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[EFFECT] Superblow
Weekly knowledge test: 10/01-16/01/2020
How many new superblows is there and what do you need to to in detail to receive them?
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
- From all correct and complete answers up to 5 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- Only complete and detailed answers will be rewarded. If there is more than 5 detailed and complete answers the most unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.
Good game and good luck for all! 
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Jan 17th 2020, 8:33am)
Talisme Defenders reputation:
lvl16 - Great Wild Boar Strength : Inflicts additional 50 magic damage.
lvl17 - Leopard Fury : Burns up 10% of enemy mana.
lvl18 - Great Thirst for Revenge : Restores 50% life and 50% mana from inflicted damage.
Interpreters of Vision reputation
lvl16 - Lion Power Super-Blow : Increases character strength by 10 to end of battle.
lvl17 - Owl Wisdom : Increases character wisdom by 10 to end of battle.
lvl18 - Brave Hawk : Increases character will by 10 to end of battle.
Tomb Raiders reputation:
lvl16 - Wild Boar Strength : Inflicts additional 20 physical damage.
lvl17 - Thirst for Revenge : Restores 10% mana to player.
lvl18 - Cobra Attack: Enemy loses 6% life and 6% mana for 60 seconds as a result of cursed bleeding (but no more than 300 units in total).
Those are newest super-blows as i know;
lvl19 - Sphinx’s Fury Attack :Increases the damage of your finishing blow by 75% and removes bleeding effects.
lvl19 - Flying Crane Attack : Protects against stunning blow for 7 turns and reduces incoming magical damage when you are not blocking.
lvl20 : Northern Bear : Has a high chance of stunning the enemy for 6 seconds.
lvl20: Dragon Rage : Finishing blow has a 100% chance of dealing critical damage with the blow and glaze.
Thats all i can find. I couldnt find the details. If i find them, i will edit this
Dr Hanasomay
Tomb Raiders reputation:
lvl16 - Wild Boar Strength : Inflicts additional 20 physical damage.
lvl17 - Thirst for Revenge : Restores 10% mana to player.
lvl18 - Cobra Attack:Enemy loses 6% life and 6% mana for 60 seconds as a result of cursed bleeding (but no more than 300 units in total).
Talisme Defenders reputation
lvl16 - Great Wild Boar Strength : Inflicts additional 50 magic damage.
lvl17 - Leopard Fury : Burns up 10% of enemy mana.
lvl18 - Great Thirst for Revenge : Restores 50% life and 50% mana from inflicted damage.
Interpreters of Vision reputation
lvl16 - Lion Power Super-blow : Increases character strength by 10 to end of battle.
lvl17 - Owl Wisdom : Increases character wisdom by 10 to end of battle.
lvl18 - Brave Hawk : Increases character will by 10 to end of battle.
Shadow quests:
lvl7 - Cleaving Blow : The damage throws the enemy off-balance, greatly increasing physical damage they take when blocking for 5 turns.
lvl17 - Piercing Blow : The damage throws the enemy off-balance, greatly increasing physical and magical damage they take when blocking for 5 turns.
Quest superblows:
lvl5 - Strength of Giant: Causes extra 7 damage and increases chances of a critical blow for 40seconds.
lvl6 - Shattering Blow: Increases damage of final blow by 50.
Executioner prfession superblow:
lvl8 - Uncontrollable Fury : Raises Trauma by 30 for 3 turns.
Already here or to be added later:
lvl19 - Sphinx’s Fury Attack :Increases the damage of your finishing blow by 75% and removes bleeding effects.
lvl19 - Flying Crane Attack : Protects against stunning blows for 7 turns and reduces incoming magical damage when you are not blocking.
lvl20 : Northern Bear : Has a high chance of stunning the enemy for 6 seconds.
lvl20: Dragon Rage : Finishing blow has a 100% chance of dealing critical damage with the blow and glaze.