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Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 4:05pm

Game alive?

is this game still alive?

i see only about 10 - 20 ppl max in city square, when i used to play it was about 100...

worth coming back or dead game? :beer:


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 6:21pm

Please come back, I'm still waiting :thumbsup:


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 6:21pm

I just came back to check and it seems pretty dead out there.


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 6:41pm

After 2 years of not playing, I have decided I will give it another go. This time its going to be my last round on this game.


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 6:52pm

Nothing interesting in game for the last few months (years). Online only getting less and less. Promised in april merge didn't happened till now. WOD nowadays is like playing something else on your own pc with a bots.
Will not point out that we have no more feedback with admins since entire admins team changed in a last year.


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 7:13pm

Nothing interesting in game for the last few months (years). Online only getting less and less. Promised in april merge didn't happened till now. WOD nowadays is like playing something else on your own pc with a bots.
Will not point out that we have no more feedback with admins since entire admins team changed in a last year.

Tbh they should add bots


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 7:50pm

Please come back, I'm still waiting

wow haha, i respect you for your memories and i wonder how this and the stat is still saved :woot: (i had to read it all again)

i made a mistake maybe, i was young u know :shuffle: :wink:


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 7:54pm

they planned to merge, with who? its only german and russian server aside from .com am i right? that would be a good idea i think, at least with germans.

and yes so i get confirmed, doenst only feel empty by the first look. Well lets hope for the best then!

no feedback with admins means, no rules anymore? :sarcastic:

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Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 9:30pm

With Polish server. They are stalling it for a longlong time... or they were simply teasing something that will (not) happen soon (ever).


Thursday, June 11th 2020, 3:12am

I always knew Ru admins and game owners don't care about the game and its players. We had some other admins and game owners, can't recall from what countries, but game was ok, and now we have Ru admins and game owners, and game sucks.

I can say why game sucks for me:

1. Unlike other games, if you log off with buffs on - they expire.
2. We don't get enough new locations, except for mages, usually 16+
3. In 1-10 locations we have not enough monsters, if 3 players rage in same location rage is failed.
4. Mirror. It's something stupid for me, I can't understand it. If game owners want people to play this game then why they made something that doesn't let people play.
5. Reputations are needed to get good stuff, that's good. But it take too long to get some. I don't want to waste my time (months or years) in same game just getting reps.
6. There is magic and non-magic, which is like a gun and a knife. Will take too long to become lv 20 and even then will need reps that take too long to get.
7. Tech support takes too long to help players (took damn two months to fix my log-in problem caused by bad tech works they had in November, in two months I missed Xmass even I was waiting for a year, some of my items expired and they didn't restore them).

Thinking to return to this game? Better think what other game you can start to play. Any other game is good, especially MMORPG games.

I play [edit] other games. Send me a letter in game if you want to start [edit] on any games and I will tell and teach you all I know :yes:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jun 11th 2020, 2:18pm) with the following reason: Naming other games in city pub.

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Thursday, June 11th 2020, 3:41pm

dont come back

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Thursday, June 11th 2020, 8:42pm

Please leave, don't play.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Monday, June 15th 2020, 1:04am

Well i just tell you about registered people referring to "RATING"
(at least have been online last weeks, otherwise they would not be noted here)

Pretty meanful if you remember times when 100 people standing at square...

Level 14: 97
Level 13: 116
Level 12: 195
Level 11: 148
Level 10: 193
Level 9: 182
Level 8: 164
Level 7: 208



Monday, June 15th 2020, 1:27am

Level 20: 87
Level 19: 32 :shock:
Level 18: 45 :shock:
Level 17: 89
Level 16: 73
Level 15: 72
Level 6: 248
Level 5: 251
Level 4: 326 :jump:
Level 3:189


Tuesday, June 16th 2020, 1:27am

yeah player number decrased a lot sadly :( we should really merge with PL and DE to make it better

this old school game still has some addicting, i came back and it makes fun somehow, would be more fun with more people but yeah, i look forward to a merge :thumbsup:


Tuesday, June 16th 2020, 1:44am

its not active as old days. but still there i a many players. and i love this game more than ever. im just sad when i see my old friend's profiles. i hope they can turn back too


Tuesday, June 16th 2020, 2:19am

Its not merge with de and pl,its supposed to be merge with pl only. Even if they will merge all 3 servers,there will be still issues to make people disappointed (like lack of native language in interface). But im up to any choice from admins if it bring some life into local pvp activities like abyss and chaotics (and not only during storm events like its now),because its poinless to work on your character and gear when you can't use it anywhere but on hunting.