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 LE LOUP [17] 


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Friday, November 16th 2018, 4:06pm


Question 1 someone know how to increase the amout of dodger tox ?

Second question how is balance made between Protection and Penetration ?
1/1 OR .... ?
example if i have 300 light-dark protection and opponent 100 light-dark penetration. How should i repell his cast ?

Have 310 fire-air protection 250 dark-light 190 water-earth and ONLY works on dodgers AND HW ....

Third question:

Same as second how is balance made between Suppression and Concentration.
Long time ago i was fighting with 120 suppression was getting about 5/6 blunder for 100 hits against opponent with 20 concentration max.


Is it possible to make correct balance between BC and other set cause its not possible.

BC makes around 4 crit for only 1 tox from dodger. 1 tox = same damage as one crit divided by 2.
Give opportunity to other mage to increase their main power which is amount of tox for dodgers and amount of stun for HW.


Friday, November 16th 2018, 4:59pm

balance made between Protection and Penetration

something like that


Friday, November 16th 2018, 7:18pm

ty for the link Groot :smile: interesting to know

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

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Friday, November 16th 2018, 9:03pm

Thnx groot anything about supp and conce ?


Friday, November 16th 2018, 10:38pm

supp and conce

try this

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

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Saturday, November 17th 2018, 12:27am

If i understood well about supp:

lets say both at same lvl
we start with 4% + 120supp/max(1,lvl-10) in my case: lv12

4% +0.6*120/max((1,2)) = 40%

so in 100 hits should be 40 blunders.

And i guess 1 concentration removes effect of one supp ^^

Any admin to confirm my math ? ^^

thnx for ur help groot do u have any info about maths behind "will" and amount of crits made by BC with mana?

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

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Saturday, November 17th 2018, 12:30am

and math behind amount of tox and stun from HW and dodger ^^


Saturday, November 17th 2018, 1:07am

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

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Saturday, November 17th 2018, 4:30am

OK lets make it in english:

So amount of crit which u will deliver is given by ; your magical critical caracteristic + 0.5%*will/max(lvl opponent-10,your lvl-10, 1)

everyone has 3% of magical criti cara except BC start with 25/30% +3%

example LE LOUP lvl 12 fight his best friends magmars also lvl 12.

LE LOUP 25 will: chance delivering a crit by LL:

3% + 5*25/(10*2) = 125/20 +3 = 9.25% chance to make a crit for a dodger or an HW

same "will" but lets imagine LL is BC then : 25< x-9,25<30 ... 34,25<x<39,25% with x = your probability to make crit

Another example you are lvl 17 dodger with 152 will.

5*152/(7*10) = 152/(7*2) (calculus made in groot'spost) = 152/14 = 10.86% of magical crit


With 25 will BC makes : >1/3 crit
Dodger/HW : <1/10 crit

And this is correct thats what "i" see in practice against strong mags of my lvl. Anyone else to confirm ?

Someone knows about ratio of HW's stun and dodgers poison ? how is it made? Is there any math behind or only one fkg randrange(z) ? where z = R+.


Saturday, November 17th 2018, 11:07am

Change style and you will finally understand how difficult it is to fight with REAL disadvantages.
Dodgers should not be allowed to complain or whine about the other 2 styles :)

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

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Saturday, November 17th 2018, 12:32pm

Tell me whats wrong with dodgers aka ^^ i'm not talking about 6-10 and 16-20 ^^ 11-15.

If you dont like something if you think that something is wrong just come and try to understand thats what i'm want to do.

Here a lot of math i like that ^^

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, November 17th 2018, 3:38pm

There is only one thing that everyone have to know.
Math doesn't mean reality, stats are only stats, i dodged 5 times in a row as a bc once, like a hw dodged 5 times my attacks once, can you explain the probability of these things?
Or even yersterday i won a fight just because i stunned the enemy right away 4 times in a row, explain this.
I'm not speaking that math is pure fantasy, but you are not speaking about math, but about probabilities, which in my personal opinion, you are talking about fantastic thingys that in many cases are just not the reality.
Wanna try out?
Tell me how's the possibility that i throwing a coin can get a head and a tail. :music:
Personal advice is to base more on some fixed stats, like durability, wisdowm, strength, vitality, those cannot change and will always affect your combat abilities.
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, November 17th 2018, 4:30pm

Try going to mage levels and not investing in protection and/or suppression, see what it gets you. I'll be waiting for your easy scalp :lol:

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, November 17th 2018, 5:52pm

Try going to mage levels and not investing in protection and/or suppression, see what it gets you. I'll be waiting for your easy scalp :lol:

Not saying that, but if you go aginst le loup, you are sure to win, just bcs u got 10 more suppression ? :angel:
Ofc if you go against one of your level that cannot compare in stats you can manage to win easily, is like me vs a green dressed lvl 8.........
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, November 18th 2018, 12:30pm

Try going to mage levels and not investing in protection and/or suppression, see what it gets you. I'll be waiting for your easy scalp :lol:

Not saying that, but if you go aginst le loup, you are sure to win, just bcs u got 10 more suppression ? :angel:
Ofc if you go against one of your level that cannot compare in stats you can manage to win easily, is like me vs a green dressed lvl 8.........

You can't know how impactful these stats are without being here, at level 11 I was one of the strongest players pretty much solely because I had a lot of suppression. Purple armour, runes, whatever don't make near as much of a difference at mage as protection and suppression do. I'm sure any level 11 BC can tell you horror stories about fighting Monsemalond; it's pretty much impossible to cast on him because of suppression and protection.

Also, yes at level 11 when I went to battlefields I would evaluate whether I can beat someone by how much suppression and concentration they had. The only reason it doesn't work at level 12 is because dodgers can get a lot more protection now and that stat is hidden, whereas it didn't matter to me before except for facing Monse.


Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 6:29pm

At lvl 11-15 basically works like this:
1- Your concentration needs to be high or else you won't do almost any damage unless your enemies has low suppresion (but everyone is trying to build suppresion because of how op it is).

2- Counter style is way different than at lvl 1-10 (can't talk about lvl 16+ cause i lack exp.) because when a dodger fights a bonecrusher is true that he deals less crits BUT the bonecrusher will normaly lose 25%-75% of his/her spells damage because of the protection against fire/air (BC magic) because how much you get from your armor and weapons, of course at lvl 11 is not that big of the deal but at lvl 12 the problem is quite big because of how much protection lvl 12 weapons give. You can argue about using pen rings BUT since there's lack of hw in battlefields at lvl 11-15 dodgers dominate really hard since they don't have to sacrifice a ring slot for extra magic pen. instead they go either will/concentration/suppresion. While at lvl 1-10 you can beat dodgers as bc and viceversa and normaly wins the one with the best armor while at lvl 11-15 you don't require better armor than the bc to win, just at least be close at will/concen./supp. stats and even like that from my personal expierence they only really need concentration and suppresion, cause crit ain't that important for them since their spells can "poison" you.

In the end, if you really want to expirience how hard it is for a bonecrusher to beat a dodger at lvl 11-15 play as bonecrusher against a full blue dodger (not even purple or red) and you will find out that everytime you deal 1k damage he has done like 2k. So unless the bonecrusher is CLEARLY stronger than the dodger you won't win as bc vs dodger

And hw are not played that much because bonecrushers pretty much use atshi and mana only to beat them unless like i said the HW is CLEARLY stronger than the bonecrusher.

So the main issue is that you have to be far stronger than the player you are facing if you are in style disadvantage.


Friday, November 23rd 2018, 12:07am

Big Up for TNF)