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 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

Posts: 574

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Monday, June 29th 2020, 10:20am

Complaints About Curses

If you believe that the curse imposed on you is not right, please write here following the guidelines:

1. Nick
2. Approximate time when you noticed you were cursed.
3. Last time you logged in, and weren't cursed (approx.)
4. Description of situation

Responsible for answering: Magmar Guards

Applications not filled in this form will be removed immediately!
Flood in any form, will be removed immediately! (possible forum gag between 1 and 7 days)

The final authority is the administration, therefore if the answer gotten here does not please you, write to Support
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Tuesday, November 17th 2020, 2:29pm

It is unfair way to pay the ban
15/11/2020 at about 19:00
15/11/2020 at about 14:30-15:00
ı was fined 1500g for violation of game rules article4.a,the reason for me placing a complaint about this fine is this:for years,every player who was jailed/fined joined shaissar fights and paid their fines,but evening of me being jailed there is a new rule without even guards being informed that players who join shaissar fights don't get any gold from it.I can only get %10 of the normal amount of gold ı'd get from monsters,the problem with that is that in level 20 every monster is designed to be killed only by using elixirs.Therefore ı can only pay by buying diamonds,and as someone who lives in Turkey,in this current exchange rate it's impossible to afford it. and this being done especially after Turkish players getting jailed(and with such a haste that only the guard who changed it knows about it,no others do),please revoke it so that we can get money from shaissars and have equality of opportunıty.

The reason you are fined for here is pretty clear) And has been explained to you in detail. Unfortunately is not allowed to display reason and proofs for fines in public, but this punishment has been set in agreement and accordance with the admistration. Feel free to address you complaint to support.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Nov 17th 2020, 3:20pm)


Tuesday, November 17th 2020, 2:39pm

It is IMPOSSIBLE to open this ban

2)16/11/2020 at about 09:35
3)16/11/2020 at about 09:10
4) When ı asked about fıne ı recieved to the guards,th reason presented to me was that in 2015 I used an IP with a player that ı don't even know(at workplace and/or internet café).What they are asking is that I find that person from 5 years ago who ı don't even know and pay for his fine,that way my curse will also go away,it's a very utopic scenario and as far as I can remember,I have already paid that fine.

Here as well, the reason is not only one share of an IP 5 yrs back. And the player you are related to is not only one. Here as well feel free to have a conversation with our Review team to get full clearance.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Nov 17th 2020, 3:21pm)


Tuesday, March 30th 2021, 4:48pm

1. Uran_YT
2. 16:44 30.03.2021
3. 14:00 30.03.2021
4. Hello. I went to the CC instance. I played actively there and brought the most points to the team. But during the game, I went to the toilet for 4-5 minutes. When I arrived, I saw the guardian's message. I replied to him 2 minutes after he wrote. I told him I was going to the toilet. After that, I continued the game. Why was I banned? Please unban


Tuesday, March 30th 2021, 4:58pm

I didn't figure out how to edit the commentatry

1. Uran_YT
2. 16:44 30.03.2021
3. 14:00 30.03.2021
4. Hello. I went to the CC instance. I played actively there and brought the most points to the team. But during the game, I went to the toilet for 4-5 minutes. When I arrived, I saw the guardian's message. I replied to him 2 minutes after he wrote. I told him I was going to the toilet. After that, I continued the game. Why was I banned? Please unban
Sry. I forgot to specify the nickname of the guardian with whom I corresponded. His nickname: Teddy-Bear

Good afternoon. I was sent the link 20 minutes into the instance and you were both not wearing enough armour and afk. I watched you for over ten minutes and there was no movement and you were not picking crystals. You had done nothing for the first half an hour. It wasnt until Teddy-Bear contacted you that you started participating.

You need to meet battlefield requirements at all times when you are in a battlfield. At level 3, you need to be wearing a minimum of 3 pieces of armour.

If you would like me to explain the rules to you further, feel free to contact me in game.

You can also contact LordOfNightmares or -MAD- for a review of your case if you are still unhappy with your punishment. They can be contacted via forum mail or in game.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Magic_Unicorn93" (Mar 31st 2021, 8:20am)

  • "Cobra Commander" has been banned

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Monday, August 2nd 2021, 12:27am

00:21 A Curse of Silence was imposed on player <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> <img src="" align="absmiddle" title="Chosen by Gods" /> Cobra Commander [20] <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> for 1h. Reason: Insults, cursing, campaigning.

