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Mounts: How to choose the right mount ...
Weekly knowledge test: 25-09 - 09-10-2014
Mounts:The variety of mounts in WoD is as amazing as the shoe collection of an average woman. One pair for each occasion. But how do you choose the right mount for a given situation? Give us some samples of situations, which mount you would choose to support you and why
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
Good game and good luck for all!
Mounts:The variety of mounts in WoD is as amazing as the shoe collection of an average woman. One pair for each occasion. But how do you choose the right mount for a given situation? Give us some samples of situations, which mount you would choose to support you and why

Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons. - From all correct answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- The winners will be displayed after the draw in the same poste.
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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Oct 17th 2014, 1:11pm)
I don't have more mounts than shoes, that's for sure
. To choose the perfect one, I think in my case it's a rate betwen food they eat (so how much it cost)/ damage it does. For example, I could use my endagar in any situation , but it's an expensive mount (25 silver each fight), so If I can, I try to avoid using it. Higher damage, but higher prize. The cheapest one that can help it's the zorb, but in my lvl mobs kill it fast (low damage), so I don't use it that much too. And for last, we have the ones that are in the middle, lvl 8 mounts, my polar bear (it's free but you have to waste time geting some snow, so I use it only when I'm sure I will have only a few fights), the ash vargas, and the lvl 8 corvus. They have a good rate betwen damage/cost, so they are the one's that I use the most. I prefer corvus than ash vargas because it has some special effects that help you when you are in fight: but, on the other hand, I think ash vargas last more in fight, so it depends on the situation.
Then we have some special ones, like lagmur for underwater, but there you can't choose to use one or another, so I think no need to comment here.
rage with lvl 7-8-9 mobs, when I don't want to get too much exp, or when I got ataccked: zorb
battlefields, lvl 9-10 mobs naked, quest, superbeings, or fights when you have more than 2 mobs: endagar
cerberus or DH (a few fights in both): polar bear
for the rest: corvus or ash vargas.

Then we have some special ones, like lagmur for underwater, but there you can't choose to use one or another, so I think no need to comment here.
rage with lvl 7-8-9 mobs, when I don't want to get too much exp, or when I got ataccked: zorb
battlefields, lvl 9-10 mobs naked, quest, superbeings, or fights when you have more than 2 mobs: endagar
cerberus or DH (a few fights in both): polar bear
for the rest: corvus or ash vargas.

Magmar Consecrator

Hello everyone.
Being a comparative lower level my experience with mounts is not as extensive but I will still try to cover all my bases with regards to my personal experience. Also, being a Magmar, the names will be the ones of Magmar sides. Substitute equivalent names of Human sides if so wished for.
Also I will be using only the Mounts which can be called upon in Battle. (Rest I've never used)
Mounts for level 4 and above.
Available Mounts - Crion Zorb, Poisonous Crion Zorb
- CZ or PCZ, are our basic mounts for Starters. Requirements are 600 City Rep for the CZ. And an additional Green (Medal of Friendship) badge of any Mercenary Clan.
The Situation - Anywhere needed where some extra damage is required. Or as a meat shield. I prefer to use a PCZ as a damage dealer because it can use it's Poison upto 3 times. Having your opponent waste some combo or a healing pot or two to heal the poison can greatly skew the battles in my favor at that stage of our careers.
Mounts for level 5.
Available Mounts - Battle Zorb, Poisonous Battle Zorb, Cerrador, Ice Bear, Scorpolion.
Verdict: While Cerrador/Scorpolion is mostly a glory item, it is an extremely useful companion to have.
Hands down these two are the winners here. Low cost of call and a high health bar and good magic abilities take the crown for them.
A cerrador is useful when you've to take down a high health individual and you yourself are not a heavy damage dealer. The Ray of Cerrador magic reduces the maximum health of the enemy and as such makes it easier for you or your group to kill it easier.
