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Monday, May 29th 2017, 11:52pm

Do not weep like a woman

When the Spanish reconquered Granada in 1492, the city's last Arabic ruler, Boabdil, was seen by his mother to weep as he fled his beloved Alhambra palace. The oft-repeated legend has it that she turned to him to say: "Do not weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man."

This is an ancient legend that happened in 1492. Times changed, and today, 600 years after, women join armies and fight in equal conditions than men, and they are supposed not to be discriminated by gender questions.

And, oh, surprise, they even play WOD!. This game has not an explicit rule about sexism, because in 2017 I really think it is a question of common sense not to use it.

Today, a male companion was told : you fight as a woman. In a negative sense. He complained, and no mentor found it offensive. No matter who was involved in that case.

Women are still fighting against sex discrimination, and this kind of comments, even in a game, are offensive. We, women, normally let them pass, as we are used t hear them every day and in very different circumstancies, but please, if somebody complains, DO NOT TELL IT IS NOT OFFENSIVE, because this is an offence in itself.

Apologies for my english, I would habe been more clear on the subject in spanish, but hopefully you are able to have a general idea about what I mean.

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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 12:08am

I understand your frustration and see your point.

And I agree with you up to some point.

As Martin Luther King Jr. once said "This is a war game." Just because someone said "don't cry like a woman" doesn't mean he/she should get punished/jailed/banned/arrested/sentenced to death. Yes,it is rude and offensive towards women,yes I agree with you there,but at the same time,this offer is not really okay. If it is applied today,tomorrow someone will say "don't cry like a baby" and that will offend babies,so it will also be a move to get punished,the next day someone will say "don't weep like an actor/actress who stars in a comic book tv show" and then the actors/actresses will get offended. Do you see how silly it can get?

I would say that ignoring/putting that person on enemies list would be a good option since there is no real need to have any contacts with a sexist/discriminant person.

Last but not least,yes,just like in that story,there are these kind of idioms rooting in a lot of languages from hundreds of years ago and they are still used in 21st century unfortunately. Don't let these things get to you and make you feel bad.

Have a nice day.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 1:55am

Alisea, that's such an apt little story you share to help make your point. Really well done. And I agree it's lame and harmful to call someone womanly so as to insult them. SKYonWAR's video link is great for that point as well.
The difference between prohibited phrases in game and what is actually offensive is sometimes large. But I think in general it's better to have less moderation of chat than more. I'd rather not have another player or person, even those as noble as all our mentors and admins are, be the ones to always decide degree of insult and punishment.
I hope your friend can find a way to hurt the person who insulted him and that those who think calling people feminine is a fun way to insult can also be bludgeoned.


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 2:58am

dont get offended by comments like that, you may be taking it to heart as a die hard feminist, but really. it is what it is, its not offensive. girls hit like girls, unless you want to hit harder hit harder. in this point. prove to whoever said that, and come back and whoop his butt, and tell him to stop crying like a little boy... everyone says crap here to get on each others nerves..

hell someone might loss 9/10 fights and that 1 fight they win, they will save in their info and brag about it saying that this player cannot beat him.. its really a game of insults/degrading and hyprocacy....

if you are really hurt by someone saying you hit like a girl, then i find it funny., this world is becoming too sensitive with words. when they are harmless..

not all women hit hard but neither do all men. like i said, prove him wrong, or let this harmless phrase define you.


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 3:04am

by the way. this is the internet. it has trolls. its the the most discpicable place to spend your time. the rules made for chat im sure will remain the same and not add on. after 9 years someone gets offended by this will not make such a change. people have religious clan emblems and names. that rules already been bent and broken and allowed.


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 3:57am

When the Spanish reconquered Granada in 1492, the city's last Arabic ruler, Boabdil, was seen by his mother to weep as he fled his beloved Alhambra palace. The oft-repeated legend has it that she turned to him to say: "Do not weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man."

This is an ancient legend that happened in 1492. Times changed, and today, 600 years after, women join armies and fight in equal conditions than men, and they are supposed not to be discriminated by gender questions.

And, oh, surprise, they even play WOD!. This game has not an explicit rule about sexism, because in 2017 I really think it is a question of common sense not to use it.

Today, a male companion was told : you fight as a woman. In a negative sense. He complained, and no mentor found it offensive. No matter who was involved in that case.