00:21 marensman » Cobra Commander: that is not allowed

So let me get this straight: saying "once again admin fks up" is grounds for silence because the game froze, someone's shaissar fight got interrupted and everyone lost their potential gold? I also lost one fight when this occured, that cost me that fight.

And this guy says he has records of me "swearing"? Swearing at whom? I'm done with these incompetent, unqualified people staying in guards clan. Either do your job right or don't do it at all.

I'd like to see marensman relieved from his duties for this.

Handled. Sorry for the inconvenience.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Aug 2nd 2021, 1:31am)


Sunday, August 29th 2021, 12:05am

1. Raging
2. 26.08 17:54 A permanent Curse of Rejection has been placed on you.
3. I was online while this happened.
4. All right, so let's start with a reason of ban - combat arrangement. I have no idea how battlefields that I was going with i N s A n i T Y are considered rigged. Yes we enetered 5 arenas (there is limit of missions for Platinum Thaler of 5) where we met exacly the same players. But you must know, that there were 2 separate events going on, that required participation in the Arena battlefield, that is Star Custodians and Masked Carnival. Not everyone is participating in those events and getting punished for trying to complete those events is just ridiculous. There was no manipulation at any point of those battlefields, typical arena run that makes our team fastest win, that is doing 2 spheres and then fight, catching 2 different opponents or doing 2v2 fight. That is the most efficient way that almast guarantees win, as me and Insanity are top players at level 12 there is no combination of opponents from other race that can win against us. If there was any comunication between players you might ask. Everyone knows that because of Warofdragons Discord players have access to talk to each other. Was surprised there was no resistance from enemies, so after 2nd Arena I asked Dark_Knight_962 why is that. Got replied that they going just to get paints for Carnival Masks event. That’s it.
Very same day but later, we (me and insanity) decided to queue for temple, as insanity noticed there was 2:2 queue we created group of 3 players to have priority to enter battlefield. Misfortune we met excacly same players that we fight in Arenas before. Temples were straight forward, enemies knew they have no chance and didn't resist too long as I can suppose they knew how it ends. In one of the fights against Habaril he used shadow against me, I always forget to use it and give him chance to get valour, so when he used his shadow and I switched to his shadow I used mine to be sure He put poison skill on Habaril and get some valour. Then simply killed his shadow and finished the fight. After 2 Temples we decided to try again tomorrow, as of those only 1 player from our group got the Ritual. Next day we had no opportunity to queue to get it as we got banned.
So let's get it all together, yes we did participate with same players but there is already huge problem of people going to the battlefields as population of players is decreasing and there is high chance of getting same bunch of people. Some might say that we didn't buff enough. For people without any buffs basic buffs are more than enough (Earth gift, aureole, shadow, heavenly blessing, Table Cloths) and I am not gonna overbuff as creazy just to flex that I can oneshot some weaker players. This ban is simply unfounded and if it must be like this, that I can not participate in battlefields being affraid of meeting same players I just don't want to play this game anymore. PvP was always important part of my gameplay and had fun killing multiple players there.
I want to get refund of costs of the ban, that is 150g and apologies for ruining my good image as a mentor.

Dear player, thank you for your feedback. The battlefields in question have been investigated in close cooperation of both guards teams. However, if you feel you have been treated wrong you always have the chance to contact a member of our Review team (Lordofnightmares or -Mad- from magmar side) to have your case reviewed. We wish you all the best!

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Aug 29th 2021, 1:12am)


Thursday, October 14th 2021, 6:42pm

18:20 Spieler <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> CoinHunter [6] <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> <img src="" align="absmiddle" /> wurde mit dem Fluch des Schweigens von 6Std. Dauer belegt.

1. CoinHunter
2. Exact time: 18:20 server time, today. (14.10.2021)
3. Last login was today, it's my first curse thing on this account.
4. I was chatting little bit while i'm waiting to enter the rare resources store today and got muted from an invisible.

Responsible for answering:Endżi
(Not sure which guard i should've put their name here, but she was there when this happened.)

I have sent chat screenshot in the new discord server on wod-com general -> general-chat.