I would prefer the scorpolion when faced with a larger number of enemies, since the magic of this mount damages multiple enemies and heals the master and it's allies with that damage. As such, longevity increases for a hard hitting player. Good use in PvP battles.
Level 6 and higher.
Available Mounts - Shankar, Endagar, Jakaral, Grumvol.
REquirements - Medal Of Worship of BoE (Shankar), BOV(Endagar), UK(Grumvol) And Medal of Honor for Chaos Fighters (Jakaral)
The Verdict - Jakarals against Unprepared PvP opponents (Since these use Chaos magic, removable only by Antichaos scrolls)
Endagar against big mobs of Monsters - Since it has a mass damage magic.
Shankar in large PvP fights - Since they can increase blow of their masters to very high levels.
Haven't used a grumvol or faced one.
I do not know about higher level mounts since I haven't used them. Cheers
Being a comparative lower level my experience with mounts is not as extensive but I will still try to cover all my bases with regards to my personal experience. Also, being a Magmar, the names will be the ones of Magmar sides. Substitute equivalent names of Human sides if so wished for.
Also I will be using only the Mounts which can be called upon in Battle. (Rest I've never used)
Mounts for level 4 and above.
Available Mounts - Crion Zorb, Poisonous Crion Zorb
- CZ or PCZ, are our basic mounts for Starters. Requirements are 600 City Rep for the CZ. And an additional Green (Medal of Friendship) badge of any Mercenary Clan.
The Situation - Anywhere needed where some extra damage is required. Or as a meat shield. I prefer to use a PCZ as a damage dealer because it can use it's Poison upto 3 times. Having your opponent waste some combo or a healing pot or two to heal the poison can greatly skew the battles in my favor at that stage of our careers.
Mounts for level 5.
Available Mounts - Battle Zorb, Poisonous Battle Zorb, Cerrador, Ice Bear, Scorpolion.
Verdict: While Cerrador/Scorpolion is mostly a glory item, it is an extremely useful companion to have.
Hands down these two are the winners here. Low cost of call and a high health bar and good magic abilities take the crown for them.
A cerrador is useful when you've to take down a high health individual and you yourself are not a heavy damage dealer. The Ray of Cerrador magic reduces the maximum health of the enemy and as such makes it easier for you or your group to kill it easier.
I would prefer the scorpolion when faced with a larger number of enemies, since the magic of this mount damages multiple enemies and heals the master and it's allies with that damage. As such, longevity increases for a hard hitting player. Good use in PvP battles.
Level 6 and higher.
Available Mounts - Shankar, Endagar, Jakaral, Grumvol.
REquirements - Medal Of Worship of BoE (Shankar), BOV(Endagar), UK(Grumvol) And Medal of Honor for Chaos Fighters (Jakaral)
The Verdict - Jakarals against Unprepared PvP opponents (Since these use Chaos magic, removable only by Antichaos scrolls)
Endagar against big mobs of Monsters - Since it has a mass damage magic.
Shankar in large PvP fights - Since they can increase blow of their masters to very high levels.
Haven't used a grumvol or faced one.
I do not know about higher level mounts since I haven't used them. Cheers

There are indeed many mounts in this game, and each does have different abilities and therefore effective in different situations.
Alot of the low lvl players (lvl 6 and below) seem to like the idea of naked hunting (some players like this some dont), for those lvl 4 they tend to use a poisonous zorb/tiger as the poisons will help to kill tougher mobs and also speed up fights, Players lvl 5 have the choice of a poisonous mount or going for a battle zorb/luan tiger and hunting a higher lvl mob. Both of these methods work well for this.
When you are fighting PvP is where different situations occur from 1 fight to the next. Alot of players will tend to summon what they consider their strongest mount in a PvP fight, but often this is not the best case. Depending on the situation in the fight, it can change which mount is best to call. For instance a shankar hits quite hard and is effective in a fight of 1v1 whereas an endegar is more effective in a larger PvP fight because of cetain abilities it has such as reseting a combo. Also if you do not have the ability for your mount to heal you (can be bought with enough RR from sheara) then using an anlagrissa can be good in a large PvP fight too as it can heal a few players with 1 of its abilities.
