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Story of a locksmith. The cost you pay
So, sometimes you ask us locksmithers if we can open your chests.
I like to be very clear about the price we pay but I feel sad when you send me a violet chest worth 2g and I break the lockpicks worth 3g.
For the people who doesn't trust us
I made this chat log after opening some... yes... caskets after the luck glow event.
(It's not ikke, if it was him... I couldn't put all the chat log here
I like to be very clear about the price we pay but I feel sad when you send me a violet chest worth 2g and I break the lockpicks worth 3g.
For the people who doesn't trust us

(It's not ikke, if it was him... I couldn't put all the chat log here

404 not found
13:32 You have bought the following items from the shop: Magic Locksmith Scroll 110 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:33 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:33 You have bought the following items from the shop: Magic Locksmith Scroll 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:34 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Collection Fragment received: Oiler 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Sorcery Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Sorcery Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Collection Fragment received: Listening Device 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Magic Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Magic Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Magic Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:33 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:33 You have bought the following items from the shop: Magic Locksmith Scroll 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:34 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:34 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Sorcery Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Enchanted Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Collection Fragment received: Oiler 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you unlock the large casket... Received: Large Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Sorcery Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Sorcery Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Collection Fragment received: Listening Device 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Magic Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Magic Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Magic Chest 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Magic Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:35 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Enchanted Box 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Enchanted Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Magic Casket 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:36 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:36 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
404 not found
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:40 Collection Fragment received: Remove a slave's ball and chain 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Bronze Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:37 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:37 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 You have rendered the Simple Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:38 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:38 Holding your breath, you break the casket. Received: Metal Chest (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:39 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:40 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:40 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:40 Collection Fragment received: Remove a slave's ball and chain 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
404 not found
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:41 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 3 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Collection Fragment received: Oiler 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Crucible of War battle preparation is starting for 17 level players! To join it, click HERE within 13:45:00.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:43 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:43 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:43 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:44 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:44 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:41 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 3 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Collection Fragment received: Box of Wax 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Collection Fragment received: Oiler 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:41 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:41 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:42 Crucible of War battle preparation is starting for 17 level players! To join it, click HERE within 13:45:00.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:42 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:42 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:43 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:43 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 You have rendered the Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:43 You have bought the following items from the shop: Set of Lock Picks 1 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:43 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Large Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Silver Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:44 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:44 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 Collection Fragment received: Black Mask 1 pcs.
13:44 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:44 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
404 not found
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Collection Fragment received: Oiler 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:47 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 5 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Collection Fragment received: Remove a slave's ball and chain 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 You have rendered the Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:45 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Set of Lock Picks 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:45 Collection Fragment received: Oiler 1 pcs.
13:45 Holding your breath, you break the trunk. Received: Gold Chest 1 pcs.
13:47 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 5 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Collection Fragment received: Remove a slave's ball and chain 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:47 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 4 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
404 not found
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:49 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:48 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 1 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Metal Casket (open) 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 You have rendered the Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs worthless through misuse.
13:49 You have bought the following items from the shop: Professional Lock Pick 2 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Gold Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Silver Casket 1 pcs.
13:49 Holding your breath, you break the strongbox. Received: Bronze Casket (open) 1 pcs.
404 not found

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