I got a lot of things to get off my chest, and I'm gonna do it by just asking simple, straight up questions.
Question #1: Why can't we type in numbers for the BFML event, but instead have to type them in a format that was decided based on... I don't know, why? I thought the main idea for this event was to just give away free rubies.
Question #2: Why are the numbers being announced all at once, not one by one? Since the aforementioned and this change, I've been seeing less and less people winning, sometimes the same people who happen to be... well, multies. Sometimes one month one multi, sometimes another, sometimes both at the same time. It's really weird how some get luckier as time goes by while others are all out of luck.
Question #3: Why is it not the admin, but Luisaidh, the mascot created by the community just to represent the event who was given a bigger role than she was supposed to be, doing the number draws?
Question #4: Why are the numbers being drawn all at once, not one by one like before? Since the numbers being drawn all at once, the amount of winners drastically dropped.
Question #5: Why is Luisaidh in the guards? The character isn't supposed to be a real player playing the game or do guard duties, the sole reason why it exists is the fact that she's here to handle the BFML's threads and post the winners.
Question #6: Why is Luisaidh in DE server guards?
Question #7: Who's this
person? Why is he in guards?
The Guard Application Thread clearly states that a player who wants to be a guard
has to apply to this thread, they have to be playing the game for at least 3 months (which, well, he still has a month and 14 days to complete).
Question #8: How come he has a gray guard badge even though he's a new guard? How can anyone have a guard badge in this short time? Who is this person? Don't you have to be a superhuman, well I guess you can say supermagmar of a person to actually achieve this much in this short time?
Question #9: How come all of his gifts are in English even though this special person (not my words, one of his gifts states that and I don't mean it in any bad way) comes from PL server?
Best Regards,
The Khan
P.S: No forum rule has been breached when this thread was being made. I would appreciate no changes, no removal of the thread and just answers. Thanks in advance.