A lvl 10 or 13 ice bear can also be effective in larger PvP fights too as when they become low on hp they start to cast a magic attack each turn, i have not seen these ever miss and they always deal the same dmg regardless of block or not which can be very helpful to deal larger faster dmg to enemies.
Another thing to consider is some mounts fight better against certain mounts than others. A shankar for instance will not perform the same against an anlagrissa as it would an endegar in terms of normal result.
When fighting mobs and you get others join some players will summon a mount to help them, often players will tend to call a cheap mount to summon such as a zorb or 1 of the ice bears as this leaves them a larger profit from the fight rather than use up alot of the drop on the cost of food to summon. Others choose to summon a stonger mount giving up some of the profit in order to keep the xp gained lower.
Moving some players will choose to sit upon a mount to speed up travel time. Often players will use the highest lvl mount they have for this as they usually have a greater bonus to speed so you can travel through locations faster to do quests, raid enemy lands or get to someone needing help in a fight.
Some mounts can be used by picking items to feed them rather than buying from the shop. The lagmur used underwater feeds from coral which can be picked underwater or bought from the shop underwater. This is the ONLY mount that you can feed with BOTH options to pick or buy its food, all other mounts only have the 1 option. The other mount that can be usde from picking its food it the ice bears that feed from snowballs which can be picked anywhere during the winter or from the eternal frost islands all year around. There is 1 other mount type that feeds differently to the majority, and that is the jakerals which feed from chaos particles.
Alot of the low lvl players (lvl 6 and below) seem to like the idea of naked hunting (some players like this some dont), for those lvl 4 they tend to use a poisonous zorb/tiger as the poisons will help to kill tougher mobs and also speed up fights, Players lvl 5 have the choice of a poisonous mount or going for a battle zorb/luan tiger and hunting a higher lvl mob. Both of these methods work well for this.
When you are fighting PvP is where different situations occur from 1 fight to the next. Alot of players will tend to summon what they consider their strongest mount in a PvP fight, but often this is not the best case. Depending on the situation in the fight, it can change which mount is best to call. For instance a shankar hits quite hard and is effective in a fight of 1v1 whereas an endegar is more effective in a larger PvP fight because of cetain abilities it has such as reseting a combo. Also if you do not have the ability for your mount to heal you (can be bought with enough RR from sheara) then using an anlagrissa can be good in a large PvP fight too as it can heal a few players with 1 of its abilities.
A lvl 10 or 13 ice bear can also be effective in larger PvP fights too as when they become low on hp they start to cast a magic attack each turn, i have not seen these ever miss and they always deal the same dmg regardless of block or not which can be very helpful to deal larger faster dmg to enemies.
Another thing to consider is some mounts fight better against certain mounts than others. A shankar for instance will not perform the same against an anlagrissa as it would an endegar in terms of normal result.
When fighting mobs and you get others join some players will summon a mount to help them, often players will tend to call a cheap mount to summon such as a zorb or 1 of the ice bears as this leaves them a larger profit from the fight rather than use up alot of the drop on the cost of food to summon. Others choose to summon a stonger mount giving up some of the profit in order to keep the xp gained lower.
Moving some players will choose to sit upon a mount to speed up travel time. Often players will use the highest lvl mount they have for this as they usually have a greater bonus to speed so you can travel through locations faster to do quests, raid enemy lands or get to someone needing help in a fight.
Some mounts can be used by picking items to feed them rather than buying from the shop. The lagmur used underwater feeds from coral which can be picked underwater or bought from the shop underwater. This is the ONLY mount that you can feed with BOTH options to pick or buy its food, all other mounts only have the 1 option. The other mount that can be usde from picking its food it the ice bears that feed from snowballs which can be picked anywhere during the winter or from the eternal frost islands all year around. There is 1 other mount type that feeds differently to the majority, and that is the jakerals which feed from chaos particles.
