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Monday, April 2nd 2018, 10:43am

April event - April's fools week!

This week the Jesters are giving you the opportunity to Player vs. Player race in our April’s fools week in our forum. Every day of this week there will be riddles, puzzles and other brain teaser challenging you to solve them within in 60 minutes after being posted.

But …
… it will be a player vs. player race. Any player, the challenger, is putting the riddle, puzzle or brain teaser according to the theme of the day. And now the race begins: if the task is correctly solved from another player, the solution finder, within 60 minutes, this player is the winner. If not, the challenger has won this round. To make it even more interesting it will be a competition between the races. If a magmar has put a question, only humans are allowed to answer and vice versa. And the use of multi accounts is not allowed either.

Please note: a new task can be put only 60 minutes after the current one.


The event itself is pretty simple. Every day of the week has a different theme:

02/04/2018/12:00 - Monday: Tease your brain!
03/04/2018/12:00 - Tuesday: Famous Arts - Who is the artist?
04/04/2018/12:00 - Wednesday: Trivia Quizzes
05/04/2018/12:00 - Thursday: Celebrity Quiz
06/04/2018/12:00 - Friday: FactBox
07/04/2018/12:00 - Saturday: Puzzles
08/04/2018/12:00 - Sunday: Codes & Ciphers

Every new game starts at 12h00 and will run till the next day 11h59

For every day there will be a new thread with an example question. So please make sure to use the correct thread on the day.

For every task there is a total reward of 20 x Golden Easter Eggs - 5 x Golden Easter Eggs for the challenger and 15 x Golden Easter Eggs for the winner. First correct answer within the time frame (60 minutes) counts. This also means if the task has not been solved within the 60 minutes the challenger will receive 5 +15 Golden Easter Eggs.

The whole amount of rewards will be distributed in the following week.

On your marks … get set … ASK!

This post has been edited 12 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Apr 13th 2018, 11:23am)


Monday, April 2nd 2018, 1:20pm

Every player has one guess or answer per task. And as mentioned above, the use of multis is not allowed.

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Monday, April 2nd 2018, 1:34pm

Ehm the dates are wrong here :angel:
The event itself is pretty simple. Every day of the week has a different theme:

02/04/2018/12:00 - Monday: Tease your brain!
02/04/2018/12:00 - Tuesday: Famous Arts - Who is the artist?
02/04/2018/12:00 - Wednesday: Trivia Quizzes
02/04/2018/12:00 - Thursday: Celebrity Quiz
02/04/2018/12:00 - Friday: FactBox
02/04/2018/12:00 - Saturday: Puzzles
02/04/2018/12:00 - Sunday: Codes & Ciphers

Fixed, thanks a lot :)
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Apr 2nd 2018, 1:38pm)

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

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Tuesday, April 3rd 2018, 11:40am

Attention! Update: Rewards have been lowered. The original amount has been based on a lower valued item and we forgot to adapt the amount to the actual reward. Thank you for your understanding.
Lisad | Community Manager


Tuesday, April 3rd 2018, 1:44pm

Could we have a sum up after each day? With who scored how many points?


Monday, April 9th 2018, 12:33pm

Hi all:)

we are no finalising the points and will have several re-checks to see if none is forgotten. This might take a while. After we will publish the points here.

We all hope you had a little bit of fun during our April fools week!


Tuesday, April 10th 2018, 2:15pm

total points

Summary over all days: only tasks put at first at the right time and where the challenger has confirmed the correct answer have been counted.

Congratulations to all participants, the Eastereggs should be distributed in the upcoming days!

435 -TheRiddle-
275 Asyix
275 Spikey99
195 Blankaz
225 DeCrypt
170 Jadha
130 liam321
95 -Fallen-
75 _Morgana_
55 _Hunterskull_
50 Herald-of-Death
65 designer
30 Faith seeker
30 -mantu7-
20 Sag76
20 UnderDemon
20 -_Exodia_-
15 DragonAxe
15 Xion delle Ombre
20 niqKriegeR
5 Warlordekkie
15 Schattenlied
15 -Cahal-
15 cnR
15 Harley Quinn
15 -PAT-
10 Berserkas
5 RoughRock


Wednesday, April 11th 2018, 1:49pm

Summary over all days: only tasks put at first at the right time and where the challenger has confirmed the correct answer have been counted.

Congratulations to all participants, the Eastereggs should be distributed in the upcoming days!

435 -TheRiddle-
275 Asyix
275 Spikey99
195 Blankaz
225 DeCrypt
170 Jadha
130 liam321
95 -Fallen-
75 _Morgana_
55 _Hunterskull_
50 Herald-of-Death
65 designer
30 Faith seeker
30 -mantu7-
20 Sag76
20 UnderDemon
20 -_Exodia_-
15 DragonAxe
15 Xion delle Ombre
20 niqKriegeR
5 Warlordekkie
15 Schattenlied
15 -Cahal-
15 cnR
15 Harley Quinn
15 -PAT-
10 Berserkas
5 RoughRock

Why my name is not counted - I did get one question answered!


Wednesday, April 11th 2018, 1:52pm…4067#post264067

This answer was correct and within the time.
I couldn't confirm this because after I posted I went to sleep and thread was closed before I woke up.

UltimateGameman should be given 15 points for answer, and myself 5 points for question.

:thumbup: ok, will be added then )

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Apr 11th 2018, 7:59pm)


Wednesday, April 11th 2018, 6:26pm

@Tracey, that question is invalid due to time being posted, it was kinda 3rd question on that hour and only first question counts


Thursday, April 12th 2018, 4:27pm

Will I get sent to the sin bin for saying "holy shit" when regarding the rewards :lol:


Thursday, April 12th 2018, 4:33pm

Please, joke week every week :lol:
404 not found


Thursday, April 12th 2018, 4:46pm

Omg that rewards, makes me reconsider my opinion about this game o.o

100 eggs:
-90 incarnum
-140 skulls
-35 shells
-18 ee
-15 ludials
-3500 CoT
-30 coals
-45 centrido
-80 leather
-90 bubbly

(punch and elixirs in each too) o.o will keep opening


Thursday, April 12th 2018, 4:50pm

Good luck using all the punches you're gonna get lmao


Thursday, April 12th 2018, 5:08pm

Thanks xD Have now only 444 punches II XD

440 eggs:
-220 incarnum
-530 skulls
-190 shells
-114 ee
-132 ludials
-11250 CoT
-132 Coal
-210 centrido
-420 leather
-500 bubbly


Thursday, April 12th 2018, 5:19pm

:lol: it's becoming a forum game .... Better spend game time on forum than in game itselfe ...

Just a bit ridicoulous.

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