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Sunday, March 19th 2017, 1:02pm

Effect/valour rate at Talaar

is it true that if you have less effect you can gain more valour in talaars?

for example 2 player who did same damage (20k vs 20k)

less effect player gaining more valour than more effect player if they did same damage?


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 1:30pm

Yes, its true. The more buffs you have, the less valour you recive. Also noticed that you recive more valour when you fight a stronger buffed opponent (in some fights i recived more valor than he got - even if i lost the battle)


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 2:42pm

well. how can we evaluate which effect "heavier" than others. for example elder bless may be heavier than warlord effect. then we should calculate our effect's severity :d but this is detail, not important. thanks for answering :)


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 2:45pm

If I went into halls with buffs like:
Heaven bless, destruction elixir, brain storm, rainbow, warlord, battle spirit, satiety V etc...with 8 slot belt with giants, lifes and vamps.
I could do 50k damage and be #1 or #2 but I'd have to spend about 10g just for 1 hour

Or, I could go with just warlord, brainstorm exe potion and have 4 slots blood potions and I'd do about 25k damage and I would have a good chance to get #1 or #2 slot.
It's all about high damage in short time. No long fights where you fight in block and use heaven bless or MO regenerative effects to maximise your HP.
Just smash each attack as hard as you can, sure you will die a lot but you also get fast valour and guess what...if you die fast, the enemy team does less damage too.

Halls is meant to be fun BF so if you use buffs or if you fight fast, just do what you enjoy...but don't stall.


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 3:07pm

Valour is exactly like XP.

More hp you have less you get. So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 3:25pm

Valour is exactly like XP.

More hp you have less you get. So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.

absolutly correct,more lp = less exp and less valour,thats on all places in feao the same

but more blesses = more damgae and not so easy for enemys to kill you,so your chances for a scalp better
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 3:25pm

Valour is exactly like XP.

More hp you have less you get. So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.

absolutly correct,more lp = less exp and less valour,thats on all places in feao the same

but more blesses = more damgae and not so easy for enemys to kill you,so your chances for a scalp better
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 3:25pm

Valour is exactly like XP.

More hp you have less you get. So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.

absolutly correct,more lp = less exp and less valour,thats on all places in feao the same

but more blesses = more damgae and not so easy for enemys to kill you,so your chances for a scalp better
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 3:37pm

why to hell noone repair the errors with this doubble / tripple etc posts ?

every time i recieve a FATAL EROOR massage after each post and this the last 2 month
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 4:17pm

So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.

True, but not entirely

The amount of valour you get is calculated by all your stats: Agility, Intuition , Protection, Strength, Vitality(HP).

So the greater you buff yourself, the less valour you get (the colour of the buff does count: ex. green soup vs. purple soup).

In this case, a purple/red dressed opponent will recive less valour than a blue/green dressed one (assuming their damage is equal and they pretty much have the same bless)


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 5:19pm

i think its true to an extent. over buff player hits you average 300dmg, while you hit him 80-100 on average. .and even in block the overbuffed player can stun you out easily aswell. overbuffing overall i presume would put you at the top of this valor list most of the time, but if you able to use all our pots without dying to before doing so, then perhaps you may come to equal or a little more valor, but overbuffing is in favor no doubt.


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 5:24pm

I don't get you low lvls. simple as that. lol.

Halls is MOSTLY, repeat MOSTLY about getting the speed and damage in. People with some high level of ego want to stay alive every fight? fine. They're capped and want scalps? fine. I for one would prefer to have 5 quick 1v1 fights and finish 1/4 of the halls with me getting the maximum valor for minimum damage and time for those 5 fights then sit in a 1 hr fight and only get 0-5k valor which seems to be the case for lower levels. Overbuffing and stalling is going to ruin the halls day and time; don't be an idiot and waste your time and the other person's time.

Learn how to efficiently kill someone in halls with the minimum time. If you can do that then all you need is 1-2 damage buffs and you will come out on top.


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 5:48pm

i dont get it either esp. except amusement of overkilling battlefeilds.


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 5:57pm

So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.

True, but not entirely

The amount of valour you get is calculated by all your stats: Agility, Intuition , Protection, Strength, Vitality(HP).

So the greater you buff yourself, the less valour you get (the colour of the buff does count: ex. green soup vs. purple soup).

In this case, a purple/red dressed opponent will recive less valour than a blue/green dressed one (assuming their damage is equal and they pretty much have the same bless)

in this case we can say best effect is rainbow at talaar. it does not increase any stats, even "strength"

it just add addictive damage and this is not about stats.

btw this effect/valour rate is same with other battlefields like arena or temple? or its just for talaar? (less stats/more valour)


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 6:03pm…598429&finish=1

and the best player in a hall is not automatic place 1,when on valourcap,then every time last place
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 6:09pm

So you can bless hard as long as you have few hp bless.

True, but not entirely

The amount of valour you get is calculated by all your stats: Agility, Intuition , Protection, Strength, Vitality(HP).

So the greater you buff yourself, the less valour you get (the colour of the buff does count: ex. green soup vs. purple soup).

In this case, a purple/red dressed opponent will recive less valour than a blue/green dressed one (assuming their damage is equal and they pretty much have the same bless)

in this case we can say best effect is rainbow at talaar. it does not increase any stats, even "strength"

it just add addictive damage and this is not about stats.

btw this effect/valour rate is same with other battlefields like arena or temple? or its just for talaar? (less stats/more valour)

Supposed to be for all, but you will see it really hitting you hard when you need valor the most at halls only. Best buffs to use is damage buffs, not just rainbow. You can have as much hp as you want but if you want to come out on top, get the highest damage possible with the minimum number of buffs.


Sunday, March 19th 2017, 6:26pm

yes,need alot scalps :love2: rating intresting me 0,00 ,we have here so or so every time a better player but i have fun to rip a enemy and battlefields make alot more fun,as killing crappy monsters

but i NEVER understand,why players use MUCH BLESSES and go EVERY TIME in block

that nerv alot and stall the completed battlefield and for what ? that the player use blesses to make so less damage he or she can ? i really cant understand so noobs,dieing is only a part of the game and we can make only much valour / when not on cap / when make good damage
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Monday, March 20th 2017, 1:26am

just cause your capped and last place all the time doesnt mean no one should complain, peopple who overbuff still limit the max potential of valor for for each tallar game, because overbuffed characters equal quick kills, fater way to 20/20. stuns people out easier makes people sit in fight for 20 minutes+ cause they die with first blow. so many things happen, i try to get full 10 players on my friendslist so we can que up everyday get valor clean with average buffs, not overdoing it, but we got a overbuffer lingering in the que all times of day xD no fun


Monday, March 20th 2017, 7:48am

then use retri powder / scrolls on this blessed player ,i go to 500 kills for aguadars ancient quest with the soul reaper,i loose with this weapon alot life ,so i use blesses,that my damagerace is better as from the enemy ,normal,when i need scalps

about he valour cap

i dont know,why the system do all,that players recieve so much valour,we have to much events for valour,maybe better,when we have more reputation events,valour comes so or so from alone without problems
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:

 -cendre [16] 


Posts: 244

Location: Bretagne

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Monday, March 20th 2017, 12:16pm

always use the less blesses you can , but the ones to hit hard (vercide or rainbow, soup or brainstorm/charlatan). + if u can take dragon amulet of reputation it can help and doesn't reduce valor .
Take purple pots , better than red . hit hard in deblock (2/3 slots of powers or bloods as u want ) , fast , always be with one life pot that regen your hp , and die fast , res, and jump fast in another fight ..etc..etc... is the way to get a good place

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