The Silence you were put under was applied by a player using a scroll, Not a Guard, if a Guard had done it there would be a description to curse of silence and you would have been told in private message why you were silenced.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Witcher-" (Oct 14th 2021, 7:21pm)

  • "The Great Khan" has been banned

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Friday, December 3rd 2021, 3:15pm

No such thread to report guards not doing their duties, so I'll be posting this here:

1. Negoite
2. Not ban, the problem arised today 03.12.2021 at around 14:30
3. N/A
4. Basically, when I contact the guard to ask about if he is the one who handles the marriage applications, he adds -Psychotica- who has nothing to do with my question to the chat. I asked the guard about when they are planning to approve my marriage application, he answers it with "I expect we will finish our review today/tomorrow" what? The application is for today at 20:00 game time, how does the review ending "tomorrow" help anyone? I explain this person that there hasn't been any interaction between me and the spouse other than exchanging gifts and chat messages, I still get answers like "Please leave the guard work to us, thank you for your input" as if I am giving any input to this incompetent excuse of a guard (hah! I ended up giving an input, after all) who can not even do a basic check on two players who want to get married. Then I get "we will be sure to wrap it up by the end of day today" which shows there were no, not a single one check done by this person (I have, on multiple occasions, asked the guard -Psychotica- about it and he has confirmed that he approved this, however we were waiting for another person's approval for the entirety of this week) because they "have a lot of work in queue including the marriage application by me" and that I can "keep checking the forums and keep messaging him all day about this" like I am asking a favor? This isn't a charity, you get paid for doing this, at least do so much to earn your pay.

In short, the guard not only didn't do his job for the entirety of 7 days since the application was made, but has also dodged any question I have asked regarding the marriage, didn't give any solid answer other than that he "expects to finish today or tomorrow" and is "sure to wrap it up by the end of the day" (as if there is anything to wrap up with zero [null, 0] interaction between two players who want to be married). Now I have to sit down with the consecrator and with my spouse to set another date and another time for the marriage since all of the plans have now gone down the drain because of a single incompetent guard refusing to do his job that will not even take five (yes, "5" and with roman numerals "V") minutes for the past 168 hours. I am not an expert in maths but when you multiply 168 by 60, it makes a lot of numbers. On top of all of that, his answers were not even sincere, this person didn't even have any remorse, not a single "I'm sorry" not a single "sorry, made you wait a week" and not a single "I'll take care of it" no, it's just "I expect" and "I am sure" as if he wanted to delay it to the very last second, which is essentially what he did. I, my spouse and the consecrator we chose all have to pay for his incompetence. We all have to change our plans. This is not acceptable.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We normally ask for up to 7 days to handle the approval of marriages, as outlined in the wedding application instructions. Although we appreciate that this may be frustrating, this time period is indicated to mitigate issues in circumstances such as these, where other investigations may require more attention.

We are sorry that the process for your wedding application elapsed for a longer than anticipated period, and for the inconveniences it may have caused. Please see your approved application here. Thank you for your patience and best of luck.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Dec 4th 2021, 12:25am)

  • "The Great Khan" has been banned

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Wednesday, March 23rd 2022, 7:35pm

1. Negoite
2. 19:29
3. 23.03.2022
4. Out of nowhere this guy curses me with silence for 1 hour. Why? First you people in the guards clan hold grudges, now you silence people for no reason? Is this what this has come to? I demand an explanation and the lift of the curse of silence right away.

The curse of silence was in response to a message which you posted in Main Chat at 19:25. The message contained foul and insulting language, hence the 1 hour gag. In future please refrain from posting such messages.

You may find further details of the chat rules here:

Thank you.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Mar 23rd 2022, 9:51pm)

  • "The Great Khan" has been banned

Posts: 1,998

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Thursday, March 24th 2022, 3:25pm

I've sent more than one message at 19:25. Show me the message that contains insult in it.

Naturally that information cannot be posted in the forum. Please feel free to contact -MiSHkY- in game to find out more. Thank you.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Mar 24th 2022, 4:34pm)


Sunday, May 1st 2022, 8:31pm

1. --Axe--
2. Around 12.30 maybe at 29.04
3. was online at the time cursed
4. Im cursed with power level due to mistake my son made while i was not home but comp open (he used to play this also while back) im not gonna dispute the curse, error was made and thats a fact, However,my issue is with the amount the fine is and also about purcheses i made AFTER this offence was done,as i didnt know at that time when i purchased(otherwise obviously i woudnt have purchased anything knowing a curse was coming,not giving you guys money). So basickly i buy 250 diamonds with no way to use to pay off curse,you guys just keep the money? well there is no way thats gonna happen. So i need to speak to a guard as soon as possible,preffarable not in this thread. i know the standard answeres we get here.

best regards,thank you.