MB Guide to Mounts
At first, I would divide mounts into 4 categories. Ordinary mounts, reputation mounts, super price mounts and quest mounts. Now one by one:
Ordinary mounts
Crion zorb, Berona tiger lvl 4
Battle zorb, Luan tiger lvl 6
Assault zorb, Elite tiger lvl 10
+ their poison variants lvl of base mount +1
These mounts are nothing special. They are cheap to call but they can’t perform a big show. Poison variants are best against fat HW as they have low dmg => higher chance of poison. Regular BC mostly turn them into little pieces fast.
Assault Zorb and Elite Tiger + their poison variants have nice patronage ability. It gives 7% dmg reduction which is handy during long fights. Best way to use them is when your HP drop to about 1/3 - 1/4 because they use Patronage only when masters HP drop low. In many fights I saw ppl calling these mounts without giving them chance to cast patronage, which is kind of sad and misuse. Other possible use of lvl 10 basic mounts can be during long fights where are mounts fast killed without chance of doing real dmg. Patronage then gives nice advantage.
Another good use of small mounts on higher levels is in case of having healing mount book which can give cheap healing.
Reputation mounts
Endagar, Shankar, Grumvol, Jakaral, Lagmur, Alastor, Hagridorf
+ Their advanced variants if possible
Endagar is great in big fights. Its step gives poison like dmg to many opponents, it can throw stones on enemy stunning it, resetting combo and making nice dmg.
Shankar excels in fight with good guys with BoV reputation. It gives nasty poison every hit. Also they give Shanky Eye which boost dmg very well. Best use in 1v1 Fists against BoV
Grumvol is best mount to use against opponents who use healing scrolls because it makes them regain life.
Jakaral is awesome mount. Use it when opponent don’t have antichaos scrolls and his damage will go to 1. Thx to this is also awesome against superbeengs cause killing them when they hit only 1dmg is…funny :-))) Also, thx to Jack healing ability when opponent block, is great for bigger battles as it force opponents to go out block and then giving chance to stun kill them easy.
Lagmur can be used only under water, most ppl use it when fighting captain, baby korrs or regular mobs to save XP.
Alastor, Hagridorf looks nice but I have there only to make list full as I’m not sure about use of them.
Super price mounts
Cerrador and Scorpolion
Cerradors are mostly use to naked hunt right after someone get it…sometimes it end there too
. It is very cheap to call and rly strong. It also can reduce enemy max HP which is very nice against superbeeings and ofc same as in PVP.
Scorpolions is one of best mounts for PVP, can do nice dmg, heal master and his alies, clean itself from effect and it is cheap to call. Who could resist?
Quest mounts
Polar bear, Anlagrisa, Corvus, Vargash, Ellan, Tuver and Zinka
Polar Bear – this snow eating beast is pretty nice reward for playing outside in winter. It’s nice to have, especially against HWs, who can have most problems to finish it fast during frenzy part of its life. But in fact, if its opponent save few bloods at the end, it can go down fast.
Anlagrisa is very strong woman’s mount, good choice for PVP or other battles.
Corvus excels in its movement speed. It is lvl 8 mount which speeds owner by 45%. Only faster mounts are lvl 13 and above. In fights it is ordinary mount. Not best, not worst.
Vargash is ordinary lvl 8 mount. Better then Luan or Battle zorb, his advanced version is better than assault zorb or berona tiger but nothing special.
Ellan and Tuver are useless mounts good to boost ego :grin: they can’t fight, they only can be used for transporting. But they are very rare as also very expensive.
