Since recently getting to level 16 myself i thought it would be nice to share some tips i have learnt myself so far.
the 1st thing is the chest you can open at level 16.
You open the chest and find: Great War Mage’s Chest 1 pcs
13:15 Received: Perfect Elixir of Giant 100 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Life 600 pcs, Perfect Extract of Power 600 pcs, Perfect Extract of Blood 600 pcs, Perfect Extract of Vampirism 600 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Spirit 100 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Mana 600 pcs, Elixir of Destruction 5 pcs, Elixir of Hurricane 5 pcs, Elixir of Rock Skin 5 pcs, Elixir of Invulnerability 5 pcs.
13:15 Received: Celebration Punch V 5 pcs.
13:15 Received: Faulty Efril Crystal 30 pcs, Triad 10 pcs, Shards of Mithril Keys 2 pcs, Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire 4 pcs, Ludial Chain Link 33 pcs, Chaos Particle 7 pcs, Shoemaker Token 3 pcs.
13:15 Received: Brocade Bag 16 pcs, Blue Sack 16 pcs, Sack of Food 16000 pcs, Pet Food 16000 pcs, Crystals of Truth 1600 pcs.
13:15 Received: Barrier Pentark 1 pcs, Penetration Pentark 1 pcs, Concentration Pentark 1 pcs, Suppression Pentark 1 pcs, Durability Pentark 1 pcs, Initiative Pentark 1 pcs, Traumatism Pentark 1 pcs, Anti-traumatism Pentark 1 pcs, Speed Pentark 1 pcs, Pentark Vitality 1 pcs, Intellect Pentark 1 pcs, Power Pentark 1 pcs, Vampirism Pentark 1 pcs, Blood Pentark 1 pcs.
13:15 Received: Barrier Exark 1 pcs, Penetration Exark 1 pcs, Concentration Exark 1 pcs, Suppression Exark 1 pcs, Durability Exark 1 pcs, Initiative Exark 1 pcs, Traumatism Exark 1 pcs, Anti-traumatism Exark 1 pcs, Speed Exark 1 pcs, Vitality Exark 1 pcs, Intellect Exark 1 pcs, Power Exark 1 pcs, Vampirism Exark 1 pcs, Blood Exark 1 pcs.
But before all that its best to be prepared. You want to get a nice head start on some of the level 16 reputations.
The main things to prepare are
1. Tablets, level 16 unlocks the ability to use porcelain tablets (unless you get blessed done earlier)
2. bracelet and glaze, you can buy a green bracelet from the auction or if you already have 6800 rep rating you can buy a purple bracelet from shearas treasury. And during certain fairs you can buy glaze 4 before lvl 16 so you can start the lvl 16 with a strong setup already. Im not 100% sure if theres anything you need to do before buying glaze I
3. Do exiles until you reach Harvadus, but dont kill him. This helps you save some time, since you need to kill him for the meridian lands quest.(or just glaze up with glaze 4 and run through the place)
4. Have gold ready, seriously. You will need alot of it.
5. Resources for reputations, this is more how you want to play but its good to be prepared.
My personal priority list for lvl 16 is 1. triads 2. tailsime and 3. tomb raider. if you have resources ready for the 2 new god reputation resources its ok but its fairly easy to get those via hunting and using triads too.
6. sparks of heavenly fire. if you have 3k custodian of magic reputation already you can instantly do the quest for worship with those.
Ok so for the reputations
Triad reputation you will need
-2350 life spark
-5350 destruction fluid
-2700 ancient power particle
-600 efril spiral
-1200 efril triangle frag fragment
-1500 efril round fragment
-800 efril star fragment
and 575 gold for tablets, this is for 300x debuff aka temper of the chosen tablets and 50x grey, 50x green, 100x blue and 100x purple secrecy tablets. THE TABLETS HAVE 14D lifespan. This will get you up to 3k order of the triad reputation which is the max for level 16. if you have the money you can upgrade your machines if you choose to. The bag is a nice optional purchase too since you can upgrade it but to get it to max it takes alot of leather scraps, around 8k i think.
This reputation is fairly expensive since you need to prepare with auras. You can just do it through the instance if you wish to do so but you most likely need a group to do the instance.
10x grey
10x green
20x blue
10x purple
10x red
getting this to 3k is not as important though for level 16 since most of the rewards there are all locked behind levels, level 16 you can get invulnerability spell I and basic boar strength combo. You might want to get blue badge though before level 18 for the upgraded greater thirst combo.
Tomb raiders
Early on this is slightly more important since it gives you access to stronger rescue and deprivation scrolls, the main advantage of which is fitting more per slot. You can get to atleast 2k rep for purple scrolls if you wish so. Overall though its more of a nice to have reputation in my opinion but someone can correct me

. You will need the scrolls though to do forbidden city instance which you need to do for unlocking vision interpreter reputation and green armour of level 16
You will need for 3k reputation
500x green scale
1000x swamp scale
3000x malachite scale
2000x jade scale
2500x emerald scale
Now the 1st things to do as level 16 are
1. go to ulvarno and talk about triads rep and also get the quest for meridian lands. This gets you amulet you can use to teleport to meridian lands and 300 city rep for meridian lands capital.
2. start the quest series for getting zarlog/maruin coin drops from quests. You can start this by talking to the fisherman located at bottomless lake for humans. Magmar equal for that location. Need to do all the quests he gives until he tells you to visit the city and you can get the quest "trade business" from the trader located in the city
3. triad mining skill quest. Starts from the hunter in the outpost of your city. Need to kill 10 monsters in meridian lands who are max 1 level below yours. After that you need to kill 4 different strong mobs for their heads, this can take a few tries too. After this quest you get +5 skill and unlock 5 more +1 skill quests which are alot harder to do.
After quest you can complete another quest to get +1 triad skill for each incarnum/centrido skill you have. Also if you decided to get triad rep to 3k you can already get +6 from that too, grey badge +1 book, green +1 book, blue +2 book and purple +2 book.
another sources are scrolls which all give +1 each, there are total 7 scrolls
red, purple and black all drop from various sources but can be traded on the auction so you can buy them early.
white you can buy from treasury with 7000 reputation rating
green and yellow come from capital reputation, 4500 and 900
blue is from magic pot in clan citadel, needs 7 triads and 7000 clan support tokens
an easy source of +2 is gathering the shaissar feather collection for which you can buy feathers on the auction.
the absolute max skill you can get is 40 and +2 from an amulet from quests.
so 10 from quests total, +12 from incarnum/centrido skill, +7 scrolls, +9 from triad reputation (needs lvl 19 for all that its +6 for level 16) and +2 from making the shaissar feather amulet.
4. portal in mages tower. you need 500 capital reputation for this. You can use 2 sparks for that after the main quest or just complete some quests before and easy. Doing the triad related quest and maurin/zarlog coin quests should already get you close if not to 500 reputation.
Please let me know if i missed something or you have something to add. Will try to update in the future as i learn more myself.