Sunday, May 1st 2022, 8:44pm

1. --Axe--
2. Around 12.30 maybe at 29.04
3. was online at the time cursed
4. Im cursed with power level due to mistake my son made while i was not home but comp open (he used to play this also while back) im not gonna dispute the curse, error was made and thats a fact, However,my issue is with the amount the fine is and also about purcheses i made AFTER this offence was done,as i didnt know at that time when i purchased(otherwise obviously i woudnt have purchased anything knowing a curse was coming,not giving you guys money). So basickly i buy 250 diamonds with no way to use to pay off curse,you guys just keep the money? well there is no way thats gonna happen. So i need to speak to a guard as soon as possible,preffarable not in this thread. i know the standard answeres we get here.

best regards,thank you.
So can a guard contact me in game by any chance,or i go threw support?(ive already sent them a good msg to considder.) im not disputing the penalty itself but the amount. what i ask, cant 150 dia for examble not been taken off me to pay that debt off? its almoust equal worth the amount.besides if gold were to be paid,that would be buying 30x the amount of dia to convert to gold..doesnt make much sense does it :)

Dear player,

Unfortunately, in such scenarios there are no options to reduce the penalty in the way you have mentioned.

You may contact the Guards team in-game to find out more.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (May 3rd 2022, 2:37pm)


Tuesday, May 3rd 2022, 4:44pm

1. --Axe--
2. Around 12.30 maybe at 29.04
3. was online at the time cursed
4. Im cursed with power level due to mistake my son made while i was not home but comp open (he used to play this also while back) im not gonna dispute the curse, error was made and thats a fact, However,my issue is with the amount the fine is and also about purcheses i made AFTER this offence was done,as i didnt know at that time when i purchased(otherwise obviously i woudnt have purchased anything knowing a curse was coming,not giving you guys money). So basickly i buy 250 diamonds with no way to use to pay off curse,you guys just keep the money? well there is no way thats gonna happen. So i need to speak to a guard as soon as possible,preffarable not in this thread. i know the standard answeres we get here.

best regards,thank you.
So can a guard contact me in game by any chance,or i go threw support?(ive already sent them a good msg to considder.) im not disputing the penalty itself but the amount. what i ask, cant 150 dia for examble not been taken off me to pay that debt off? its almoust equal worth the amount.besides if gold were to be paid,that would be buying 30x the amount of dia to convert to gold..doesnt make much sense does it :)

Dear player,

Unfortunately, in such scenarios there are no options to reduce the penalty in the way you have mentioned.

You may contact the Guards team in-game to find out more.
There is always a way. Or are my Current diamonds(250) that were bought after this offence took place (you can check those dates) gonna be refunded? as that should be done for sure if there is no option to release the character.
as there is no option to pay off this debt like you guys say? .


Wednesday, June 29th 2022, 7:01am

Curse pay but Curse stay on me

Nick :ColdHeart
Time get course :28.02.2022 21:30 around
I got a curse yesterday at around 9:30 p.m. from another account, I also paid my fine directly. But my ColdHeart account is still under curse.
Please remove it, thank you