Zinka the goat – best of all, Zinka at the end. This goat maybe can’t fight but definitely can kill opponent by laughing when see someone riding it in CC (on higher lvls expecialy)
Whole guide is based on my own personal experience figting with or against these mounts
At first, I would divide mounts into 4 categories. Ordinary mounts, reputation mounts, super price mounts and quest mounts. Now one by one:
Ordinary mounts
Crion zorb, Berona tiger lvl 4
Battle zorb, Luan tiger lvl 6
Assault zorb, Elite tiger lvl 10
+ their poison variants lvl of base mount +1
These mounts are nothing special. They are cheap to call but they can’t perform a big show. Poison variants are best against fat HW as they have low dmg => higher chance of poison. Regular BC mostly turn them into little pieces fast.
Assault Zorb and Elite Tiger + their poison variants have nice patronage ability. It gives 7% dmg reduction which is handy during long fights. Best way to use them is when your HP drop to about 1/3 - 1/4 because they use Patronage only when masters HP drop low. In many fights I saw ppl calling these mounts without giving them chance to cast patronage, which is kind of sad and misuse. Other possible use of lvl 10 basic mounts can be during long fights where are mounts fast killed without chance of doing real dmg. Patronage then gives nice advantage.
Another good use of small mounts on higher levels is in case of having healing mount book which can give cheap healing.
Reputation mounts
Endagar, Shankar, Grumvol, Jakaral, Lagmur, Alastor, Hagridorf
+ Their advanced variants if possible
Endagar is great in big fights. Its step gives poison like dmg to many opponents, it can throw stones on enemy stunning it, resetting combo and making nice dmg.
Shankar excels in fight with good guys with BoV reputation. It gives nasty poison every hit. Also they give Shanky Eye which boost dmg very well. Best use in 1v1 Fists against BoV
Grumvol is best mount to use against opponents who use healing scrolls because it makes them regain life.
Jakaral is awesome mount. Use it when opponent don’t have antichaos scrolls and his damage will go to 1. Thx to this is also awesome against superbeengs cause killing them when they hit only 1dmg is…funny :-))) Also, thx to Jack healing ability when opponent block, is great for bigger battles as it force opponents to go out block and then giving chance to stun kill them easy.
Lagmur can be used only under water, most ppl use it when fighting captain, baby korrs or regular mobs to save XP.
Alastor, Hagridorf looks nice but I have there only to make list full as I’m not sure about use of them.
Super price mounts
Cerrador and Scorpolion
Cerradors are mostly use to naked hunt right after someone get it…sometimes it end there too

Scorpolions is one of best mounts for PVP, can do nice dmg, heal master and his alies, clean itself from effect and it is cheap to call. Who could resist?
Quest mounts
Polar bear, Anlagrisa, Corvus, Vargash, Ellan, Tuver and Zinka
Polar Bear – this snow eating beast is pretty nice reward for playing outside in winter. It’s nice to have, especially against HWs, who can have most problems to finish it fast during frenzy part of its life. But in fact, if its opponent save few bloods at the end, it can go down fast.
Anlagrisa is very strong woman’s mount, good choice for PVP or other battles.
Corvus excels in its movement speed. It is lvl 8 mount which speeds owner by 45%. Only faster mounts are lvl 13 and above. In fights it is ordinary mount. Not best, not worst.
Vargash is ordinary lvl 8 mount. Better then Luan or Battle zorb, his advanced version is better than assault zorb or berona tiger but nothing special.
Ellan and Tuver are useless mounts good to boost ego :grin: they can’t fight, they only can be used for transporting. But they are very rare as also very expensive.
Zinka the goat – best of all, Zinka at the end. This goat maybe can’t fight but definitely can kill opponent by laughing when see someone riding it in CC (on higher lvls expecialy)
Whole guide is based on my own personal experience figting with or against these mounts
Personally i feel mounts should be devided in the section of levelclass where they are most useful.
Up to level 5:
- crion zorb/berona tiger: minor bump in the road, not useful for anything but doing alittle bit damage and tanking some of the opponents hits
- corvus: same story as the crion zorb, nothing special to worry about, not great for pvp nor pve
- poisonous crionzorb/berona tiger: able to naked hunt silly little things as veteran demon hounds for some quests and if it manages to land its poison its fairly decent in pvp up to level 5.