Women are still fighting against sex discrimination, and this kind of comments, even in a game, are offensive. We, women, normally let them pass, as we are used t hear them every day and in very different circumstancies, but please, if somebody complains, DO NOT TELL IT IS NOT OFFENSIVE, because this is an offence in itself.

Apologies for my english, I would habe been more clear on the subject in spanish, but hopefully you are able to have a general idea about what I mean.

1) This is a game...
2) If someone gets offended that easy they maybe shouldn't Be playing a Game like this...
3) Males can make Female players on here just as Females can make Male player....
4) Talk is just that Talk.... This is the Internet It is not declared a Safe Zone... :smile: :smile:
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 9:11am

You can check out his novels. He is a great writer and as well a Nobel prize holder.

So if your friend feel offended for being told that he fight like a woman, means he is quite discriminating towards women.

I wonder if someone tells a woman "You act like a man", will a male come to deffend all males saying that they are offended of that sexism and discrimination? Just wonderring, though... ?(
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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 9:36am


Today, a male companion was told : you fight as a woman. In a negative sense.

Did he used insulting words to express it in negative sense or its just your opinion?By the way it looks more like: Hey,i'm female,look at me.

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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 9:50am
Check this greek myth xD i ll probably be honored if i fight as well as them :xmasparty: :beer: POV :smoke:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 9:54am

You can check out his novels. He is a great writer and as well a Nobel prize holder.

So if your friend feel offended for being told that he fight like a woman, means he is quite discriminating towards women.

I wonder if someone tells a woman "You act like a man", will a male come to deffend all males saying that they are offended of that sexism and discrimination? Just wonderring, though... ?(
From what I understood, the friend did not get offended because he was told he fight like a woman, but because someone used that term with a derogatory connotation, could've understood wrong tho.


Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 10:47am

Would have been 'derogatory connotation' if it was few centuries back and probably would have been solved with swords fight between 2 knights. Right now is more of whining that someone did not get punished as per the 'victim's' desire. If a one has an interpretation that fits to their desires, that doesn't mean rules will be changes in different situations as it 'fits'.
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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 11:32am

The difference between woman and man remind me racial problem, In china, most of people don't care about color, I mean they do care the color, but they don't treat it a problem. it's the truth that black white and yellow people have different color, they are different ,but they are all humanbeing. I can say US has biggest problem about racism because many people take it seriously. It's only my opinion.

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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 1:09pm

I think we start leaving the topic here. We do not want to go down the path about any definition to racism, do we?

Apart from what I got so far, people should take it as a compliment being told to fight like a woman. As women are far more creative in their choice of weapon and methods than men even can think of.

And now I suggest we stick to the topic about the difference between mars and venus and leave racism and different coloured people aside.
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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 2:38pm

Fight like a woman??? Hell yeah!!

Lets see, we are in Faeo, not real world, we have Woriors like Saysha the Warrior and Captain Bakhasha , Knights like Blou the Knight and Frex the Knight and bloddy Sheara, Mistress of the Dragons (you dont wanna get in a fight with that one....)

So this world of Faeo has places for everyone: even if you wanna be a Warrior or a Mermaid

Oh, and dont forget about Xena:

Enjoy the game ladies and gents! :beer:


Wednesday, May 31st 2017, 2:11pm

I think it is pointless to discuss such topic for the online games if you remember that you cannot know 100% for sure who is behind the character... I know many men who play female characters and women who play male characters....


Wednesday, May 31st 2017, 7:37pm

When I was (much) younger, we had an expression. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." People should reconnect with this expression and realize in situations like this the words they choose only reflect on them and should otherwise be given no significance or impact.

This goes back to that whole "thick skin" thing your grandpa used to say you needed.


Wednesday, May 31st 2017, 7:39pm

Fight like a woman??? Hell yeah!!

Lets see, we are in Faeo, not real world, we have Woriors like Saysha the Warrior and Captain Bakhasha , Knights like Blou the Knight and Frex the Knight and bloddy Sheara, Mistress of the Dragons (you dont wanna get in a fight with that one....)

So this world of Faeo has places for everyone: even if you wanna be a Warrior or a Mermaid

Oh, and dont forget about Xena:

Enjoy the game ladies and gents! :beer:

Xena wouldn't complain about the comment...she'd punch the guy out and move on with her life ;)