Wednesday, July 20th 2022, 10:07pm

1. Egeria-
2. 18.07 in the morning
3. 17.07 evening
4. Due to receiving an in-game penalty from the Guardian
I am asking you to indicate the point of the regulations that I broke. In correspondence with the guard, I could not find out what point was broken. In addition, attempts to explain that my profile does not appear in Polish, offensive words have not been successful. The guard does not know the Polish language and he used a translator.
"The comments in this game are like driving a car: everyone we overtake are (awful) aunts / aunts and those who overtake us are complete idiots ---> long live the tolerance."
My entry does not contain the word "censored", while the word "idiot" according to the PWN Dictionary of Polish Language means: idiot
1. "a profoundly mentally disabled person"
2. offense. "fool"
Wikipedia: Idiot - mentally retarded person according to old classifications. Idiocy is a term currently not used in medicine due to its pejorative colloquial meaning
The Idiot - a novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Idiot - Russian short film from 1910, screening of the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, dir. Piotr Czardynin
Idiot - Japanese film from 1951, dir. Akira Kurosawa
Idiot (also as: Murderer of misery) - film from 1911, dir. Abraham Izaak Kaminski
I would like to kindly inform you that I have had this quote from the newspaper in my profile for 9 years. My account has been checked
during this period, many times by both guards and admins. In addition, 6 years ago, another ranger had this topic
doubts, I was banned - I paid but after complaining about the actions of the Guardian, the Admin from the PL server allowed
original spelling and the Stalker was removed from the guard.
As for the interpretation of the word "censored", the PWN Dictionary of the Polish Language defines:
1st posp. "Reluctantly about a woman"
2nd posp. "homosexual"
3. posp. "menstruation"
Our Dictionary of the Polish Language does not consider this expression offensive and since it is written in Polish, it applies
Polish translation. You cannot use only translator, because no translator will give away complicated ones
intricacies of the native language. Example: if a Polish guard found the entry of a Spanish player "Volé la curva del camino"
he should also get a ban because in Polish it means: "I censoreda censored on the road". So I am asking for the withdrawal of the penalty,
because I have been unfairly punished once for it and twice for the same cannot be punished. I ask also for
detailed guidelines for the gatekeeper to act on the use of the translator and persistent failure to pass
point of the regulations that has been broken. I gave my request twice.
In my opinion, no foreigner using a translator is able to understand the intricacies of another language,
especially Polish, which is one of the 7 most difficult languages ​​in the world. These types of punishments are in nature
persecution, because if he informs the guard that the matter has already been clarified once and he is ignoring it, it must be something wrong

Dear player,

Firstly, please let me remind you that while this is a Complaints about curses section of the forum, posts here should adhere to the forum rules, which can be found here. Under no circumstances should examples of profanity be used to attempt to justify your case.

Now, onto the punishment itself:
  • We cannot speak to the actions of the former PL server Guards and/or Administration, but there is a requirement for profiles to follow the Game Rules.
  • Contrary to your belief, the translation of your profile was conducted by multiple fluent Polish-speakers, who all verified the content and context with which the text was written. Therefore, it was fairly assessed and deemed to violate the game rules (link above). There were also additional violations, other than what you posted.
  • Examples of cross-language translations. When doing so, it is rather clear what language is being used. While there may be areas for misinterpretation (as per your example), it is clear what language is being used and hence the accurate translation will naturally be what is written (and not assuming Spanish text is infact Polish).

Ultimately, the punishment in this case is justified and will not be amended or removed.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jul 21st 2022, 11:39pm)


Wednesday, August 3rd 2022, 10:10am

1. Egeria-
2. 03.08 in the morning
3. 02.08 evening
4. Due to receiving an in-game penalty from the Guardian
Please explain to me why I got a penalty again, since on July 24 I paid the penalty imposed earlier and explained the problem with the BigTasty security guard. The guard approved the change in the content of the profile (I have the chat logs as proof) and confirmed that everything is fine. Since then, I have not made any changes to the content of the profile, so why and for what did I get banned?
This is some kind of joke? Do you have any new Polish language specialists?
The fact that you do not respect the previous arrangements of Polish admins, that you do not follow pre-established rules, that you use a translator (which was confirmed by the guard in an interview with me) and that you claim that you have "linguists" proves your incompetence. Personally, I am beginning to perceive such behavior as a campaign against me and an aversion to the Polish community of this game.
In connection with the above, I am asking for:
- indication on the forum of the alleged reason for being punished again, because the arrangements with the guard on priv, as you can see, do not guarantee the final answer
- an explanation why one guard accepts the content in the profile and in a few days I am punished a second time
- a specific indication of the support department (link) where I can file a complaint about the actions of the guards.
I do not know English and I use a translator and I am not ashamed to admit it, unlike you, so write clearly and without using synonyms because it may translate badly for me.


As you have raised several points, we will answer them individually:
1. There seems to have been some oversight in this matter with the text that was written in your profile, and clearance should not have been provided to continue with it. However, your profile (motto) still contained foul language, albeit censored. Additionally, you chose to use variations of the spellings of certain foul words to convey the same message. As would be for any language in the game, this is against the rules. You cannot use foul language or deliberate variations to attempt to violate the game rules.
2. Contrary to your belief, the pre-established rules are being followed here. The onus is on the player to ensure that they are complying with the rules. Here, again, it is clear that you are not. Any arrangements made by the previous Administration on the PL server is not applicable to the COM server.
3. To your thought of a vendetta against the Polish community - actually, the idea here is to impose equal rules on all members of the War of Dragons community. This means you are also required to follow the rules.
4. Should you have any issues with the punishment, you can either contact me in-game or, as per your wishes, the Technical Support team here.

