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Tuesday, March 6th 2018, 4:00pm

The definition of Hypocrisy

Ok, I know it's none of my business and honestly, I don't really know the guy and I don't really have anything against him but come on man, can you be more of a hypocrit right now?

Bruce, level 18 human, was jailed for a long time for some cheating thing, can't remember if it was bot using or power leveling. he got out of it after a few months in jail....I won't discuss the why and how, doesn't matter, it is what it is, not the point I want to make here....but man, this is on your profile right now: "Sorry, but i do not play with cheaters"


What's the definition of Hypocrisy?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posts: 152

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Tuesday, March 6th 2018, 5:42pm

I don't know, I think that's fair. If I'm unbearably annoying that does not mean that I want to play with other annoying players, maybe he wants to feel special and you can't be special in a group of people that are just like you :woot:

It would be hypocritical if he calls you a cheater while he doesnt accept that he did it himself, if he takes pride in supporting the game with 500€ then theres nothing wrong with it


Thursday, March 8th 2018, 10:49am

Well, if everyone cheats, what's the point in cheating in the first place ? This is just about competition. 8)