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Wednesday, September 28th 2011, 9:09am

Game Glitch in Fights

ok so i have noticed that if you click on one of the attacks (up/middle/down) then it doesnt register as your turn and the monster gets to attack 2 times in a row..

for instance once you click say down and keep clicking (i get too excited in doing combos sometimes) then it either ruins my combo's since i missed a hit or it doesnt hit at all and i get 2 hits from the monsters..

it doesnt happen every time, but enough that it is effecting my fights...

anything you guys can do about it?


Wednesday, September 28th 2011, 9:53am

I am not sure I understand what you are trying to explain...

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels


Wednesday, September 28th 2011, 8:52pm

ok here is an example >>


so my combo is up, up, middle, middle, up

so when in a fight i like to get it over with fast (rage/ places with mobs ect.) so i click where my next attack is gonna be ie >> up then monster attacks as soon as i see the damage i click where the up command is going to be before the up command is there, sometimes when i click too fast, the command doesnt show up and i dont attack then the monster attacks a 2nd time in a row, as if i didnt attack at all..

so its like this >

however sometimes this leads to my combo messing up since the game counts that swing w/o taking damage off the monster but still counting it as part of my combo (although the hint at the bottom shows that i didnt click that button)

i know this is confusing...but if i click before the command is there it skipps my turn and the monster gets 2 attacks in a row...thats the general premis here...


Thursday, September 29th 2011, 9:27am

Sometimes monsters get two attacks. This is random and doesn't have to do with yourt combo.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels