2-4 to give blessing you can be stuck with max 100 rep every 30 days , the expiration timer on scrolls should be lowered to 3ays or eliminated completely and or maybe be able to drop them altogether,It would be great to make ome kind of change to this you can not use sparks to get rep either so this rep as is now becomes almost impossible to get.


Sunday, May 17th 2020, 2:27pm


Is a lot of time to get the rep, you have to do some changes on it!

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Sunday, May 17th 2020, 4:00pm

Yes, but what about dia certs??

I got from 2000 to 3000 bov in 3 days.
You complain too much for someone whose char isn't even a month in game.

Posts: 58

Location: France

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Sunday, May 17th 2020, 7:15pm

you are lucky ... ee are so cheap now ...

A lot of people did this rep buying ee at 1.20 - 1.30 - 1.40g/each ...
Now the price is under 1g/each ...
So work hard and play hard !


Posts: 58

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Sunday, May 17th 2020, 7:17pm

diamond cert isn't a way to get reps ...
not all people can buy it ...
diamond certs is a shortcut for who can afford it.



Sunday, May 17th 2020, 7:40pm

I made Red BoV from 0 in 6 days few days back. It is hard work, but there actually is enough low levels round if you go searching for them.


Monday, May 18th 2020, 10:04am

I done this not too long ago, there are plenty of lvl 3-4's around. I guess it depends on which time you play. Also if you wait until Magic Storm on plat its a piece of cake.

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