What battlefields do you know, where it is not races fighting against eachother? And how do they work?
There are a mainly three type of battlefield :
1. race against battlefield
2. random pvp battlefield
3. incarnation type battlefield
Each type divided into his subtypes:
1. race against battlefield:
-Arena 2v2, the team that make 5 points first wins, the points can be earned by giving energy sphere or winning fights.
-Temple 3v3, the team that make 5 points first wins, the points can only be earned by making energy sphere by gathering 3 types of crystal that are around the temple in specific location, in hunt mode.
-Crystal Cave 9v9, the team that make 500 points first wins, the points can be earned by giving green, red or blue crystal, gathered in the corrispective caves, in the istance.
-Battlefield of Equals, acessable from level 11, same as the three battlefield described before, the only difference in these battlefields is that, the players who participate do not have their equipments, instead are given possibility to purchase equipments directly in the shop in the battlefield.
-Meridian Vaults, acessable from level 16,similar to the Battlefield of Equals, here player do not have their own equipments, and are given the possibility to buy the equipment directly in the shop of the battlefield, but here, based on personal reputation, the player will receive a special buff from the divinity.
2. random pvp battlefield
-Chaotic Battles, acessable from level 5, for level 10 or lower, it requires a minimum of 8 players to start, for lvl 11 and higher, just 6 to start, each level have his specific time schedule for Chaotic Battles, based on personal statistics, the player are separated into two teams, no matter of race, to fight each other in 1 big fight.
-Tallaar Halls, acessable from level 7, in rare cases also level 6, 10 player mixed fights, everyone here is invisible, the player will be able to attack, no matter race, everyone, the hall ends once finished 20 fights.
-Crucible of War, similar to Chaotic Battles, these battlefields are only for lvl 16+, the participats have to give 10
Warrior’s Emblem in order to participate into it, if you win you'll get 10
Emblem of Valour if you lose, you'll get 3
Emblem of Valour, the fights are 2v2, randomly distributed, based only on the order of participant.
3. incarnation type battlefield
Specific for a special istance, The Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes, where you have to choose which incarnation you want to be, buy the incarnation potion then fight as that incarnation, each incarnation have specific skills, you are able to farm in the istance to get token, to purchase special items in the istance shop.
P.S.Exept Chaotic Battles and Crucible of War, all other battlefields have his own time limits, once reached, all the fights in the battlefield will end, and it will end with the current score, who have the higher score will win.
For references :
BF in general
BF of Equals
Meridian Vaults
Tallaar Halls
Crucible of War