Up to level 8:
- battlezorb/luan tiger: great for naked hunting your gray chaos badge on gungls, sadly enough also good for naked hunting other things (such ass durghkies on mag side, pkhadd bears on human side)
- poisonous battlezorb/luan tiger: worthless for naked hunting (due to high food costs) but better for pvp due to the ability to land its poisons, very little hp boost compared to the unpoisoned versions.
- golden feathered Corvus: not great for pvp, not great for pve, im not entirely sure what this mount is good for besides (as miaug already stated above me) its movement speed.
- ash/resin vargash: this mount actually is relatively good for pvp, it has decent damage and seems to block/dodge quite a bit, for pve its less useful due to its cost/gain ratio.
- Icebear: good for pvp due to a special magic it gets when its on its last ~300 hp, doing magic damage which can not be reduced, also good for naked hunting/pve considering its food (snowballs) can be obtained by picking snow in the frozen islands and therefor is free of charge.
- Endagar: great mount in large pve fights due to its step, great stand-alone mount for pvp with an added bonus against boe members due to a higher damage on every hit. also viable for hunting superbeings.
- Shankar: great mount for pvp where it supports its owner the shankar eye which increases their damage, also it applies an on hit poison vs a bov member, viable for hunting superbeings as well.
- Grumvol: in pvp it is highly useful mostly against people who use scrolls to heal as it heals itself upon hits vs opponents that are healing, viable for hunting superbeings as well.
- Anlagrissa: great pvp mount due to the heal it gives its owner and serveral of its allies, a large magic damage slash and a stun, also good for fighting superbeings, less viable for pve due to its high food costs. (only to be used by women)
- Emerald Jakaral: this mount excells in pvp, this due to the ability to heal its master and allies on regular basis and healing himself whenever it faces an opponent that is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts.
- Wild Jakaral: the very best you can stumble upon for this levelgroup, amazing in pvp, pve and hunting superbeings due to its ability to lower the opponents damage and (for pvp) it heals itself whenever an opponent is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts.
Up to level 11:
- Prairy/Cave Vargash: i feel this mount is the weakest of this section, viable in pve, not more as a bump in the road in pvp.
- Assaultzorb/Elite berona tiger: this mount casts a patonage which lowers the incoming damage, hence why you should drop this whenever your hp is low before using a single lifepot yet, or use it right at the start when you know the mount gets on low hp itself relatively fast to trigger the effect.
- Venomous assaultzorb/Elite berona tiger: same story as its regular version, with the exception that it applies a devastating poison upon opponents as well.
- Roaming Icebear: good for pvp due to a special magic it gets when its on its last ~500 hp? (not entirely sure where it starts using magic), doing magic damage which can not be reduced, also good for naked hunting/pve considering its food (snowballs) can be obtained by picking snow in the frozen islands and therefor is free of charge.
- invincible Endagar: great mount in large pve fights due to its step, great stand-alone mount for pvp with an added bonus against boe members due to a higher damage on every hit. also viable for hunting superbeings.
- Posessed Shankar: great stand-alone mount for pvp with an added bonus against boe members due to a higher damage on every hit. good at hunting superbeings.
- Twilight Grumvol: in pvp it is highly useful mostly against people who use scrolls to heal as it heals itself upon hits vs opponents that are healing, viable for hunting superbeings as well.
- Smoky Anlagrissa: gives a 500 damage shield to its owner + several allies, making it useful in large fights in pvp, pve and superbeing hunting. (only to be used by women)
- Purple Jakaral: this mount excells in pvp, this due to the ability to heal its master and allies on regular basis and healing himself whenever it faces an opponent that is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts.
- Bloody Jakaral: the very best you can stumble upon against any opponent which is not prepared to fight chaos mounts, amazing in pvp, pve and hunting superbeings due to its ability to lower the opponents damage and (for pvp) it heals itself whenever an opponent is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts
Level 12+:
- Demonic Shankar: huge impact on pvp due to its shankar eye, good for pve (even naked hunting) as well.
