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Tuesday, December 5th 2017, 1:54am

Crystalline Caves idea

I just wanted to suggest an idea for a mini-CC if you will. Before when you had fast caves you reduced the time of the CC but kept the number of players, how about you try the opposite?
It is generally reasonable enough to get 5 people for a party in CC or even for other events, but it is the other 4 people needed to reach 9 that leads to stagnation of battlefields.
I propose a 5-5 crystalline caves initiative, which should hopefully lead to more battlefields, at higher levels, as with how many people stick themselves in the lower level ranks 3-6, levels 7-10 don't get as many battlefield opportunities.
Thanks for reading :mine:

 Lisad [20] 

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Wednesday, December 6th 2017, 8:44am

Thank you for your feedback. It will be forwarded to the appropriate team for consideration.
Lisad | Community Manager


Wednesday, December 6th 2017, 3:42pm

For levels 5-6 too


Wednesday, December 6th 2017, 5:54pm

5 people in the current map of CC would be crazy. Too big for 5 people. It'll just end up 3 fights in every cave with as much wraiths as possible and nothing going on


Wednesday, December 6th 2017, 6:20pm

The last time an interesting variant on the crystalline caves formula was added to the game, there were a couple instances on the day it was released and after that it was completely dead forever. I liked the idea of fast caves, it suited me much better, but people just ignored it. I can't see anything different happening with any other variant of caves.


Wednesday, December 6th 2017, 7:20pm

RU has special event for CCs called Magical Storm ;

Hopefully it will be introduced here soon, looks promising


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 12:32am

RU has special event for CCs called Magical Storm ;

Hopefully it will be introduced here soon, looks promising
I agree, that looks similar to what I had in mind. :mine:


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 12:39am

But actually ragular Crystalline Caves are good, there is just a valid reason why people don't like to go there and to other battlefields, and the reason is - because they can get chess sets with less efforts (less time, and less gold spent for blessings, wraiths etc.), especially healers and locksmiths, because they need antitrauma bonus, not trauma that arsenal armor has.

There was time, when arsenal armor was the best armor, and people wanted to get it, and it requires valor rank, so people were going to battlefields. Now we have chess sets, and quests for purple armor. Both pretty easy tp get.

Remove chess sets and purple armor from the game, make blue transferable armor like Barbarian set pieces very rarely drop from monsters, and people will go to battlefields again.

And make new valor quests for crystalline caves, for example 12 wins in row, 400 spheres, 226 green crystals, and 20 red arena badges. Or some quests like that.

People who have purple armor will argue with me, I don't doubt about that, but let me calm them down - most of them are valor players, and have good ranks, so if purple armor and chess sets are removed from the game - their blue arsenal armor will be still the best armor.

If you don't understand the idea - give people choice to get green armor or arsenal armor, they will choose arsenal armor obviously (Just make new arsenal armor with antitrauma bonus for locksmiths and healers).


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 12:45am

CC is not a PvP battlefield CC is player vs. Summons make CC No summons And a lot more people would want to go in CC.... Summons has always been a Issue..... But those that have to use sommons will cry a river.... I can agreee with having to have less people per team if they get rid of Summons....
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:

 lol666 [9] 


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Thursday, December 7th 2017, 12:00pm

Too many summons, not that funny fight 90% of times against big summons :music: and with the novemeber event just ended people have 2000 zombie wrath to drop :sleep:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 12:26pm

then maybe instead of a smaller cc, a bigger temple? since it has limited summon usage it should be good.

Anyway, I believe the main problem why bf don't get going as much on higher levels, especially cc, is because it's extremely easy to get valor outside of bf, just wait for a x2 valor on GB and a lvl 7 can get over 100k valor in a couple hours of cheap effort, as opposed to the 2 hours of pain and suffering you get in cc, for 20-40k valor if you're on the winning team and lucky, it simply does not even compare, why would anyone sacrifice themselves to get some valor in hell, when they can just wait for a walk in the park with much more reward?


Thursday, December 7th 2017, 2:48pm

Guys, just put the link I posted into translator, it's CC with limit of summons, less people needed to play, less crystals needed ....


Friday, December 8th 2017, 9:52pm

perhaps a limit of 20-30 summons also for cc since that seems to be the excuse of many, although sad fact, even after we make limit for summons the ones who complained about them still dont come after limit


Thursday, February 8th 2018, 12:18pm

hello guys, what about an idea to combine with russian server ?? There a lot of people who want to participate in CC and other battlefields.

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Thursday, February 8th 2018, 12:46pm

Do you geniunely think you can compete against people in RU?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Thursday, February 8th 2018, 12:52pm

hello guys, what about an idea to combine with russian server ?? There a lot of people who want to participate in CC and other battlefields.

We are +1 year (or so) behind the RU server so introducing them to share battlefield with DE, PL and COM would mean that RU would have a great advantage over us. The fights would simply be too unbalanced.


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