My final advice is to please stray from using foul language in your profile and attempting to circumvent the rules.


poruszyłaś kilka kwestii, odpowiemy na każdą osobno:
1. Nastąpiło pewne niedopatrzenie jeśli chodzi o tekst w Twoim profilu, klątwa nie powinna była być zdjęta. Twój profil (motto) wciąż jednak zawiera - chociaż ocenzurowane - wulgaryzmy. Dodatkowo zdecydowałaś się użyć różnych wariantów pisowni pewnych niecenzuralnych wyrazów żeby przekazać tę samą treść. To, jak przypadku każdego języka w grze, jest niezgodne z zasadami. Nie można używać wulgaryzmów ani wyrazów od nich pochodnych w celu obejścia zasad gry.
2. Wbrew Twojemu przekonaniu, przestrzega się tutaj wcześniej ustalonych zasad. Na graczu spoczywa obowiązek upewnienia się, że tych zasad przestrzega. Jednak wyraźnie widać, że w tym wypadku Ty tego nie robisz. Wszelkie ustalenia z Administracją polskiego serwera nie mają zastosowania na COM.
3. Do Twojej myśli o wendecie przeciwko polskojęzycznej społeczności - w rzeczywistości chodzi o egzekwowanie takich samych zasad od wszystkich członków społeczności War of Dragons.
4. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań odnośnie kary, możesz skontaktować się ze mną w grze lub, zgodnie z Twoim życzeniem, z zespołem pomocy technicznej tutaj[

Moja ostatnia rada: proszę zaprzestań używania wulgaryzmów w swoim profilu i prób obchodzenia zasad.

This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Aug 3rd 2022, 10:00pm)


Friday, September 16th 2022, 1:19am

Curse of Rejection


I noticed in 2022
Last Time logging with no curse was around 2016-2017
I am not sure why the curse, but I would like to know how yo removed please. If this Is not te right place where yo requested, please Let me know where due to I create a ticket and they mention that Is handle by guards. Thank you!

We will do a review on your situation. Please allow us a couple of days and we will be contacting you via private message in forum about the result.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 16th 2022, 10:22am)


Monday, October 24th 2022, 12:54am

20 horas
Power leveling and using more than one character
they accuse me of that and there are not several pj that are involved which I have never shared connection or ip, of which I clarify that in my profile I have clarified that I use several which one belongs to my wife who is eliza and the other it is my secondary account elgalactico02 with which I have not traded knowing the rules of the game
Thank you for the attention given and I hope a prompt solution, thank you very much

We will do a review on your situation. Please allow us a couple of days and we will be contacting you via private message in forum about the result.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Oct 27th 2022, 10:18am)


Friday, February 3rd 2023, 11:12pm

players with special protect by guards

I would like to ask why player T-deadly-J is undeder special protection from guards.. He is player like all of us ..He can atack evryone, he can throw negtive efect on evryone,, he is from oposite race,, And if i throw efect on him i have warning from gurads.

21:24 _Justitia_ » 0gan: your actions, including throwing dead rum, are considered an attack on guards and structurse in retaliation to your fine
21:24 _Justitia_ » 0gan: further actions of this and/or other kinds will be punished

1 he is no guards just part of clan HH
2 why he have special protection he always throw negative efect on me and if i use on him gurads want put me to prison!!
Its someone who can explain it?

HE always have jackpot from Bandit,, (its luck ) always around 00;00 time
He always won best privces from box including legendary iteams (its Luck)
When you fight with him you never see fight,, he kill you before log you in fight so you not have chance to drink even geant or see him..(he said he have the faster internet on the world)
And now we cant even throw efect on him or will l go to prison !!
Someone can explain how to get the protection like he have? :teacher:

As you have been already explained, actions in retaliation to your punishment are punishable:

10. Attacks on Guards, Mentors or any other structure member in retaliation for their work activities including, but not limited to, gags and curses.

Punishment: Curse of Rejection

Buying out fee:

From 50 for characters of levels 1 - 10
From 150 for characters of levels 11 - 20.

Any statement of blaming a member of structures for his punishment and announcing to only log in to retaliate to this person in throwing negatives is a violation of this rule.

You have been simply been warned to reconsider your actions concerning this.

T-Deadly-J is not protected from any negatives and attacks from any normal game-play. But we will not tolerate any destructve
actions towards any of our members.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 3rd 2023, 11:41pm)