- Titanic Endagar: incredibly powerful in large pvp fights due to its mass effect stomp, viable for naked hunting as well.
- Ghostly Grumvol: sadly enough this mount has a little downfall compared to its rivals on level 16, still good pvp and pve, just less dominant as previously mentioned 2.
- Marble Anlagrissa: it shields its owner and several allies for a mindblowing 700 damagepoints, sadly enough being seriously low on hp compared to the other level 16 mounts it also makes the anlagrissa a less viable option in most situations, besides being by far the best looking choice. (also only able to use if you are female)
- Hagridoff/Alastor: only useable in certain locations to hunt kroffdors/eldives, making them only viable for pve and even there they get outclassed by the level 16 mounts, personally i'd consider these creatures mostly a no-go considering their food is made from valuable resource items for kroffdor/eldive reputation.
Finally there are 2 mounts left which are superprizes, hence why i didnt put them in any category since they are only obtainable by the luckiest/richest amongst us.
- Cerrador and its upgrades (invincible and indomitable cerrador): top class pve due to their incredibly low foodcosts and the ability to lower the max hp from its opponent, also it reduces the damage the opponent does to it. also incredibly strong in pvp due to these features.
- Scorpolion and its upgrades (cave and razortooth scorpolion): incredibly good for pve due to low costs, damage reflection spell and a mass hit spell for a % of the opponents health. i feel that its strenght is laying in pvp where these mentioned spells are of more effect, especially in combination with its other magic, to transform the damage it does with its mass damage spell back into hp for its owner + 5 of his allies, being able to turn complete fights with this ability.
Up to level 5:
- crion zorb/berona tiger: minor bump in the road, not useful for anything but doing alittle bit damage and tanking some of the opponents hits
- corvus: same story as the crion zorb, nothing special to worry about, not great for pvp nor pve
- poisonous crionzorb/berona tiger: able to naked hunt silly little things as veteran demon hounds for some quests and if it manages to land its poison its fairly decent in pvp up to level 5.
Up to level 8:
- battlezorb/luan tiger: great for naked hunting your gray chaos badge on gungls, sadly enough also good for naked hunting other things (such ass durghkies on mag side, pkhadd bears on human side)
- poisonous battlezorb/luan tiger: worthless for naked hunting (due to high food costs) but better for pvp due to the ability to land its poisons, very little hp boost compared to the unpoisoned versions.
- golden feathered Corvus: not great for pvp, not great for pve, im not entirely sure what this mount is good for besides (as miaug already stated above me) its movement speed.
- ash/resin vargash: this mount actually is relatively good for pvp, it has decent damage and seems to block/dodge quite a bit, for pve its less useful due to its cost/gain ratio.
- Icebear: good for pvp due to a special magic it gets when its on its last ~300 hp, doing magic damage which can not be reduced, also good for naked hunting/pve considering its food (snowballs) can be obtained by picking snow in the frozen islands and therefor is free of charge.
- Endagar: great mount in large pve fights due to its step, great stand-alone mount for pvp with an added bonus against boe members due to a higher damage on every hit. also viable for hunting superbeings.
- Shankar: great mount for pvp where it supports its owner the shankar eye which increases their damage, also it applies an on hit poison vs a bov member, viable for hunting superbeings as well.
- Grumvol: in pvp it is highly useful mostly against people who use scrolls to heal as it heals itself upon hits vs opponents that are healing, viable for hunting superbeings as well.
- Anlagrissa: great pvp mount due to the heal it gives its owner and serveral of its allies, a large magic damage slash and a stun, also good for fighting superbeings, less viable for pve due to its high food costs. (only to be used by women)
- Emerald Jakaral: this mount excells in pvp, this due to the ability to heal its master and allies on regular basis and healing himself whenever it faces an opponent that is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts.
