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War of Dragons Easter Event
Dear Community,
Since Easter is close we want to start the holiday with a nice, creative event.

Since Easter is close we want to start the holiday with a nice, creative event.

Get a real egg, and paint it in the colours of War of Dragons. Be creative and design your Easter eggs in a very heroic, funny or mystic way. Write your ingame name on a paper and put it next to the eggs while you take a picture of it. Upload the picture to imageshack etc. and post the link/picture in this thread.
Everyone who takes part will receive a purple gift. The winner can choose one piece of the blue armoury.
Deadline is the 3rd of April. Everyone without a name tag will be disqualified.
Have fun and get dirty.
Everyone who takes part will receive a purple gift. The winner can choose one piece of the blue armoury.
Deadline is the 3rd of April. Everyone without a name tag will be disqualified.
Have fun and get dirty.

the story is that, once lived snakerabit and she sought his own treasures! then she found a gray egg and she did not know what to do and suddenly says egg roll and ta leading them to the silver egg! she was so happy and did not know what to do for joy! then she nolemaa s on the market and bought eggs there sripainu which housed the red and blue socks, but snakerabit did it and was shocked,
She decided to swap the socks intresanas colors eggs with black spots when she took the egg home it says suddenly move in and out of her brilliant small, black lightning!
I am not a strong arts
She decided to swap the socks intresanas colors eggs with black spots when she took the egg home it says suddenly move in and out of her brilliant small, black lightning!
I am not a strong arts

the story is that, once lived snakerabit and she sought his own treasures! then she found a gray egg and she did not know what to do and suddenly says egg roll and ta leading them to the silver egg! she was so happy and did not know what to do for joy! then she nolemaa s on the market and bought eggs there sripainu which housed the red and blue socks, but snakerabit did it and was shocked,
She decided to swap the socks intresanas colors eggs with black spots when she took the egg home it says suddenly move in and out of her brilliant small, black lightning!
I am not a strong arts![]()
sorry i put wrong picture
Just for fun heres my entry
and yes i know its not allowed be photoshopped

Incase image didnt work click HERE

Incase image didnt work click HERE
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