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Friday, September 15th 2017, 1:18pm

What is a mentor?

Weekly knowledge test: 15/09/17-21/08/2017

What is a Mentor? And what are his tasks?

Post your answers here.


For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
  • Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
    Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
  • From all correct answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
  • The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
  • Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
  • Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
  • Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
  • The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
  • Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.

Good game and good luck for all! :drink:

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Nov 10th 2017, 2:55pm)


Friday, September 15th 2017, 5:34pm

Mentor are welcome the New warriors and guide the player, who are struk on the quest or what ever....


Friday, September 15th 2017, 6:27pm

Mentors are players trained to help others players in game.
Their primary task/duty is to help in game players by answering their game related question whether be on quests, NPCs, resources, locations or also any issues with other players or with the game itself.
They also have an important role of helping or guiding the new players that join game. :teacher:
They also do make sure that players follow certain rules of the game and thus can also silent any person who disobeys chat rules or to forward to guard if any other rules are not followed.

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

  • Send private message


Friday, September 15th 2017, 9:46pm

It is considered as cheating if i answer with this ?…t&id=103&page=4 :angel:
Btw a mentor is a player with some quest, in game rule knowledge that is whilling to help other and solve their in game problems related to game rule or quests or other info.
Ofc this do not mean that people should spam my chat :nono: (kidding :hug: )
But the only thing that i want to remember is that we are not machines or CPU, so leave us some time to answer after a question.
And no, I don't know about all the in game stuff. :angel:
P.S. Just because I am a mentor not means i must know all ingame stuff, i can only say i ll try my best into finding it or any info about, but there are still many in game features and quests or other stuff that player have to discover by themselfs. :angel: or just to leave a suprise to you :wink: :kiss2:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Monday, September 18th 2017, 3:33pm


"In Homer's Odyssey, Mentor was the teacher of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. But Mentor was more than a teacher. Mentor was half-God and half-man, half-male and half-female, believable and yet unreachable. Mentor was the union of both goal and path, wisdom personified." - Daloz, 1983

Currently a mentor is considered to be a teacher, a guide and a role model.
It is someone we look up to for their knowledge and experience.
We turn to them for a guidance, for precious advices and most importantly to learn and improve ourselves.
Mentor might, but doesn't necessarily need to be a friend to a one seeking an advice.

In WOD we have a group of people called Mentors.
They are responsible for guiding all people in game, answering their questions and helping as much as they can.
Mentors should have a wide knowledge about game rules, chat rules, forum and forum rules as well as all the quests, items, interface and basically anything else that can be known about the game.
Take in mind that mentors in game are more of a 3/4 human and only 1/4 of a God, don't expect them to jump right away with the answer to your complex question. Very often they need some time to look for an answer, just be patient.

Here is a link for all mentors online along with their status: (don't hesitate to use it whenever you need a mentor)

Mentors have one more important responsibility which is maintaining the chats, whenver the chat rules are broken and you complain the messages -> Mentors make a judgment and according to rules punish the outlaw, usually by awarding them a silence ban

That's what mentors should do and what they are given awards for, so if you ever meet with mentor not taking care of their duties feel free to report it to Head Mentor or to a special thread on forum: Thread