- Wild Jakaral: the very best you can stumble upon for this levelgroup, amazing in pvp, pve and hunting superbeings due to its ability to lower the opponents damage and (for pvp) it heals itself whenever an opponent is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts.
Up to level 11:
- Prairy/Cave Vargash: i feel this mount is the weakest of this section, viable in pve, not more as a bump in the road in pvp.
- Assaultzorb/Elite berona tiger: this mount casts a patonage which lowers the incoming damage, hence why you should drop this whenever your hp is low before using a single lifepot yet, or use it right at the start when you know the mount gets on low hp itself relatively fast to trigger the effect.
- Venomous assaultzorb/Elite berona tiger: same story as its regular version, with the exception that it applies a devastating poison upon opponents as well.
- Roaming Icebear: good for pvp due to a special magic it gets when its on its last ~500 hp? (not entirely sure where it starts using magic), doing magic damage which can not be reduced, also good for naked hunting/pve considering its food (snowballs) can be obtained by picking snow in the frozen islands and therefor is free of charge.
- invincible Endagar: great mount in large pve fights due to its step, great stand-alone mount for pvp with an added bonus against boe members due to a higher damage on every hit. also viable for hunting superbeings.
- Posessed Shankar: great stand-alone mount for pvp with an added bonus against boe members due to a higher damage on every hit. good at hunting superbeings.
- Twilight Grumvol: in pvp it is highly useful mostly against people who use scrolls to heal as it heals itself upon hits vs opponents that are healing, viable for hunting superbeings as well.
- Smoky Anlagrissa: gives a 500 damage shield to its owner + several allies, making it useful in large fights in pvp, pve and superbeing hunting. (only to be used by women)
- Purple Jakaral: this mount excells in pvp, this due to the ability to heal its master and allies on regular basis and healing himself whenever it faces an opponent that is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts.
- Bloody Jakaral: the very best you can stumble upon against any opponent which is not prepared to fight chaos mounts, amazing in pvp, pve and hunting superbeings due to its ability to lower the opponents damage and (for pvp) it heals itself whenever an opponent is blocking. its only downfall is the fact that its food is not simply to be bought in the shop but requires chaos particles to buy, making it difficult (if not impossible) to use as often as any of the other mentioned mounts
Level 12+:
- Demonic Shankar: huge impact on pvp due to its shankar eye, good for pve (even naked hunting) as well.
- Titanic Endagar: incredibly powerful in large pvp fights due to its mass effect stomp, viable for naked hunting as well.
- Ghostly Grumvol: sadly enough this mount has a little downfall compared to its rivals on level 16, still good pvp and pve, just less dominant as previously mentioned 2.
- Marble Anlagrissa: it shields its owner and several allies for a mindblowing 700 damagepoints, sadly enough being seriously low on hp compared to the other level 16 mounts it also makes the anlagrissa a less viable option in most situations, besides being by far the best looking choice. (also only able to use if you are female)
- Hagridoff/Alastor: only useable in certain locations to hunt kroffdors/eldives, making them only viable for pve and even there they get outclassed by the level 16 mounts, personally i'd consider these creatures mostly a no-go considering their food is made from valuable resource items for kroffdor/eldive reputation.
Finally there are 2 mounts left which are superprizes, hence why i didnt put them in any category since they are only obtainable by the luckiest/richest amongst us.
- Cerrador and its upgrades (invincible and indomitable cerrador): top class pve due to their incredibly low foodcosts and the ability to lower the max hp from its opponent, also it reduces the damage the opponent does to it. also incredibly strong in pvp due to these features.
- Scorpolion and its upgrades (cave and razortooth scorpolion): incredibly good for pve due to low costs, damage reflection spell and a mass hit spell for a % of the opponents health. i feel that its strenght is laying in pvp where these mentioned spells are of more effect, especially in combination with its other magic, to transform the damage it does with its mass damage spell back into hp for its owner + 5 of his allies, being able to turn complete fights with this ability.
Congratz to our winners :)
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